Attendance -
Rhonda Latreille, President and Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Rick Singh
Hanif Rajan
Peter Herz
Lynda Simpson
Garry McIntosh
Alan Benson
Pat Hahn
- Goal Setting plans for Year 2021-2022.
- Projects to be supported
- New
Soccer Equipment to El Salvador:
Coordinator: Rick Singh with Carlos Galvez as Liaison with El Salvador Rotary Club.- Looking to gather Soccer used supplies to send to El Salvador. Carlos Galvez arranged a connection with a Rotary Club in El Salvador to receive and distribute the equipment.
- Cost to us is time, and effort to collect, clean, and organize all to get parcel ready for El Salvador. Perhaps get Whitecaps involved to help us cleaning as they have equipment to clean.
- Spring or summertime to collect products.
- All Agreed to proceed with this.
- Existing Local Projects:
- Sources, - Save on gift cards – Lynda is Liaison
- White Rock South Surrey Learning Centre – alternative school for any kids that need to learn but regular school system interferes with their needs.
- Liaison: Alan Benson and Garry McIntosh
- Offered a variety of support projects in the past, including coaching to repair bicycles, equipment for a wood working shop, sculpting classes, Youth Leadership tuition and scholarships ($250 or $500)
- Reconfirmed our desire to offer mentorship, job interview skills, career talks and preparation and support with transition from the school into the community.
- Alan was contact with in past. Covid has stopped but now can get back to.
- Perhaps start an interact group, but school staff mention that involvement in these types of groups can be difficult given work/school/family demands and scheduling needs.
- Principal was a Rotary member and that was the liaison in the past.
- Salvation Army - Liaison is Eva Galvez. We donate $500/year, support at Thanksgiving, and Christmas Kettle Drive. Can we do more?
- All Clubs Breakfast – Liaison is Hanif Rajan -- planned for April 2022. We have traditionally committed to clean up.
- Polar Bear Swim – Liaison - Alan Benson and Brian O Ruairc.
- Rotaract is age 18-30. Will be helping with shred it.
- Ways we can support them.
- Intergenerational projects.
- Rhonda, Lynda and Marjorie Walters and possiblyMargot McDermott will attend meetings. Will all be liaisons to connect. Also, keep Rotaract’s informed about the Hospice and Orphanages, invite them to join in. perhaps they would have ideas and support for this.
- They Meet at 7;30pm on Tuesday.
- New and Emergency Requests Criteria
- 2018-2019 we confirmed the following criteria for new requests:
- Focus on Youth
- No solicitations or simply cheque writing
- Hands on
- Get the most benefit from the least amount spend
- Confirmed the existing criteria again and agreed to add an additional criterion to explore, where appropriate, the requestor’s ability to match/contribute ($ or in-kind) to the request.
Agreed that although we do not typically respond to emergency requests, Covid presented extra challenges to our existing projects, necessitating a need to consider emergency assistance to keep the project viable for post-covid restriction travel and assistance. Will review on a case-by-case basis.
- 2018-2019 we confirmed the following criteria for new requests:
- New Fund raisers:
- Recycle account: Our Rotary Club Open an account at a recycle depot and rotary members take their bottles and ask recycle to credit rotary account rather than getting cash back.
Rhonda and Jeff to look into creating an account for our Club. - “Find the Leprechaun “- a fun treasure hunt fund raiser –Review with Brian and Deirdre O’Ruairc upon their return. Around March 17.
- Recycle account: Our Rotary Club Open an account at a recycle depot and rotary members take their bottles and ask recycle to credit rotary account rather than getting cash back.
- Allocation of Funds-
- Fund raise - As a rule we do not give cash. We plan what we want to raise per project agree to allocate 10% to our “general project account.”
- Administration from dues to pay club costs. Happy Dollars, 50/50 .
- Any costs incurred for a project i.e.: Shred it – cost of aprons, signage, lunch, comes off our fund raising gross and not the general project account
- International Fund Raising
- Brian mentioned that the on-going operational funds from the Float Foundation for the Happy Home Children’s Centre will be discontinued. Rotary does not fund multi-year operational obligations. As a short-term bridging solution, Brian was suggesting that 7 private donors ($3,000/yr for 5 years) would keep them running and allow time for the HHCC to establish long-term operational funding.
- Operation Wednesday Meetings Full House attendance:
- Make it fun and engaging and rewarding and inviting – especially for our guests to promote interest to attend and join..
- It was agreed that good programming (speakers) is an attraction, and we can reduce our time on administrative issues. Keep our members engaged, attract new members and members from other clubs.
Rhonda agreed to follow up on ‘speakers list’ to be shared with all clubs. Another source of speakers is from Peace Arch News. - Try for Twice a month; Perhaps one internal club speaker/month and one external speaker/month.
Also suggested that we add current and obscure happy news events – Hanif offered to investigate this. - Let’s all take ownership to make our meetings fun and interesting.
- Meeting Adjourned 9:03am.
- Lynda Simpson
- Secretary