Rotary Club of South Surrey
Business Meeting, Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Rhonda Latrielle, President and Chair Out of town:
Lynda Simpson, Jerry and Roberta Zdril, July 2020
Jeff Richards,
Chip Bowness
Brian O’Ruairc Scott Phemister, July 11- Aug 10, 2020
Deirdre O’Ruairc,
Rick Singh
Patrick Hahn
Joanne Taylor
Peter Herz
Mike Hornack
Shawna Hornack
- Welcome and Call to order– at 7:34 am.
Rhonda Welcomed all to the Rotary Club of South Surrey first 2020/2021 Business Meeting. Special Welcome to Guests, Shawna and Mike Hornack.
- National Anthem: Played music in view of COVID19 regulations
- Invocation: Carlos absent; Joanne delivered
- Rotary Minute: Rick absent at time; Rhonda delivered
- Accept Minutes of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept by Deirdre, second by Chip. Carried
- Additions to Agenda –
A. Update on Sources house on 160th
B. Sergeant at Arms – time to tell of good events, learn of members personal accomplishments or challenges (bring your happy and sad dollars too!) – will be included as a regular agenda item at each meeting.
- Current Fundraising Updates:
- District Grant Application with matching funds for Cambodia Project. Jerry Zdril and Brian O’Ruairc to complete application. Treasurer confirmed funds to match the maximum requested. Confirmed in process, completion required by August 31, 2020.
- New Funding Requests: Received request from Semiahmoo Club asking us to support by sponsor, golfer, donations. Concluded that each member participates on own, as a golfer. Rhonda will respond regarding our clubs’ position.
- Fund Raising Projects Updates:
- Shredding Event - only date available was October 31, 2020, we booked it, could be a fun way to advertise for the event with a Halloween theme. Working on where and to do better advertising.
- Fall Fab 4 Dance – no word or contact yet. May need to be cancelled due to COVID
- Suggestions - Need to think of ways to raise funds with COVID friendly methods. All ideas welcome no matter how far-fetched, as our FAB 4 was a big part of our fund raising. Look forward to your ideas at next meet. (May have to give out detentions if you cannot think of something??? HAHHAHA)
- Rotary International and District Updates:
- Citation Goals – date to be determined-Deidre offered to assist to complete in timeline. We need to have the goals itemized and entered before the end of July 2020.
- ADG to attend meetings Virtually – Joan Apel has responded to attend a virtual meet. Rhonda to confirm meet date. Jeff offered to set this meet up on large TV screen.
- New District Governor is Carol Tichelman , from Chilliwack, installation was held on zoom/due to Covid. Plan to meet virtually on October 14, 2020, (click here to read Carols bio
- Other New Business:
- Society AGM -We need to complete AGM and submit requisite documents. Jeff to connect with members who couldn’t attend this meeting.
- New Signing Authorities – Club and Society- new officers signed up, Jeff to follow for completion to deliver to bank for new signatures.
- Directors Reports:
Treasurer - Jeff reported we currently have $57,000 in our various accounts, most being committed there is approximately $36,000 dedicated, leaving approximate balance of $20,000.
Jeff also distributed our budget for 2020/2021 and we need approximately $6,800 to operate our club. A short fall of about $1400 that needs to be generated. Through various creative means, by Sergeant at Arms Happy/Sad $’s; penalties for late attendance, Deirdre suggested an auction at our socials, 5050 draws, etc.
As meeting ran over allotted time
Membership – deferred to next meet
Publicity – deferred to next meet
International Projects – deferred to next meet
Administration – deferred to next meet
Rotary Foundation- deferred to next meet
- Future Meeting Dates: suggested meet twice a month and a social once a month.
First meet of each month would be a combined Business/Executive meeting and Second meet a regular business meet with potential guest speaker.
Our first Social for 2020/21 will graciously be hosted by Deidre and Brian O’Ruairc on August 26, 2020, Wednesday 6pm at their Home. Much thanks to kick off our first Social after Covid! Details to follow.
- Adjournment: 8:59 am