Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Scott Phemister
Pat Hahn
Rhonda Latreille
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15 - Roberta gave the innovation and Deidre offered the Rotary Minute.
Coldest Night Walk:
Deirdre and Dawn Lynn represented our club well!
Very successful — one of the best shows from across Canada.  Some good sponsors.  Semiahmoo the largest participation in Rotary.
Deirdre reminded the membership the importance of responding to emails that go out to the group – especially when asking for confirmation of participation in an event.
President's Meeting:
Jerry provided an update.
White Rock - doing another book event in April 15-21.
Held at Curling rink at Centennial. 
Biggest book sale in BC.
Difference this year is that the last day of the book sale, they are offering to Churches or organizations the opportunity to pick up as many as they like for only $10 - this way they don't have to store the books again for the next sale.
Grant Seminar
Saturday, Feb 29, 2020 in the USA.
Rotary Learning Centre
March 7-8- online registration Learning Centre. Parts 1,2,3
6 Club breakfast - March 21
Our club responsible for clean up.
Chip is our rep on this project.
Deirdre has tickets from Chip.
Breakfast from 8:30 - 11:30
Baptist Church
Put up our display.
New Member Event -- March 25
Brad and Joan are putting on a new member event 7-9pm at the Roadhouse.
Social with presentations.
No charge.
Let’s see if Lynda is back in time!
Spring Club Training Experience (previously known as District Training) - April 4 at KPU
5 people at least - $45 per person – club pays for 5 persons.  Jerry said he would enroll for participants.
Playground Upgrade - White Rock Club – GALA April 4
Have already raised in excess of $100,000+ and need $150,000. 
Putting together a GALA and considering another date - may not be able to change. 
Charging $350 per ticket!
District Conference in Harrison – April 30 – May 3
$325 Cdn per person until March 1 then will be $395 
Rotary International — Hawaii - June 6-10.
Golfun- August 21st:
District fund raiser in the US
Passport Event - 6 Club Social
Some people had issues with the previous Passport Event.
Maybe schedule a 6 club bbq instead in May or June?  Scott suggested a later date due to our inconsistent weather during these times.  Considering next year something like a couch potato event.
Scott will check with his contact at Sandcastle and any other thoughts about how to get clubs to mingle and socialize. 
SHRED it this year in Ocean Parl
Need to get on top of this with Safeway...
Deirdre will check with Shredit company
Signs and bags
Signs -- Need to check on the size that can fit into our storage at the roadhouse.
Jerry will send out a message to the presidents about any signs company.
It was suggested that we check with Minuteman.
Rhonda suggested that we might want to get bags printed that we hand out for folks to fill for the next shredding event.  She agreed to check on prices.
White Rock Learning Centre — candidate for Sassy - Desmond Tompkins.
Jerry prepared and sent letter of support for application.  Due today. Sassy is May 7.
Bible school in US — looking for nominees 18-28 to attend and for us to nominate anyone. 
Space for 60 (only had 45 last year.)
Jerry will check with Janet. 
We don’t have to sponsor them but we do have to put their name in.
More than ever — looking for people.
Beer Gardens -- Alex Nixon - BIA –
Asked for our participation again at Totem Park. 
Peace Arch Club will stay active another year - moving to Roadhouse and know they will lose some members.
Club size will likely be reduced to 8 or 10.  Do we want to take on the beer gardens again with another club? Peace Arch may not want to do it again.
Pat commented that we must have Bert Coates involved - he is a great orchestrator for these fund raisers.
The beer gardens are a tremendous amount of work for small returns – do we want to do this and do we want our Rotary Club to be known as a beer garden sponsor?

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.