Scribe March 29, 2017
Rotary Minute
Geoff talked about traditions in Rotary that seem to be less important and read the Objects of Rotary.
Guest Emery Dosdall reminded members to do the membership survey and attend training.  Pat Hahn also reminded members of the leadership training at Kwantlen.
Peter and Emery talked about the 5 club breakfast.
Renee confirmed this is on June 3 at the Safeway parking lot in Ocean Park.  Combing with Ocean Park Days was suggested.
Public Relations
Pat reported that Brenda Gibson of PAN was at the club presidents’ meeting and was very effusive about input from our club.  Congratulations to Joanne Taylor, our P.R. person.
Iwona Mandera was introduced by Dierdre. Iwona is manager of Ocean Park and Semiahmoo Libraries.  Iwona came to Canada at age 25 from Poland and liked it so she stayed.  At the time she spoke no English.  Iwona gave a very interesting talk.  She talked about a Library being built in Clayton and told us how each library caters to the area it is in.  She pointed out that each library is different and she talked about all the different programs that libraries run.  She said that Library cards are free but worth about $610/year.  Programs include: seed library, crafts, book clubs, poetry, authors, financial literacy, wellness, computer training and she talked about loans of ebooks, emagazines,  and international newspapers.
She answered questions about limits of borrowing, renewals and talked about copy writes and waiting lists.
Newer programs include Opera, school choirs, festivals of trees, Lego, and offices away from home.  Libraries are no longer quit places just for reading.