Scribe Jan 22, 2020
Present Peter Herz, Pat Hahn, Jerry Zdril. Roberta Zdril, Chip Bowness, Al Benson, Geoff Richards, Brian O’Ruaric, Dierdre O’Ruaric, Jo Ann Taylor, Scott Phemister,.
Guest Abby Gemina
Abby handed out invitations in the form of a book mark, to a walk on  “the Coldest Night of the Year” starting at 3 p.m. and ending at 7 p.m.  at Memorial Park.
Meeting was called to order by chair, Jerry.
O Canada led by Scott and Invocation by Al.  There was no Rotary minute.
Jerry introduced guest, Abby.
Jerry handed out pins.
The social that was cancelled will be held on January 29 – same place and time.  No morning meeting.
3 people attended the Peace Arch Club meeting and explained our decision regarding the proposed joining of the 2 clubs.  Judith and John from Peace Arch Club still hope that an arrangement can be agreed upon.  3 or 4 people expressed an interest in joining our club.
A speaker was referred to Rick and is now scheduled.
We will meet at The Learning Centre on Feb 12 for our breakfast and we will supply muffins and coffee.
Chip missed a meeting of the 5 club breakfast committee, the date is March 21 and price is unchanged.
Pat Hahn got another Paul Harris pin from Jerry.  Pat explained company policy of giving some employees $500 per year for charitable giving.
Abby, who is event co-ordinator for Sources, spoke about the Coldest Night of the Year walk.  It is on Feb 22 and there are 2, 5, and 10 km walks.  Proceeds are used to make micro loans to needy families.  White Rock, though small, is in the top 10 in donations. There were 400 walkers last year and they hope for 500 in 2020.  $22k have been donated so far.  Walkers are in teams.  Jerry is setting up a team for our club.  He will be trying to outdo the White Rock Club.
Sergeant, Scott raised funds from talkers, happy bucks and sad bucks.  He also explained that Trudeau spent $47/dozen for donuts and suggested that we should get in on this.
Roberta and Jerry are going to Chilliwack in a couple of months but will remain in our club.
NO MEETING next week.  Instead we are having the snowed out social at 6 p.m. at Knuckles.  Jerry to survey the group.