Jeff Richards — Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Rhonda Latreille
No Guests
Welcome and Call to Order:
Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:17, Deirdre provided the innovation and Jeff
gave us a Rotary quiz as the Rotary minute.
Seargent at Arms:
Scott canvassed the membership for happy/sad dollasr.
Member Contributions:
Pat Hahn — Renee - donated 2 $50 gift certificates from West Coast Gardens (she bought the certificates) and donated $100 for the Shred Wise event. Thank you, Renee!
Tour and lunch at Semiahmoo House:
Jeff, Roberta, Lynda and Rhonda attended the tour held on October 17, 2019.
Rhonda provided an update. The housing facility offers 120 units of which 27 are earmarked for adults with disabilities.
The main complex (separate building across a walk-way) hosts an enormous variety of programs ranging from a culinary program, music, computers, crafts and knitting, cards for sale, and jewelry etc.
Jerry will follow up with the Executive Director to explore ways in which we may be able to support their efforts.
World Polio Day - Newton Red Rose Restaurant.
Owner donating the food and the ticket purchase of $20 per person to go to the Rotary Foundation.
Financial Update:
Jeff provided a financial update.
We currently have about $10,000 for our program work, and need another $8,000 by the end of December to be able to access the District Grant dollars. Expect to net between $4,000 - $5,000 from the Fab Fourever Dance.
Lynda’s Installation and Honourary Members:
Deirdre to touch base with Lynda to determine when she is free and will ask for the District Governor to conduct the installation.
Pat and Deirdre to connect Iola and Janita regarding Honourary membership.
Fab Fourever Dance Review:
Scott stated that a number of people were disgruntled about Ivan Scott being there with his petition to keep the RCMP in Surrey, feeling that this turned it into a political event. He was asked to leave by the Legion bar staff.
Is there a better venue than the Legion for this dance in the future? Perhaps Elgin Hall?
Rick suggested that we look into an alternative, cost out resourcing a bar, and determine if it might be worth our while to take over this function as an additional revenue source.
Deirdre sent thank you notes to the band and legion and will share a copy of the thank you note she created for our donors for the silent auction. Deirdre offered to send thank you note to everyone’s donors and asked to send her the contact and contribution details.
Financial Update: Following this business meeting, Jeff was able to update the financial statement for the Fab Fourever Event.
We show net revenues of $5,206 –- best ever!
Scott has tents and tape and everything BUT buckets. Made up 2 signs - secure shredding Rotary
Chip agreed to pick up supplies from Scott and to help with taping off area. -
Postering – Flyers. We must really hit this hard – especially true since we are not known in this community for a Shred event and need to develop an awareness.
Roberta confirmed with Shredwise before they left on vacation.
Joanne has an ad in PAN for this Friday.
Deirdre and Rhonda to connect and confirm with Shredwise day before and day of.
Noel Gala reminder:
November 21 – Washington Avenue Grill
We need to sell tickets, secure donors for the silent auction as well as sponsors. Each member must also contribute a bottle of wine in value of $25 or more.
6 Club Christmas Party – December 17 – Hazelmere
Jeff reorganized field house and offered some space for South Surrey so there is a central location to hold our stuff.
Member Vacations:
Jerry and Roberta away October 23 – December 3
Scott away October 29 – December 10
Rhonda away November 8 – November 23.
Jeff adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.