Rotary Club of South Surrey
Meeting, Wednesday, November 11,2020, 7:30 am - Zoom
Special Speaker
Present via Zoom
Rhonda Latreille
Jeff Richards
Joan Apel
Rick Singh
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Marjorie Walters
Jerry Zdril
Roberta Zdril
Garry McIntosh
Lynda Simpson
Call to order– 7:47 am Welcome to the Rotary Club of South Surrey Meeting
Special Welcome to guest speaker Chris Offer
- National Anthem played music
- Invocation – Joan Apel
- Rotary minute -Scott Phemister
- Motion to Accept Minutes of previous November 04, 2020 Executive Meeting; Moved by Rick, seconded by Deirdre, Carried
- Additions to the Agenda: Jeff provided information about Nexus Raffle that a lot of groups including 4 Rotary clubs are putting on via internet. Seems very successful and perhaps we should endeavour to also put on a Nexus Raffle to raise funds this year, as is all Covid friendly. Discuss at Nov 18, 2020 meeting. Also will conduct full debrief of Shred a thon and booking of next event.
- Guest Speaker: Rick introduced Chris Offer. Chris, retired as District Commander in Police force with 31 years of service, is a Very talented and seasoned Rotarian being involved in many valuable committees and projects in his years of membership. Spoke of importance of Peace in our community and world and how vital it is and what we can do to encourage this. has a program to mentor this valuable role of the Importance of peace.
- Other items: Rhonda delivered thank you letter to Safeway for using their parking lot for Shredathon. Rhonda also delivered our $165 that we all personally donated for Remembrance Day to the Legion who were very grateful as well.
- Next Business Meeting November 18, 2020, 7:30am - Zoom
- Adjournment