
Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille


Bert Coates


Call to Order and Welcome:
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15 am, introduced Bert Coates from White Rock Rotary Club and then led the singing of the national anthem. 
Peter offered the invocation.


Member Update:
Jerry related that Joanne’s mom was in the hospital and father is very ill. 
She needs time away from Rotary and requested a 6 month leave of absence.

Deirdre will work with Joanne to take over Peach Arch News ad during this time.

1.  Speaker Request
Jerry received a request from Tony Malik to come and speak at one of our meetings. 
He has a presentation on ‘Leaky Bucket of Profits,’ and any proceeds from his book will be donated to the Rotary Foundation. 
Everyone agreed that Jerry should follow up with Rick and suggest that Tony be booked for his presentation.

If we can get enough of an interest, we could move that meeting upstairs. 

It was acknowledged that we should share speakers with the 5 clubs. 
Joan is establishing a way to share with What’s App. 

Rhonda staying in touch with Janita from Peace Arch Hospital Foundation and Jerry maintains contact with Todd and Christine.

It was also suggested that Rhonda include these folks in the category of ‘Friends of Rotary’ and to include them in the minutes distribution.

Bert agreed to provide an updated presentation on Driving Safety Program.

2.  CGE Gala 30 yr. Anniversary

12 emailed interest to Jerry – He agreed to see if we could get a table for 12.

Jerry paid for the tickets, so he asked everyone to reimburse him directly.
Opportunity for us to promote international project at the Gala.  It was agreed that we would loop our PowerPoint presentation for the display. 
Deidre and Jerry and Brian will work on this. 

3.  Student Request for Funding
Ritu, Exec Director from the South Surrey and White Rock Chamber of Commerce shared a request from a student from SFU.
The student was asking for help with her travel and other expenses for Global Service Canada. 
We agreed that this is not a type of request that fits with our club priorities.

Bert suggested that anyone who has air miles they cannot use — can bank and transfer. 
We agreed to pass on this request and Jerry will respond. 

4.  State House Funding Request
The quote for kitchen renovations was forwarded to State House.

Project Update:

Beer Garden

Bert shared some feedback from their event.
Banners at front blocked the view with the 5 corners event. 
Hung 3 Dog Brewery and White Rock Beach Brewery banners right behind their service.

Half way through the event, when people complained about only 2 drinks, they added a 3rd drink.  They figured this cost them about $2,500 for this extra free drink.
They expect to net $7,000.

He cautioned that the handling of recyclables made a big difference.

Important to watch out for people passing drinks over the fence and smuggling drinks into the beer garden.  It is important to bring this to the attention of security. 
Marijuana and Beer — if they seem impaired, notify security — they hold them for a while and if customer does not pay for cab — we need to!

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to task assignment for members of our club.

Our business meeting will be followed by a combined planning meeting with Peace Arch club to finalize all items and tasks.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 am