May 9 Meeting Notes
Chip led singing of "O Canada" and Don provided invocation
Pat read a letter to the club from a student at South Surrey/White Rock Learning Center. Student is very grateful for our support.
The Shred It event is happening on June 9 (See above poster). Scott is coordinating with Safeway the setting up of the parking lot.
Rick is arranging for the June 16th social - it will be held at 3 Dogs Brewing 15214 North Bluff Rd starting a 6 PM. Each member will pay to Rick $10 towards the pizza that is being ordered.
No meeting on May 23rd. That evening is the installation dinner at Beecher's Place in Crescent Beach.
The balance of the meeting focuses on discussing the goals for the club for next year (2018 - 2019) with regards to projects. Jerry briefly described his leadership style which is best described as a "Thinker" according to Rotary's categorization.
Started by listing the the following items - discussed and revised by members
Shred It Beatles nites Sip N Savor 5 Club Breakfast Fools Night Out Couch Potato
Orphanage in Cambodia Hospice in Thailand Sophie's Place/PADS South Surrey/White Rock learning Center Sources Food Bank Bryant Park
Salvation Army ($500) Peace Arch Elementary School WASRAG in Africa DARE Polar Bear Swim Rotaracts
Members stated that it is useful to establish criteria and guidelines for both Community and International projects. The following items were developed:
1. Focus on youth
2. No solicitations or simply cheque writing
3. Hands on
4. Get the Most benefit from the least amount spent
5. Club initiated
After discussion and revision, members agreed to continue to support:
Orphanage in Cambodia
Hospice in Thailand
South Surrey/White Rock learning Center
Sources Food Bank
Salvation Army ($500)
The next meeting, which will take place on May 30rd, will establish the proposed funding amount for each project.
Then the club will determine the fundraising activities that will be necessary to provide the funding for the projects.