September 6 Meeting Notes
Scott led members in singing of "O Canada". Rick provided invocation.  Pat introduced a guest, Alan Benicke,
Pat will ensure that a membership application for Carlos is completed.  An invitation will be sent to Bill Lambert, who was a guest at our last meeting, to attend the September 13 meeting where our District Governor will be in attendance.
Discussion on ideas to replace the 5 Club night at the races.  Various ideas will be investigated.
Reminder of the Sept 26 tour to the DeltaPort facility.  Leaving from the fieldhouse at 6:30 PM. Cost is $15 per person.
Rotary Facilitation Workshop is being held on September 16.  Please contact Pat if you are interested in attending.
The September 20 club social will be held at the S and L Restaurant. Rick to confirm details.
It was suggested that the posters for the Oct 28 "Ready, Steady, Go" event at the Crescent Beach Legion should be prepared soon as we will be competing with Halloween that night.
NOTE: If any club members have pictures of the club and club activities from prior years, please provide them to Pat.
Sergeant at Arms collected from Jerry, Peter, Alan, Rick, Don, Roberta and Jeff.