Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Scott Phemister
Brian O’Ruairc
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Bob Gray
Joanne Taylor
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Call to Order and Welcome:
Jerry called the meeting to order and offered the invocation.  Scott led the singing of the national anthem.

Peace Arch Club Status:

As mentioned previously, the club is looking at dissolution at the end of the year, and they are interested in a merger to keep the Gaming Grant of $20,000. 

Our South Surrey Club reviewed the proposal.  There was no desire to move forward with the proposal as it was presented as it would require us to give up our name and identity and to fully merge with their club. 
South Surrey Club members were not interested in pursuing the loss of our identity to potentially assume the their $20,000 gaming grant that is not even guaranteed each year..

Jerry will let them know at their next lunch meeting at Hazelmere Golf Course and welcomed participation of any club member who may want to join their lunch meeting.

Rhonda offered to attend their meeting as well.  Joan is the Assistant District Governor and is aware of our position. 

Polar Bear Swim:
Brian and Chip again represented our club well - in the water for at least 15 minutes!

Swam out to the rescue boat and back.
Great day!  Lots of people and a constant flow of traffic!

Social - 3rd Wednesday – January 15:  
Jerry offered to book us at the new Knuckles Restaurant on the waterfront.

South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre
Wished us a Merry Christmas and would like to host a morning meeting when the principal Ms. Martin is back.

They asked Herb to come back the end of January to continue to teach a sculpting course and will be working out the details as they evolve.

Jerry asked if we are interested in a breakfast meeting at the Learning Centre. 
We would like to pursue this and to explore what our relationship will be in the future.
Jeff wondered if they really need us — how could we help the students themselves. 
Let’s clarify what their position is and we’ll see how this fits with our focus and objectives. 
Brian is wondering how we could make a difference individually with these kids.
Jerry will ask Pat to reach out to Janice for the breakfast meeting.

 Jeff - Charitable organizations and our international fund. 
According to the CRA - to be able to give out tax receipts, have to be a charitable organization or charitable foundation (family/private or public - with public option, the directors must be at arm’s length.)
Can only give money to other registered charities. 
Red Cross, for instance, is a charitable organization and must be involved in charitable activity (soup kitchen etc.). It doesn’t matter where the charitable activity happens - 50% of your activities must be charitable in order to maintain that status. We would have to meet that status with CRA annually.  Jeff agreed to investigate further the definition of charitable activity.

Rotary and Toastmaster Organizations Working Together:
Process now formalized. 
Not clear yet how they anticipate the 2 organizations working together – and it was suggested that perhaps we would simply reach out to local toastmasters clubs to explore this relationship. 
Will see if there is further guidance on this.

 Potential New Project:
Scott was intrigued by a program in the USA that provided specialized glasses that allow colour blind kids to now see in colour. 

Scott asked if there is interest for him to look into this a bit more to find out scope of problem and cost. 
Club members encouraged him to learn more (may have different implications or need in Canada) and suggested that Jericho school for the blind might be a good place to start.

 Missing Tent:
Scott believes that one of the tents is not missing, but was broken and tossed out.

 Membership Dues:
Jeff reminded members that some dues are still outstanding. 
If you are on a leave of absence - you still need to pay your dues as the club must still remit to Rotary International.
Leave of absence only means that you are excused from meetings.

Rhonda will be away travelling on business form Jan 20 - early February.
Peter graciously greed to prepare the minutes during her absence.

 Next Meeting:
There will be no meeting on January 15
Jerry to arrange social for the evening of January 15 at Knuckles and asked everyone to RSVP so he can provide anticipated numbers.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.