
Don Boyce - Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Renee Nicholson
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Call to Order and Welcome

Don called the meeting to order at 7:15, led the singing of the national anthem and Peter offered the invocation.

Reminded everyone that Ritu Khanna, Executive Director, South Surrey and White Rock Chamber of Commerce will be the guest speaker on November 7.  Encouraged everyone to bring guests.

Don made opening comments.  Women not part of Rotary until 1980s or so.  1989 Don was part of a new club forming that would accept women in their club.  Don helped to establish the Haney Club, later joined the Semiahmoo Club and then South Surrey.  He had originally been slated to serve as the President for the Haney Club, and chose to set that aside since he would be in Europe for 2 months during the important stage in its development.  As a result, Don has yet to serve as a club President.  Goal in Rotary has been 100% meetings and make up meetings if out of town.  Some of his best experiences in Rotary were his makeup meetings, especially in other countries.

Rotary Minute
Deidre referred to the War and Remembrance article in the Rotarian encouraged us to read it fully.

Irish Consulate General is now at Canada Place.  This is a first ever appointment here, and Deidre shared that the wife of the Consul General is a cousin of Deidre’s.

Rotary Foundation Month

Reminded to contribute to the Rotary Foundation - some are close to a Paul Harris award.  Go to Canadian Foundation website to make contribution. 

 Sgt. at Arms
Pat took happy dollars, and expressed how pleased he was that Renee was able to attend meeting.


District Foundation Dinner
Reminder of Dinner on Nov 3 in Bellingham.  Our club will be asked for an auction item worth about $100.

Meeting from 10-3 prior to the dinner.  Not sure anyone from our club will be attending.

Rotary Leadership Institute
Reminder - Nov 21 Port Moody

Christmas Party Reminder
December 12 at Renee’s social room!

Renee confirmed that the caterer will need to remove all plates and serving dishes that evening because social room is booked for the next day.  Renee shared that the caterer she uses for other events is able to meet this requirement.

Moved by Deidre and Seconded by Pat that :
“Renee approach her caterer to see if she is available to cater the Christmas Party.”

 Motion Passed. 
Renee will let Rick know — he had agreed to look into securing a caterer if need be.  Need at least 20 folks.  BYOB as last week.

 Ready - Steady – Go – November 24

·         Renee – Poster Seniors centres and condo area

·         Renee an Pat brought gifts for auction

·         Everyone was encouraged to go out and secure ticket sales and bring in silent auction items.

·         Deidre said it is time to start sending out posters.

·         Deidre suggests we start the flyer blitz at the end of October.

·         Ad for Ready Steady Go in Peace Arch News to go out November 9.  If we are sold out - don’t have to go with the ad.  Deidre confirmed that the ad brought in some sales.

Beer Garden Fundraiser
Pat provided an update on his meeting with Alex Nixon, BIA, Peace Arch and White Rock Rotary Clubs. 

Dick Stott from White Rock Club speak to both clubs about their experience.  It was suggested that we could  schedule a meeting for a Monday noon time and have Dick present.  Pat will work with Jerry to confirm meeting.

Don adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.