
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Don Boyce
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Rick Singh
Carlos Galvez
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille

Eva Galvez

Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15, Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Carlos offered the invocation.

1.  Sources Coldest night of the year confirmed - Feb 23

Fred registering a group under Rotary - hoping to get 50...might be optimistic…

Register online — can register under a team name - Jerry to distribute more details as they are released.

2,5,10 Klm walk all start at Maple and down promenade.


2.  Beer Garden Presentation -- Peace Arch Club at Hazelmere 

Jerry, Roberta, Pat and Rhonda attended. 
Dick presented info about Beer Garden experience and provided good detail of their experience.  Pat prepared a summary of his points and distributed to club members. 

Suggest a 2-drink minimum to get into beer garden area to avoid people taking seats and not purchasing anything. 

Need to confirm with Alex the ‘footprint’ at East Beach and this will inform where the tent should be - need event permit.  Pat will contact BIA in January.  Permit of up to 500 - considerably less requirements and regulations for beyond 500.  Recommend staying under 500.

Dick reminded everyone to look into fencing, 2 gates, 500 chairs, 20x20 tents (WR provides 1). Need 4 portapotties — public washroom is close by.  Security services - do our own or contract out?

Garbage containers - insurance, food, water, pop, beer.

Rotaract helped to sell pop and did a great job.

Beer and wine - worked closely with 3 dogs and WR and WRBeach breweries and Everything Wine.

Need food — they just provided chips etc.  Some food trucks there anyways. 

Beer had a donation aspect - buy 3 kegs and they donate 1.  They always ran out of beer and wine. 

Budget?  Jerry will contact Dick about their upfront costs.

Rain or shine deal - so potential cost but look for ability to return any extras.  Cans easier to sell and we could get Rotaract to help with ongoing clean up.

Initial meeting in January with 2 clubs and Alex with BIA.


Scott suggested we work with a pizza place to bring a pizza food truck and we get a %.

Pat suggested a raffle - e.g. 3 shows at Blue Frog?  We need dates and commitment to help out!


3.  April 11-14 in District Meeting – April 11-14

Pat Bond - extended early bird pricing till end of year.  About $1400 overall costs when you add up registration and hotels etc. and exchange.

4.  Ready Steady Go

Jeff confirmed that the cheque for the band taken care of.

5.  Polar Bear Swim
Alan is our rep on the polar bear swim. 

Jerry brought some posters for distribution and display.  Scott has tents.  Chip and Brain plan on participating in the swim.


6.  Shredit
Involved Urban Impact and funds to support Sassy. 

Scott prepared a letter to Shredit and they will get back to us end of January. 


7.  5 Club Breakfast Meeting - January 5

Peter has been the rep and asked for someone to take this over for him.  March 16 - WR Baptist church. 

Chip volunteered to be our new rep. 

We thanked Peter for his great service with this project.


8.  50/50 District Grant
We are approved and we need to match their grant. 

Match $8500 US? 

Chip cautioned that if you don’t go at it as per their elaborate requirements, you do not get the grant.

You can put in a lot of time and lose the grant.   

Can’t retrofit projects to match their requirements – we have to have the requirements addressed upfront in the proposal. 

Thinking of backing off this application given the fact that International issues may prohibit us from meeting criteria.

Can apply for multiple district grants in one year.

May look at other specific projects and set up the application from the onset to meet criteria. 

We now have a club contact.

Pat suggested a special meeting to review this district grant process.

Required meeting in Jan/Feb for grants - Chip, Deidre, Brian, President and President Elect must attend.


9.  Sip and Savour – still uncertain

Meeting planned for January, Rick agreed to be on planning committee.


10.  Presentation.  Carlos Galvez, Salvation Army

Jeff introduced Carlos.  Carlos thanked Don for encouraging Carlos to be part of club.

Congregation growing slowly - most are quite elderly. 

Thanked members for their support and contribution for kettle campaign — doing much better this year!

Eva mentioned that they raised over $1200 for 3 Saturdays we volunteered.


Kids Club

Kettle Campaign is main fund raiser for the kids club - growing - Sept to June. 

For ages 6-12, they provide a variety of learning activities and nutritional meals. 

Serves families struggling emotionally and/or financially. 

About 15 kids participate.

Also fund raise to bring kids to camp.  4 kids and 2 teenagers went this year.

Really want to focus on teenagers for camp - hired a coordinator from Honduras to help build children’s ministry.

Visit schools - high schools, pre-teen and after school events. 


Adults and Seniors – Joyful Adult Ministry (JAM)

Weekly program - every Wednesday - 11 - 1. 

35-40 seniors attend lunch.

Table Games and conversation and fellowship. 

Program is growing.

Also provide good food and food safe training. 


Food Bank

Weekly food bank to support regular food bank.

Some folks are not be getting enough from regular food bank, so the Salvation Army provide supplemental support as well as vouchers for Thrift Store. 

Serve 25-40 per week with the food bank.


Christmas is especially busy time - activities and hampers. 

150-200 hampers for low income families and sleigh for toys - toys mountain in Guilford and donations from Toys are Us.  Preparing the hampers Friday and Saturday before Christmas.
65 people attending Christmas dinner.  A group donating prep and time for food including serving. 

Everything goes back into our community.

Job Program

Now able to start to hire some low-income folks - some have mental health challenges, and are very committed to serve. 

Able to help those with disabilities - South Surrey and Ladner and Tsawwassen.


How to help? 

Volunteer time at the kettles - donations with tax receipts for over $20. 

Next year - renovate kitchen and more games for the children - raggedy games table and need these upgraded.  Want to encourage interaction between kids.

Carlos handed out Red Bracelet- promoting hope...

Jerry thanked Carlos and offered to provide assistance in any way we can.

Scott - Sgt at Arms solicited money exclusively for the Salvation Army. 

$563 was donated by members and club matches up to $500 for a

Grand Total of $1063 presented to Carlos.



Chip brought everyone lovely bar of olive oil soap from Greece - thanks, Chip - how thoughtful!

Next meeting - Jan 9 - Emery presenting Bob Gray 8th Paul Harris pin.

Carlos and Eva going back home Jan 14 - Feb 11.

Rhonda and Herb away Jan 17 - Feb 5.



Meeting adjourned 8:33