Business Meeting - Aug. 8, 2018

Thanks to Peter Herz for serving as the scribe for this meeting.
There were lots of visitors and not too many members.  Speaker and new Governor was Linda Murray who also brought her husband, Rotarian Bill Murray.  Also visiting was Don from North Carolina, Concord Sunrise club.  Don has a daughter in White Rock.
President, Jerry Zdril and wife, Roberta, were back from Uganda.
O’Canada was led by Rick Singh and the invocation was given by Don Boyce.
Don from N. Carolina passed around a bucket for loose change which is a tradition in the Eastern U.S.A . started  in 1994.
Jerry gave the Rotary minute quoting from Rotary international President stating that Rotary has strength beyond that of individuals, that Rotary works to create a better world, and that we need to look at everything that we do.
THERE WILL BE NO REGULAR MEETING next week.  There will be a cold pot luck at Zdrills apartment in the evening and an executive meeting in the morning at the usual place.  The executive will consider buying an advertisement to congratulate Sources on 40 years, and advertise our club at the same time.  At the social there will be a raffle of a cork screw and a bottle of wine.  Rick will bring ribs.  As mentioned by e mail, the Langley Rotary Club is looking for help in its first Rib Fest.  Port Moody Rotary Club has had a Rib Fest for the last several years and looks after volunteers very well.  Semiahmoo Rotary Club is planning a rib fest for next year.
The new Rotaract Club is to be officially started on Sunday Aug. 12 from 2 – 6 pm.  Preregistration is required.  Rotaract members have been invited to our club meetings.
Emery Dosdall introduced Linda Murray.
Linda is from Los Angeles but moved to Washington State.  She had worked in Human Resources but she and Bill started Evergreen Security employing 15 people.  She held several other positions and is a member of the Mukilteo Club.  She led an exchange to India.
Linda said we are her first visit and she also just signed her first grant rquest which was ours.  She stated that the district has goals of change and continuity which are not contradictory.  Every club should have a 5 year plan which comes out of a visioning process which the district will help on.  She sees retention as key to growth.  Her plan is for a growth of 64 members, an average of 1 per club.  Membership seminars are available through Rob Frost who has spoken to our club.  She said a club should never say NO to a new project proposal.  Our club should be THE service club in the area.  We must all show pride in our club.  Our club is one of only 8 in the district that is 100% EREY.  There are many young professionals some of whom a Rotaracters but only 4% join Rotary.  She announced that RLI which was Rotary Leadership Institute will now be Rotary Learning Institute. 

The Peace Arch Journal has a new editor, James Munro, who has big shoes to fill.
The next District Conference will have a Caribbean theme.  There will be no black tie clothes and there will be a prize for the best presentation about a project – not a best project.  She closed by saying have fun and answered questions.