Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
George Garrett
Lynda Simpson
October 9 Business Meeting at Peace Arch Hospice Society
15435 16A Avenue
7:00 am – Breakfast and Presentation
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:24, led the singing of the national anthem, and welcomed the members and guests.    
Rotaract Guatemala Presentation October 2 and cancelled October 9.
Rotary Field House.
Tickets are $5.00
Scotch Tasting Event – October 16
Rhonda and Herb Latreille’s home
House #4 – facing Thrift Avenue
(4th house down from the corner of Finlay and Thrift)
Semiahmoo House Tour - Thursday, October 17 - 12 - 1:30
Not replacing our meeting - this is in addition to our mtg and social.
Fab Fourever Dance – October 19
Jerry discussed distribution of posters around Ocean Park and our own areas
Ad in Peace Arch News on the 4th
Pat distributed tickets - everyone try to sell 10 tickets
Jeff to connect with Ritu for the Chamber of Commerce
World Polio Dinner - October 24
Newton Red Rose - 6914 King George
Jerry sent an email to everyone about this event.
$20 go to Rotary Foundation
Nov 2 Shred it - Real Canadian Superstore
Flyers produced and sent to Scott
Peace Arch Club Noel Fundraiser - Nov 21
Planning mtg Oct 10 at 5:30
Can hopefully raise from $3,000-$8,000
We need $18,000 - $20,000 by December to access our grant money.
Rhonda proposed working with Lynda to canvass other clubs to find out what they do for fund raisers.
Tabitha Foundation
Shared comments about the presentation by Janne Ritskes at the Rotary Field House.
Multitude of services in Cambodia.  She was very interesting and engaging. 
Fundraiser — Chip and Brian both met her — Chip has known her for past 20 years and distributed an email to everyone about their remarkable accomplishments.  Started with the vision and commitment of this one dedicated woman!
Medical containers overseas - World Help
Jerry involved in that.
Tabitha in Cambodia are working on hospitals and a container may help.
Jerry exploring and she offered to give a presentation to 5 clubs. 
Jerry sent a link to the website.
George Garrett – Volunteer Cancer Drivers
Member of White Rock Rotary Club- member for less than a year.
Volunteer Cancer Drivers
Cancer Society cancelled service. 
John McGuiness called George to ask him to work together to start their own Volunteer Cancer Drivers program to keep service going.
Started with a handful of drivers.  Cover from West Vancouver to Mission - Abbotsford through to Delta White Rock.  Will meet ferries and flights.
Have 200 drivers registered to serve clinics in Vancouver, Surrey, Abbotsford.
When a driver picks up a patient at home — wait for them during their treatment and take them home.  Patients have a ride and company on the way there and back. 
Don’t charge for this service but raise money.
Corporate member of White Rock Club.
Also get help from Fire Fighters - they are very susceptible to cancer because of the toxic fumes from plastics homes and cars.
Money from community foundations and municipalities.
Pay drivers 48 cents per klm - and a percentage of drivers donate back which contributed toward Envision Financial donating $20,000.
Now have a little money in the bank and really have to work to raise money.
Need money month to month and money for the future (25 years!)
Top volunteer - posthumously awarded to John McGuiness who started this with George.
George wrote a book - known in radio for 25 years as the intrepid reporter.
Donating proceeds of his book to Volunteer Cancer Drivers.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:42am