
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Deidre  O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille

Darrel Balkau


Club Update – Upcoming Meeting and Social Schedule:
February 20 – No Meeting

February Club Social – Replaced with Bon Voyage Party

February 26 – Bon Voyage Party for Chip and Brian

February 27 – Executive Meeting

March 6 – Regular Business Meeting

Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:33 - Deidre gave invocation. 

Darrel Balkau was welcomed and introduced to the members of the club.  Born and raised in White Rock, Darrell serves as a realtor with Sutton Realty and is also involved in the family moving business, B&B Mobile Services.

Executive Meeting – now February 27
Next Wednesday, February 20 would have been the regular scheduled date for the Executive Meeting.  Jerry will be out of town during that time, and given the fact that there is no speaker confirmed for February 27, it was agreed that the Executive Meeting would be moved to February 27. 

Cambodian Project
Chip and Brian are leaving for Cambodia on February 28, 2019 for 2 months to oversee the next phase of the Orphanage Update Project in Battambang, Cambodia.

This represents a major milestone with this project.  Deidre recommended that we document the accomplishments and progress, prepare an article, and submit to the Peace Arch News.  Everyone agreed that this would be an important way to acknowledge the work to date, achievements, and promote the commitment of our club.

It was also suggested that we should include this type of article, memorializing the project and include it in the bulletin.

In addition to the District and local grant, this project received an anonymous donation of $10,000 and another $5,000.  Age was no barrier -- Deidre and Brian’s grandchildren sold lemonade and donated their hard-earned revenues!

Our Anonymous Donor has contributed $30,000 to date.  Club members discussed various ways we might be able to recognize the donor in a way that respects their request for privacy.  Ideas such as honourary membership and/or a Paul Harris pin were reviewed.  Brian will connect with the donor this week. 

Cambodian Project Bon Voyage Party
Shortly after the February 13, 2019 Regular Club Meeting was adjourned, it was announced that there will be a Bon Voyage Celebration for Chip and Brian to be held on Tuesday, February 26 at 7:00 pm at the home of Rhonda and Herb Latreille.  The address is :

House #4 – 1426 Finlay Street, White Rock BC.  (House faces Thrift Avenue)

BYOB and some Appy’s to share.

Club Social
The regular club social for February will now be replaced with the Bon Voyage Party for Brian and Chip.

Sassy Awards Funding
We previously made a decision to contribute toward the Sassy awards contingent upon confirming a joint fundraising Shred it event with Urban Impact.   We were not able to confirm a joint project with Urban Impact.

Scott will be away for 2 months, and Roberta is taking over the search for another partner.  Since we do not have a confirmed fund-raising event to support this project, it was agreed that Jerry will send note to the Peace Arch Club letting them know that we are no longer able to participate in this project. 


Coldest Night Of The Year – Feb 23

Need to sign up online or at the day.  Fairly major national event. 

Passport For Fun
Roberta at meeting last week.  Thursday March 7 - $25 pp.  Starts at 7 - 9:30 - Rotary field House.  Last year - we had the largest representation/participation.  Fantastic way to meet new folks, get out of your comfort zone and have a great time!

April 27 - Rotary Work Day – April 27
Considering a 5-club project as well as individual club participation. Some suggestions included a project with First Nations or perhaps a Beach Clean Up.    We will also be contacting the City to see if there is a project we can participate in for Rotary Work Day.

Club Promotion – Brochure
Deidre updated information about our club and had a number printed for distribution at the Breakfast Fundraiser on March 16.  Jerry commented that it is a great brochure. 

5 Club Breakfast – March 16
Letters went out to stores asking for donations, waiting to hear back from Choices and Costco.  Chip has tickets @ $15 p/p for sale.  Want to get it done before end of Feb. 

Learning Center
Deidre put together an article and picture about our work with the Learning Centre and will submit to Peace Arch News.

Speaker Requests
Hard Rock Casino - Great Canadian Gaming requested the opportunity to give a presentation.  The club put it to a vote and it the majority of members voted to not invite them.

Hypnotherapist wants to give a presentation to promote her business for treatment of addictions - particularly smoking.  Jerry will connect with Rick.

No meeting next week and exec following week.

Adjournment 8:34.