100 Rotary Ideas

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100 Rotary Club Ideas

(Compiled from Members and PETS, District & Pre-Pets Meetings)

A. Board Meetings (4 Ideas):

1. Exec committee should meet (or at least confer) prior to board meetings to establish agenda, priorities for time; note time allocations if possible on agenda.

2. Maybe hold quarterly meetings of all committee chairs to review goals & progress.

3. All E-Mails should have "Rotary" in subject line to be sure they are read.

4. NEVER use Rotary mailing lists for commercial purposes, establish heavy fine ahead of time!

B. Family of Rotary (6 Ideas):

1. Pay for lunches of members with financial difficulties (especially old members) so they can stay in Club with help on a confidential basis.

2. Respect members' attendance re their kids' or family events, etc.; their reason to miss may be valid!

3. Poor attendance: Committee members call on those members at their place of business to reassure of their importance to the Club. Have it handled by "Membership Retention" committee.

4. "Chat time" (better term than "networking time", which always implies business-gathering) before the

formal meeting is important; protect it from intrusion by meetings. Give Members time to socialize!

5. Add to Committee sign up sheet: "List two close Rotary Buddies". Then make the buddies responsible for one-another's attendance, feedback to club re illnesses, anniversaries, etc.

6. Invite past Rotarians and/or widows/widowers of Rotarians to a meeting every year.

C. Fund Raising (4 Ideas):

1. Create a spreadsheet with all club giving: Down the side charity/project names; along the top, the past ten years. This will show your members how great a job you're doing, allows keeping perspective.

2. Be sure Foundation gifts go through club treasurer, so you can see

all Rotary charitable giving!

3. Goal setting: Talk about "The half million" (or whatever) since Club founding, make fund-raising cumulative over the Club's history.

4. If you have fines, keep track of who has been fined, spread it around, avoid same old persons.

D. Inspiration & Member Nurturing (9 Ideas):

1. Always keep in mind "total investment" (time, energy, labor, as well as money) members are making, commend them for it!

2. Awards/citations are important! Recognition is the only "pay" in a volunteer organization.

3. Have a budget for recognition/awards to

members .

4. Tell older Members: "We cherish you: You are our Club's treasures, so we honor you. But we must take your legacy and move it forward!"

5. Every Member should have the opportunity to mentor a younger person.

6. Every Officer and Board Member brings in a new member at first new year's meeting!

7. Teams are CRUCIAL to effective projects and fund raising for support and competition.

8. Remember, things happen! Be understanding of Members who cannot attend for a period because of work, family, financial, travel stress: They may be great members next year! Grant them a leave if necessary, then follow up with them.

9. Members' sponsors/nominators encouraged to stay involved for at least two years with their nominees.

E. International Projects (2 Ideas):

1. "We must share what we do with the world, so it can benefit from our knowledge, skills, and resources."

2. Have a "Sister Club" in another country with which you sponsor an international project; arrange international visits to their Club and to your Club by each Club's members!