Minutes of July 20, 2022 Meeting
Minutes of July 20, 2022
 Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Captain Eva Galvez
Captain Carlos Galvez
Pat Hahn
Deidre O’Ruairc
Rick Singh
Al Benson
Zoom: Chip Bowness
           Lynda Simpson
           Marjorie Walters
Guest: Nirmal Takhar              
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:15 AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation – Jeff Richards
  • Rotary Minute – Rick Singh
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of June 22, 2022, Motion to
    accept, Deidre, seconded, Nirmal, carried
  • Additions to Agenda:
  • District Installation
  • Dates to remember: Meeting dates for August,
the Pride Dine and Dance, July 23, 2022,
Fab Four Dance at the Legion, October 1, 2022,
next Shred a thon, October 29, 2022
  • Discussion re White Rock Pride function, Pat re update of our duties
for running the Bar on July 23, 2022. Eight people required.
Everyone serving the alcohol must have an up to date
 “Serving it right’ certificate.
  • At the District Installation July 17, we won three awards:
Multi club Gift cards, Rotary Public Image Award, Rookie of
the Year: Greg Flinn
  • Meeting dates for August, August 3 social (6 pm) and
welcome our new members, Greg and Nirmal, then no
meetings in August until the 24th
  • Fab Four Dance – Review September 21, think of sponsors
ahead of time, auction items
  • September 28, social at the Fieldhouse, Ryan as guest
speaker, Rhonda to confirm
  • Membership Review – List to be updated
  • Future meeting Dates: July 27, then social August 3, no meetings
August 10 and 17, then resume August 24, 2022, September 7, 14
and 21, then September 28, Social at the Fieldhouse
  • Adjournment at 9:00 am
Yours in Rotary,
Marjorie Walters
Minutes of July 13, 2022
Rhonda Latrielle – President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Captain Carlos Galvez
Rick Singh
Alan Benson
Guest: Garry Ackerman
Guest: Nirmal Takhar
Zoom: Lynda Simpson
Zoom: Chip Bowness
Guest Speaker: Alex Nixon
  • Welcome and Call to Order at 7:36 AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Carlos
  • Rotary Minute - Rhonda
  • Accept Minutes of the previous meeting of July 6, 2022, moved by Deirdre, seconded by Carlos.    Carried
  • Any Additions to the Agenda:       
  •      Installation Update: email to be sent to confirm details for July 15, 2022

    Special Guest Speaker:
Alex Nixon
Executive Director,
White Rock BIA
Mandate to support businesses and found accountable to City of White Rock.  Voice for the businesses.  Events: Concerts at the Pier, first is this Friday, at 5 corners. Busters and comedy,  beer festival, jazz and blues festival, all been well attended and supporting businesses. 
  • Future meeting Date: July 27, 2022
  • Adjournment at 9:09am 
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of July 6, 2022
  • President & Chair: Rhonda Latreille
  • Jeff Richards
  • Marjorie Walters
  • Rick Singh
  • Brian O’Ruairc
  • Deirdre O’Ruairc
  • Eva Galvez
  • Chip Bowness
  • Carlos Galvez
  • Alan Benson
  • Pat Hahn
  • Zoom: Garry McIntosh
  • Zoom: Lynda Simpson
  • Guest: Garry Ackerman
  • Guest: Nirmal Takhar
  • Guest:  Retiring AG: Joan Apel
  • Guest:  Present AG: Linda Hensman
  • Agenda -
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:30AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Lynda
  • Rotary Minute - Rick
  • Accept Minutes of the previous meeting of June 29, 2022 moved by Deirdre, seconded by Pat,  Carried
  • Any Additions to the Agenda
  • District RI update;
  • Current Events:
  •     District Awards Submission: Completed, thank you Rhonda!! 
  •     Jennifer Jones Tour: our club volunteering for parking and help set up.  Volunteers arrive 9am Sunday, July 10, 2022.  Tour 10:30AM -2pm
  •     Our Club Installation: July 15, 2022, 5pm, Rick Singh Office Patio, 3388 Rosemary Heights Crescent.  Office 220,  Surrey, BC.
    •  Theme: “ to Celebrate three years” so wear your favorite Hats, and clothes too!! 
          Agenda, Catering, Set-Up, Installation etc.

  •    Project Updates:
  •    Cambodia and Thailand: Continue to seek ways to support.  Brian will be there in August and provide update.
  •    Pride Dine and Dance: July 23, 2022, Serving it Right Certificate needed to serve liquor.  6-11pm.
  •    Fab 4 Reminder October 1, 2022, Ocean Park Legion.
  •    Shred a thon Reminder: October 29, 2022.
  • Future meeting Date: July 13, 2022
  • Adjournment at 9:12am
Minutes of June 29, 2022 Meeting
Minutes of June 29, 2022
 Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters 
Pat Hahn
Garry Mcintosh
Zoom: Chip Bowness
Guest: Garry Ackerman
Guest: Nirmal Takhar
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:45 AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation – Pat Hahn
  • Rotary Minute – Chip Bowness
  • Accept Minutes of the previous Meeting of June 22, 2022, Motion to
    accept, Pat, seconded, Jeff, carried
  • Additions to Agenda:
  •     Dates to remember:
District Awards submission for July 8 (new date),
Jennifer Jones Tour, July 10th at Memorial Plaza,
our Club Installation, July 15
Pride Dine and Dance, July 23
July 23, 2022, Fab Four Dance at the Legion, October 1, 2022,
next Shred a thon, October 29, 2022
Project updates
 Cambodia and Thailand, the Pride Dine and Dance
Jennifer Jones Tour, July 10, encourage all members to attend!  Our club has been asked to assist with set up and takedown and protecting the parking spaces for Jennifer Jones and her group.  Garry Ackerman offered to take on the parking position – thanks, Garry!
Volunteers contact Greg Vanstone.

Considering a pre-night walk-through – Rhonda to confirm.
  • Our Club Installation – July 15th, 2022, 5 p.m. at Rick Singh’s office
Patio!  Rhonda starting planning list – theme – since this is the third year and 3 goals is a ‘hat trick’ in hockey, how about everyone wears their favourite Hat?

Project updates on Cambodia and Thailand – Chip shared that Virac (Hospice in Thailand) had a ‘heart event’ and was in the hospital.  Her sister is helping out in her absence.  This underscored the critical need to explore succession planning for the continued operation of the hospice.  This is a sensitive subject and we know Chip and Brian will handle it well.
  • White Rock Pride function, Pat offered a comprehensive update for
    running the Bar on July 23, 2022.
    2 Bar tables and a ticket sales table.  Need 2 persons per station as well as 2 people for cleanup/bussing.  Given the need to ’spell-off’, Pat suggested a total volunteer contingent of Eight people.
    Everyone serving the alcohol must have an up to date
 “Serving it Right’ certificate.

Estimate 1500 drinks throughout the evening.  Discussed the breakdown of beer, wine, and spirits. 
We discussed the need for ‘soft’ drinks as well for folks who do not drink alcohol.
Need a float – Jeff offered to take care of cash/security on-site.
Suggested we all wear our Rotary t-shirts and aprons.
Rhonda agreed to print off our club recycling stickers to go on the recycling bags for the bottles and cans.

Fab Four Dance – Think of sponsors ahead of time, auction items

Membership Review for Rotary International – List to be updated

Guest Speaker Suggestions:
1)  Garry Ackerman suggested an interesting and accomplished young person named Alan
2)  Friends of Semiahmoo Peninsula – talk about invasive crabs in our area (Rotary Days of Service)
3)  Greg Cook suggested a colleague who was a Rotaract in Brazil – will get his name.
  • Future meeting Date: July 6, 2022,
  • Adjournment at 9:00 am
Yours in Rotary,
Marjorie Walters
Minutes of June 22, 2022 Meeting
Minutes of June 22, 2022
 Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Greg Flinn
Joanne Taylor
Marjorie Walters 
Zoom: Chip Bowness
Guest: Garry Ackerman
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:45 AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Jeff
  • Rotary Minute - Rhonda
  • Accept Minutes of the previous Meeting of June 8, 2022, Motion to
    accept, Marjorie, seconded, Greg, carried
  • Additions to Agenda:
  •     Dates to remember: Operation of Bar for the Pride Dance July 23, 2022, Fab Four Dance at the Legion Ocean Park, October 1, 2022, Next Shred a thon, October 29, 2022
  Review of Citation Goals.
  • Reminder to get District Awards submission for the end of June.
  • Allocations are to be made without categories by size.
  •  Jennifer Jones Tour, July 10th at Memorial Plaza on Marine Drive. 
 Encourage all members to attend and support! T-Shirts available.
  •     Our Club Installation. – July 15th, 2022, at Rick Singh’s office
Patio!  President-Elect is Pat Hahn, Marjorie to be the next secretary,
Linda Hensman to be the incoming Assistant Governor and will perform the installation.
  •     White Rock Pride function,  Pat staying current on our duties for
running the Bar on July 23, 2022.
  • Future meeting Date: June 29, 2022,
  • Adjournment no further business for the good of Rotary,
       adjourned at 9:00 am
Yours in Rotary,
Marjorie Walters
minutes of June 8th 2022
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Pat Hahn
Chip Bowness
Guest: Garry Ackerman
Zoom: Lynda Simpson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:39AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Rhonda
  • Rotary Minute - Chip
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of June 1, 2022, moved by Pat, seconded by Marjorie, Carried.
  • Any Additions to the Agenda:
  •     Dates to remember: Operation of Bar for the Pride Dance July 23, 2022, Fab Four Dance at the Legion Ocean Park, October 1, 2022 , Next Shred a thon, October 29, 2022
  •     Review of Citation Goals.
    • Motion by Lynda to add $35.00 annually to Rotary invoice to ensure we have contributed to the Rotarian award of “EREY” -Every Rotarian Every Year.  Seconded by Pat, Carried.  
  •     Rotary Days of Service, 10-12 Black Spit. Beach Clean Up.
  •     Jennifer Jones Tour, July 10th at Memorial Plaza on Marine Drive.  Encourage all members to attend and support! T Shirts available.
  •     Our Club Installation. – July 15th, 2022, at Rick Singh’s office Patio!!       President Elect is Pat Hahn!!!!  Yippie!
  •     White Rock Pride function,  Pat staying current of our duties for running the Bar on July 23, 2022.
  •     International Projects; As costs are rising in every area, and for the past 6 years Chip and Brian have paid their own travel costs, it was decided that travel costs are to      be included in the International Project funds. Their talents, knowledge, and hands on efforts of these Projects is extremely appreciated.
    • Motion by Pat, seconded by Lynda, that going forward that travel and accommodation costs of two Rotarians, previously donated by Brian and Chip, now be included in the funds raised for international projects.  Estimated at $6000. Per person.                   Carried
  • Future meeting Date:  June 22, 2022
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of June 1, 2022
Rhonda President & Chair
Pat Hahn
Chip Bowness
Deirdre O Ruairc
Brian O Ruairc
Greg Flinn
Alan Benson
Guest: Garry Ackerman
Zoom:  Lynda Simpson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:30AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Deirdre
  • Rotary Minute - Rhonda
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of May 11, 2022 and May 25, 2022 moved by Brian, seconded by Pat.            Carried 
  • Any Additions to the Agenda: 
Jennifer Jones Tour – Rotary International First Female President- on July.  10, 2022 at Memorial Park, 15300 Marine Drive, 9am. Plan to order red T-shirts of the tour. 
Dr Todd Jenkins – Presentation at Ocean Prominade Hotel – June 17th 5:30pm rsvp by June 1, 2022. 15611 Marine Dr.
Rotary days of Service – Project has been revamped.  Beach cleanup on June 12, 10-noon, and another in September.
New Rotary Club being Chartered– cause focused – this is environmental focus. Called “Nature Celebraters”.
Citation Goals –to be updated for next meeting.
SHRED A THON - MAY 28, 2022 - Result details & feedback.  Great success and many thanks to all that volunteered! Rhonda and Pat sending thank you letters.
PADS – Rhonda and Pat to prepare a letter of concern regarding the destination of the Dog that our club donated.
  • Future meeting Date:  June 8, 2022
  • Adjournment:  No further business for the good of rotary, adjourned 9:08am
Yours in Rotary
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of June 8, 2022
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Pat Hahn
Chip Bowness
Guest: Garry Ackerman
Zoom: Lynda Simpson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:39AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Rhonda
  • Rotary Minute - Chip
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of June 1, 2022, moved by Pat, seconded by Marjorie, Carried.
  • Any Additions to the Agenda:
  •     Dates to remember: Operation of Bar for the Pride Dance July 23, 2022, Fab Four Dance at the Legion Ocean Park, October 1, 2022 , Next Shred a thon, October 29, 2022
  •     Review of Citation Goals.
    • Motion by Lynda to add $35.00 annually to Rotary invoice to ensure we have contributed to the Rotarian award of “EREY” -Every Rotarian Every Year.  Seconded by Pat, Carried.  
  •     Rotary Days of Service, 10-12 Black Spit. Beach Clean Up.
  •     Jennifer Jones Tour, July 10th at Memorial Plaza on Marine Drive.  Encourage all members to attend and support! T Shirts available.
  •     Our Club Installation. – July 15th, 2022, at Rick Singh’s office Patio!!       President Elect is Pat Hahn!!!!  Yippie!
  •     White Rock Pride function,  Pat staying current of our duties for running the Bar on July 23, 2022.
  •     International Projects; As costs are rising in every area, and for the past 6 years Chip and Brian have paid their own travel costs, it was decided that travel costs are to      be included in the International Project funds. Their talents, knowledge, and hands on efforts of these Projects is extremely appreciated.
    • Motion by Pat, seconded by Lynda, that going forward that travel and accommodation costs of two Rotarians, previously donated by Brian and Chip, now be included in the funds raised for international projects.  Estimated at $6000. Per person.                   Carried
  • Future meeting Date:  June 22, 2022
Yours in Rotary
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of May 25, 2022
Rhonda Latreille President 
Pat Hahn - Chair
Alan Benson
Diedre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc 
Garry Mcintosh
Margot McDermott
Dawn Lynn Bowness
Rick Singh
Zoom: Lynda Simpson
  Chip Bowness
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:31AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Pat
  • Rotary Minute – Brian
  •      Rotary 4 Way Test-
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Test was created in 1932 by a person who oversaw a company destined for bankruptcy and by applying the principles was brought out of bankruptcy and back to good operating standing.
  • Any Additions to the Agenda:     
  • SHRED A THON - MAY 28, 2022 –
    • Final details reviewed with thanks.
    • Margot McDermott: Rotary International Experience – She was an Extraordinary dedicated choreographer for 4 International ceremonies at Nice 95, Calgary 96, Glasgow 97, and San Antonio 98.  Well done, Margot!! What talent!!
  • Future meeting Date:  June 1, 2022
Yours in Rotary
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of May 11 2022
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Deirdre O’Ruairic
Alan Benson
Zoom: Lynda Simpson
           Chip Bowness
Guest Speaker: Ryan Scott - Rotaract President
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:46am
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Rhonda
  • Rotary Minute - Alan
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of May 4, 2022, moved by Deirdre, seconded by Alan,   Carried.
  • GUEST SPEAKER - Ryan Scott - Return from Guatemala chat!  Great presentation of successful water system installation to remote villages in Rural Guatemala.
    • HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY GUYS AND GALS!!!!             
    • Social is May 17, 2022,6 pm, at Brian and Deirdre home, please let Deirdre know your attendance and potluck item.   Email was sent on Monday. Will be in Honor of Cass Parel.
    • Installation dinner date to be determined as previous dates not available. 
  • Future meeting Date: May 25, 2022   SOCIAL MAY 17, 2022.
  • Adjournment :  You all missed the finest meeting which including singing, in a very long time!  No further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 9:07am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Greg Flinn
Pat Hahn
Marjorie Walters
Lynda Simpson
Rick Singh
Zoom: Joanne Taylor
  • Welcome and Call to Order
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Brian
  • Rotary Minute – Brian & Rick
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of April 27, 2022, moved by Pat, seconded by Marjorie,  Carried
  •           Installation Dinner: July 8, 2022, Ricks office patio, casual Rotary Blue theme, catered by Jeanne McLean hopefully.
  •           SHRED IT - May 28, 2022 – many details listed and to be sent under separate email.
    • HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY GUYS AND GALS!!!!              
  • Future meeting Date: May 11, 2022, Special Guest: Ryan Scott- report from trip to Guatemala!
  • Adjournment: no further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 9:03am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
New Story April 29 2022
        Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
        Jeff Richards
        Marjorie Walters
        Brian O’Ruairc
        Pat Hahn
        Greg Flinn
        Chip Bownes
        Deidrie O’Ruairc
        Alan Benson
          Zoom:  Lynda Simpson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:38AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Deirdre
  • Rotary Minute - Pat Hahn
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of April 13, 2022, Moved by Marjorie , seconded by Greg.     Carried.
    • Dine and Dance: July 23, 2022, Pat is following with White Rock Pride Society is a registered and insured society. At Centennial Curling Rink.
    • Calendar for Area F– Rhonda created a calendar and planning to circulate to all Rotary clubs for their events so we can see what is going on with all clubs! Thanks Rhonda!!
    • Shred it: May 28, 2022, update: Thank you Greg for sponsorship of his employment. Signage being prepared. 20 signs used in past and in good location as well as in our neighborhoods. Chip on site supervise will arrange signs with thanks.  Pat doing posters.
    • Fab Four Dance October 1, 2022.
    • Installation dinner is July 6, 2022, Will be at Alan and Aline Benson’s home with thanks.
    • Presentation by Chip and Brian of their projects of Cambodia and Thailand was outstanding and so powerful and appreciated with much thanks.
    • Conference; Semiahmoo Resort – Blaine, WA.
    • May 13-15th, 2022.  Be there or Be square!!
 Future Meetings – May 17, 2022, at Deirdre and Brian O’Ruairc’s home, Social and honor of Cass Pacal.
  • Future meeting Date: May 4, 2022 
  • Adjournment, no further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 9:38am 
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
minutes of April 13, 2022
  Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
  Jeff Richards
  Marjorie Walters
  Chip Bowness
  Pat Hahn
  Alan Benson   
Additional Guests:
        Nirmal Takar
        Mischele Partridge
        Wendy Chapman
        John Clarke  
Zoom: Greg Flinn
           Lynda Simpson
           Eva Galvez
Guest Speaker: Maria Kliavkoff
                       Assist Governor from Rotary 5080
                       – Peace Committee
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:35AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Rhonda
  •      MARIA KLIAVKOFF - “Healthy Conversations in Difficult Times”
  • Terrific refreshing presentation helping us see how important for groups/clubs to maintain Honest, Open, and Transparent conversations in a safe environment that allows all members to voice their views with respect.  “Help me to hear or understand” removes the need to have a judgement but just understand.
  • Rotary Minute - ALAN BENSON
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of April 6, 2022, moved by Chip, seconded by Marjorie,   Carried. 
    • International Project update -Chip Bowness and Brian O'Ruairc are planning to fly to Cambodia Mid October to resume our international project with much gratitude for their donation to this cause and at their own costs.
    • Pat Hahn – Update of Dine and Dance.  Need to obtain Liquor license.  More news when closer to July.
    • Shred it – update of signs for reuse in process.  Chip recommends use the sleeve style signs as they last longest. Posted 30 days prior is important.   Chip has contact to get sleeve signs cheaper, hopefully.
    • Fab Four Dance October 1, 2022.        
  • Future meeting Date: April 27, 2022 - On Wednesday, 6PM April 20, 2022, Potluck Social at Herb and Rhonda’s!  Please advise Rhonda what you will bring, with thanks!!
  • Adjournment : No further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 9:04am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of April 6, 2022
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Pat Hahn
Deidre O Ruairc
Greg Flinn
Joanne Taylor
Garry Mcintosh
Pat Allen
      Zoom:  Lynda Simpson
                 Chip Bowness
      Guest:  Ryan Scott from Rotaract club
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:34AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Pat
  • Rotary Minute -Deidre
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of March 30, 2022, moved by Marjorie, seconded by Deirdre,  Carried
  • Additions to Agenda: 
-Ryan Scott, President of Rotaract club are working on in stalling water tank systems in Guatemala to get water closer to villages in need.  Looking for sponsorship of $500. to assist with travel. Leave April 28-May 8, 2022. Was approved as they assist in our Shred-it fund raiser. Motion to approve $500 by Marjorie, seconded by Deirdre,                                Carried.
        -Return-it account.  Our account number is 604-785-2538(Rhonda cell number).  Very easy to return bottles that credit Rotary of South Surrey.
        -Gary Mcintosh – Tribute Plaque for Cass Peral that we will present to His wife.  Will connect with Peninsula Peace Arch club to update this profile with his                    achievements. Gary, Pat and Jeff will connect with club for this update.
        -Pancake breakfast has been postponed from May 28, 2022. 
        -District Assembly April 9, 2022,8-3pm- Rhonda, Marjorie, Greg, Pat to attend.
        -Jeff -Field House – Jeff to be representative of Field House Board on our club behalf,  moved by Deirdre, seconded by Pat,         Carried.
        -Pat Hahn – White Rock Pride Society Dine and Dance July 23, 2022.  Well organized. In Curling Rink.  We are running the bar!! Separate table for ticket sales.           Full bar service. Keg style beer. Pat to arrange Liquor license.
        -Greg - donation from Western Integrated Systems was obtained of $400. With much thanks.
        -Deirdre update- International Project - Chip, Brian and Jerry, still submitting and finalizing 3 grants.   Chip and Brian plan to go to Cambodia and Thailand in             October.
        -Save On food Gift-cards can be obtained at White Rock Travel, Courtesy Cleaners 152 & 20th.
        -Fab Four Band are available Saturday, October 1, 2022, and Legion in Crescent beach is available.                
         -Gift basket was sent to Anna and Peter Hertz and Anna sent a lovely thank you card. Peter has about a year of recovery needed to use his arm again.
         -Guest Speaker, MARIA KLIAVKOFF - “Healthy Conversations in Difficult Times” April 13, 2022, must start zoom at 7:15am, so please be on time.
  • Future meeting Date: April 13, 2022!!
  • Adjournment:  No further business for the good of Rotary, meeting adjourned at 9:23am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of March 30, 2022
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Marjorie Walters
Jeff Richards
Deirdre O Ruairc
Greg Flinn
Rick Singh
Garry McIntosh
     Guest: Linda Watson
     Guest Speaker: Meg Schmieder
    Zoom: Chip Bowness
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:45AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Gary Macintosh
  • Rotary Minute – Jeff Richards
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of March 23, 2022, moved by Deirdre, seconded by Rick, Carried.
  • Additions to Agenda
    • -White Rock Club Book Sale.  Rhonda will forward the flyer to everyone and acknowledged that they can always use more help.  They agreed to send a contact name for coordinating volunteers.  
    • -Return-it registration for our club.  Simply enter Rhonda's cell number:  604-785-2538 and a screen will come up on the pad confirming this is for the Rotary Club of South Surrey.
      Enter the number of labels you want printed.  You are only allowed 6 bags per day, and only 12 bottles per bag.  Use clear and recyclable bags.  Money will come to our club -- tell all your friends!  They make it really easy and efficient.
    • -Rotary Donation – Greg Flinn is researching a donation to our club from his employer, Western Integrated Systems, with much thanks.  We suggested that the donation could be used to cover the costs of the 2 shred-wise trucks.  
    • -Playground Upgrade at the Salvation Army Proposal for the Rotary Days of Service had to be withdrawn.  They MAY get funding for upgrades to the building in the future and this could impact the footprint on the playground so we need to consider alternative projects such as the A Rocha proposal Linda Hensman suggested originally.  Rhonda will follow up.  The group told Rhonda they would support her recommendation for an alternative project.
    • -District Assembly - Reminder of the date -- April 9.  WE will be charged for 5 registrations -- so let's make use of this opportunity.  Great way to meet other Rotarians and learn many things.  Rhonda and Greg will be attending and room for more folks!
    • -Passing of Rotarian Cass Parel. We would like to make him an honorary member of our club and include all his designations. Lynda to follow with Pat Bond.
      -Guatemala Water Project - 2 members of the Rotaract club will be going to Guatemala to work on this project and are holding a major fundraiser to cover their costs.  A couple of clubs at the President's meeting suggested that each club contribute $500 toward the project costs, and any extra funds would go toward village supplies.  The club members suggested that we confirm our Shred-it support money for their help and let them know they can use this any way they choose.
                  -District Conference Table to showcase our projects -- Rhonda to learn more about securing a table.
                 -Rhonda reported that the Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for May 28 which would conflict with our Shred-it event.  She will work with Joan to encourage the                             Breakfast date to be re-scheduled.
                 -Deirdre mentioned that Vireak Ann (Administrator for the Happy Home in Cambodia) may be coming to Toronto in May, and then potentially on to Vancouver to                         meet with Chip and Brian and our club. Deirdre will keep us posted.
                        Meg Schmieder (They/Them | She/Her)
                        Community Fundraising Coordinator
                  -Interesting information of an international organization that assist with disaster relief since 2000.
  • Future meeting Date: April 6, 2022!!
  • Adjournment – No further business for the good of Rotary, Adjourned at 9:03am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of March 23, 2022
Rhonda Latrielle – President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Pat Hahn
Greg Flinn
Alan Benson
Marjorie Walters
Zoom: Jerry Zdril
           Rick Singh
           Chip Bowness
           Lynda Simpson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:38AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Rick
  • Rotary Minute - Rhonda
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of March 9, 2022, moved by Marjorie, seconded by Pat.   Carried.
  • Additions to Agenda 
-District Grants management Training – Saturday.
 We have 3 grants in line ready when can travel. Submit application for the Hospice that was not approved last year, due to shortage of funds; will be submitted again, by end of August 2022.
-Playground cleanup/upgrade -proposal – group effort with all 5 clubs.  Proposed Salvation Army Public playground on Roper & 154th street, Surrey, BC. Awaiting approval of all clubs. Grant is $5000.
-Our Shred-it is May 28th, 2022.  Need to advertise on all media sources and focus to promote our fundraiser. Pat and Alan offered to help organize signs.  Consider sign party to update signs.  Ensure in High traffic areas and ask members to install and manage signs in their own area as well. Appreciate all of Chip’s input, documentation and info that he will share.  Thank you, Chip!
-Speakers: on March 30, 2022 – Shelter Box,-  April 13, 2022 – Maria, with Healthy mourning – more info to follow.
-April 9th, 2022, Saturday, District Training Assembly - Jerry and Roberta giving a presentation of Rotary Helps.  – 8:00pm to noon, lunch is served; is in person. 5 registrations are mandatory to us; please make every effort to attend and register as soon as possible.  Located a KPU Kwantlen Polytechnic University, 12666 72 Ave, Surrey, BC.
-Update from Rotary Helps by Jerry.  Last container filled last week for Tanzania.  Good event and process of loading of containers. March 5, 2022, container to Ethiopia. Anyone can come on a Saturday to view process that is needed to load container to other countries.
-fund raising opportunity.  Pat – White Rock Pride Society, having a dine dance July 23, 2022, asked us to run and serve the bar with a 50/50 participation. Lots of agreement to join this venture. Pat will stay involved to follow for information to participate.  We order liquor, pick up and deliver and serve.                   
  • Sergeant at Arms - Pat
  • Future meeting Date: March 30, 2022!!  Guest Speaker from Shelter Box.
  • No further business for the good of Rotary, meeting was adjourned at 8:57am. 
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of March 9, 2022
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Rick Singh
Pat Hahn
Deirdre O’ruairc’
Zoom:  Chip Bowness
            Lynda Simpson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:42AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Rhonda
  • Rotary Minute - Jeff
  • Moved by Deirdre, seconded by Rick, to accept Minutes of previous Meeting of March 2, 2022.       Carried
  • Additions to Agenda – 
  •      Dates to remember:
    •  PETS update, District Training at Kwantlen Polytechnical April 9, 2022, – 5   members,
    •  District Conference May 13 – 15, Only 3 attending so far! More wine for us!!
    • Youth Leadership at Alexandra House March 11 – 13, 2022.
    • Grants seminar via Zoom, March 26, minimum of 2 members
  •      Guest Speaker on March 30, 2022, from Shelter Box. Details to follow
  •      Review of Awards our club achieved!! Well Done!
  •      PETS video of Jennifer Jones – President elect.              
  • Sergeant at Arms – Deirdre – fun dollars collected from all with thanks!! Best Wishes to Peter Herz and look forward to your return to meetings!
  • Future meeting Date: March 23, 2022!!
  • Social March 18, 2022, Pat and Karilin Hahn's home, 6pm - St Patrick Day theme!!
 Address: 1282 Duprez Street, White Rock, BC. 
 Potluck - Contact Karilin confirm attendance and to advise what you will bring please. 604-541-2363.  Thanks!! 
  • Meeting was adjourned at 8:57am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of March 2, 2022
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Mike Hornak
Pat Hahn
Greg Flinn
Rick Singh
Marjorie Walters
Zoom:  Jerry Zdril
            Chip Bowness
            Lynda Simpson                        
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:45 AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Jeff
  • Rotary Minute - Rick
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of February 16, 2022, Motion to accept, Brian, seconded, Pat.  Carried
  • Additions to Agenda:
  • Directors’ reports- Jeff – finance,
    •                     Deidre – membership,
    •                     Rick – administration – suggested guest speakers,
    •                     Rhonda re Gala online, PETS update, District Training at Kwantle Polytechnical April 9 – 5 members,
    •                     District Conference May 13 – 15, Youth Leadership at Alexandra House March 11 – 13,
    •                     Grants seminar via Zoom, March 26, minimum of 2 members
    •                     Update of Rotary Days of Service – A local project suggested –Public playground adjacent to Salvation Army office
  • Sergeant at Arms - Pat - happy funds collected with thanks.
  • Future meeting Date: March 9, 2022, at Dil Se Restaurant
  • Social night at Pat and Karilin’s, Friday, March 18
  • No further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 8:55am
Yours in Rotary,
Marjorie Walters 
minutes of February 16, 2022
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Marjorie Walters
Guest:  Joan Apel – Assist Governor                           
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:45 AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Chip
  • Rotary Minute - Rhonda
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of February 9, 2022, Motion to accept, Alan, seconded, Chip, carried
  • Coldest night of year – Super Stars team has been registered. Plan to meet at Blackie Spit at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Feb 26th.
  • Installation of new member, Greg, and officers and directors at Deidre and Brian’s, 6:00, Friday, Feb 25th
  •  Second annual Gala is via zoom -   Wednesday, Feb 23rd  Importance of contributing to the Foundation and one minute video message.
  • Update from Joan: Consideration for Yale and sponsoring students, hands-on project for Rotary Days of Service
  • Guest Speaker:  suggested - Person from La Rocha to speak, Denise Darnell from Women’s Centre
  • Fab Four Dance tentatively rescheduled for fall 2022
  • Yale revisited, deferred to June at Alexandra House
  • Sergeant at Arms - Rhonda - happy funds collected with thanks.
  • Future meeting Date: March 2, 2022, at Indian Restaurant, (No meeting Feb 23rd)
  • Adjournment no further business for the good of Rotary adjourned at 8:40am
Yours in Rotary,
Marjorie Walters
minutes of February 9, 2022
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Guest:  Joan Apel – Assist Governor
             Anissa Lau
             Gabby Lees
             Linda Annis
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:45AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Alan
  • Rotary Minute - Chip
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of February 2, 2022, Motion to accept by Chip, and seconded by Jeff,   Carried
  • Additions to Agenda :
  •       Coldest night of year – Super Stars team has been registered. Plan to organize place and date next week. official date is Feb 26th. Usually along the            White Rock prominade and pier.
  •       Second annual Gala is via zoom. - need to co-ordinate with members to present via a group zoom.  deferred to next week.
  •       Our Citations goals for 2021 were all met and Joan gave us congratulations.      
  • Guest Speaker:  Annisa Lau, Linda Annis, and Gabby Lees from Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers!  Enjoyed a great presentation how anyone can be a           Crime stopper as all contact may be anonymous!  Great service to help all neighborhoods.
  • Sergeant at Arms - Jeff - happy funds collected with thanks.
  • Future meeting Date: February 16 , 2022!!
  • Adjournment No Further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 8:50am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of February 2, 2022
  • Present:
  • Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
  • Alan Benson
  • Rich Singh
  • Lynda Simpson
  • Chip Bowness
  • Jeff Richards
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:48AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation -Lynda
  • Rotary Minute - Rhonda
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of January 26, 2022, Moved by Alan, seconded by Rick,  Carried.
  • Additions to Agenda -  
  •       District awards update: We made submission to all categories with photos!!
  •       Coldest night of year: Feb 26, 2022, our name SSSS ,South Surrey Super Stars of Rotary!  Let’s get ready for a great walk!!  Time and place to be determined.
  •       Citation update: Will update and advise progress monthly.
  •       Cambodia update: Water issues from dry well.  In contact and following. Reverse Osmosis is best alternative. Travel is still questionable due to pandemic.
  •       Guest Speaker:   Feb 9th Gabby Lees -Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers.  Alan will present speaker.
  • Sergeant at Arms – Rick, happy $ collected with thanks.
  • Future meeting Date: February 9, 2022!!  Please join us for Guest Speaker!
  • Adjournment; No further business for good of Rotary, meeting adjourned 8:56am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of January 26, 2022
Rhonda Latrielle, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Chip Bowness
Rick Singh
Brian O’Ruairc
Deidre O’Ruairc
Lynda Simpson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:48AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation - Alan
  • Rotary Minute - Rick
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of December 15th, 2021, Moved by Alan, seconded by Rick, Carried.
  • Additions to Agenda -
  •      Update of Presidents meeting:
  •      President elect – International President elect, Jennifer Jones,  is planning a travel agenda and hope our 4 clubs could have a presentation, perhaps at Peace Arch Park,  to welcome her when she comes to White Rock area!!  {possible gift of a sculpture from Herb Latreille?)
  •      Rhonda looking to update our Citation report goals.
  •      Coldest night of year walk, Feb 26, 2022.  Please let Rhonda know if you are attending! 
  •      Installation on Feb 25, 2022, at O’Ruairc’s home for Greg Flinn.  Also, received a Paul Harris award for Pat Hahn. Subject to covid regulations of gatherings.
  •      District Awards update: Take place March 02, 2022, need photos of all our projects we have accomplished. Please send your photos to Rhonda as soon as possible.
  • Speaker update:  Rick is following for a Member from Shelter Box for next meeting.
  • Sergeant at Arms – Jeff – Good happy $ collected from all attending! $45 collected with thanks.
  • Future meeting Date: February 2 , 2022!!
  • Adjournment 8:56 am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of January 19, 2022
  •   Rhonda Latreille – President & Chair
  •   Rick Singh
  •   Brain O’Ruairc
  •   Deirdre O’Ruairc
  •   Marjorie Walters
  •   Jerry Zdril
  •   Allan Benson
  •   Joanne Taylor
  •   Jeff Richards
  •   Lynda Simpson
  •   Greg Flinn
  •   Chip Bowness
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:47AM via Zoom.
  • National Anthem
  • Invocation - Deirdre
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of December 15th, 2021, moved by Lynda, second by Marjorie, Carried.  
  • Additions to Agenda
Abbotsford Flood Donation - Brian - Support of Abbotsford Flood Victims donation of Save On Gift Cards; some were exchanged to Home Depot cards as need of supplies is extreme also. Thanks to Jeff to ensuring funds were available immediately; and especially to Brian and Deirdre for getting to Abbotsford to complete this donation in addition to their subsequent generous personal donation of hardware supplies to assist with clean up and restoration of properties. Approximate joint clubs ($8000) was collected for this cause.  Thank you everyone for your assistance.
  • Rotary Helps – Jerry Gave update of how difficult it is to ship a container due to shipping/transportation (Covid) issues and delays being extreme and costly while they stay at the docks with daily storage fees accelerating.  Normally they ship 13 – 20 per year,  This last year only 9 due to so many issues presently via countries regulations and permissions to ship. Overseas Shipping companies increase of costs (15 – 200%) are taking advantage of this situation. Rotary Helps are asking for any assistance to help the extreme costs of storage and shipping. 
  •  Motion by Lynda, that our club donate $500 towards Rotary Helps cause, which we belong to, to help with extreme costs, seconded by Deirdre, Carried.
  • Rotaract Club – have organized three covid-safe live music events at the Blarney Stone on Jan 13th, 20th, and Feb 3rd
  •                           100% of profits go to Red Cross Flood & Extreme Weather Appeal for BC flood relief
  •                           If you can't attend the event but still wish to support the cause, you can:
  •                           -donate to our e-transfer
  • Polar Bear Plunge – Rhonda will send an update of photos of individuals who took part.
  • Fund raising update – Deirdre, deferred our Fabulous Four dance planned for February 12, 2022, due to Covid regulations.  Shred it event looking to book for May 7, 2022.  Brian wears a jacket that has Rotary emblem on it which has encouraged people to ask what Rotary is. Please wear your jacket, Rotary name tag, Pin, T Shirt if you shop, go to coffee or lunch, to promote Rotary and encourage memberships! Don’t forget your invite to breakfast cards!!
  • Membership – Deidre would like to book Installation of Greg Flinn for Feb 25, 2022 at their home and hopeful restrictions are lifted.
  • Regulations of meeting update.   Presently meeting of 6 is allowed in a restaurant until Feb 18th, no organized meetings.
  • Sergeant at Arms - Lynda challenged all members to start off 2022 with a good positive beginning by donating $25.00 towards our club funds. All attending members joined in.  Jeff to bill with our membership invoice.
  • Future meeting Date: January 26, 2022!! Will be via Zoom for next month (Feb 18, 2022). Every Wednesday at 7:30am.
  • Adjournment – No further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 8:57am.
  • Secretary - Lynda Simpson
Minutes of December 15, 2021
Rhonda Latreille – President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Lynda Simpson
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Joanne Taylor
Carlos Galvez
Eva Galvez
Brian O’Ruairc
Deidre O’Ruairc
Alan Benson
Rick Singh
Zoom:  Garry McIntosh
Guests:  Greg Flinn
             Mark Wilson
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:38AM
  • Deirdre – Introduction of Mark Wilson, new attendee, and returning guest Greg Flinn,  Welcome.
  • National Anthem – led by Eva with thanks
  • Invocation - Peter
  • Rotary Minute – Rhonda -
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of December 8th, 2021, moved by Deirdre, seconded by Carlos, carried.
  • Additions to Agenda
  •         -Noted December as a busy month of Rotary anniversaries for our members !!
  •         -Christmas tip for Waitress – Encouraged a large tip for our wonderful waitress here are Indian Cuisine Restaurant.
  •         -Save On Gift Cards for Flood Victims -Moved by Brian that we donate total of $3000 towards flood victims in Abbotsford of Save-on Food Gift cards, seconded by Pat.  Carried.     In future, moved by Lynda, seconded by Deirdre,  that our President Rhonda please make executive decision on our club’s behalf with needs of emergency funds, such as flooding in BC.  Carried.     
  •         -Giving Tree – Rhonda collected $280 in gifts for the 3 families (via Sources) from the giving tree with thanks.  Was done by individuals in past. Moved by Rick that our club pays for this donation. Seconded by Lynda, Carried.
  • Rick moved that, in future, we concentrate our donations to our own club members, Eva and Carlos Galvez, of the Salvation Army, seconded by Deidre, Carried.   This will be a more personal touch and carrying donation as our own members select the families in need.
  •         -Donation to Salvation Army – Each year our club donates $500 to Salvation Army towards their thanksgiving and Christmas meals for the needy.  We also collected an additional $505 in personal member donations. Receipts are given for donations over $20.  
  •         -As Eva and Carlos were unable to run the Kettle drive this year, a letter was sent out to everyone.
  • Sergeant at Arms – Pat – many happy and sad wishes collected with generous donations.
  • Polar Bear Swim - January 1, 2022, noon. at the White Rock on the West Beach. Please check the newspaper for details. 
  • Future meeting Date: January 12, 2022!!   Installation Social planned for January 19, 2022.
    • Wishing you all a happy Christmas
    • and healthy New Year!
  • Adjournment  8:58am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
minutes of December 8, 2021
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair             Guest Speaker:  Bev Harrington
Pat Hahn                                                                          5050 District Governor                                                                                             
Lynda Simpson
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Alan Benson
Brian O’ruairc’
Peter Herz
Eva Galvez
Carlos Galvez
Zoom:  Rick Singh
           Joan Apel
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:40am
  • National Anthem 
  • Guest Speaker:  Bev Harrington, 5050 District Governor. Thank you, Bev, who gave a wonderful warm presentation of some of this year’s projects being Service and Connection! Let’s try to connect more with other organizations and work together. Look to Grow more and try to do more towards membership, as much as we do for others.
  • District Celebration May 13-15, 2022.  Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, Washington.  Registration for Canadians is $222US until the end of December 2021. See below.
Register now for the reimagined District Celebration at the beautiful Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, Washington, May 13-15, 2022.  Registration is now open. 
EARLY BIRD rates for the first 150 US and 150 Canadians until December 31.  Canadian Early Bird rate is par (based on July 1 RI exchange rate). 
Rotary Connects Changemakers on Saturday and Sunday with presentations by the inspirational Jordan Harrison and the founder of Days for Girls Celeste Mergens.  You won’t want to miss the exciting International Bazaar, or the Saturday evening gala entertainment by the Killer Keyz Dueling Pianos.  Pack your casual beach attire and celebrate being together again with your Rotary friends.   
  • Future meeting Date: December 15, 2021!                      
  • Adjournment – no further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 8:47am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
minutes of December 1, 2021
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Pat Hahn
Lynda Simpson
Joanne Taylor
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Alan Benson
Zoom:  Rick Singh
           Chip Bowness
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:37am
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation-Joanne
  • Rotary Minute-Rick
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of November 24, 2021, moved by Joanne, seconded by Marjorie, Carried
  • Additions to Agenda:
  •      Flood Fund - area f is asking if all clubs would be interested to donate $2300 in Save on Gift Cards to support flood victims in Abbotsford and Chilliwack.  Moved by Lynda to donate $2300 towards flood victims, which would be in form of Save On Gift cards, Seconded by Pat, Carried.
  •      Gift tree – Joan Apel is in coordination with Sources, contact information for three families was shared. Please bring items/ donation to next meeting or Social, with thanks!
  •      Membership- As District Governor Bev Harrington is attending and presenting via Zoom.   Please make every effort to attend and wear your name tags.
  •      Sassy update -In need of a member to stand on committee to help organize and prepare event for awards that is in recognition of youths. 
  •      Social/ Christmas Party -at Rhonda and Herbs, is Dec 10th, details below.
  •      District awards -submitted for every category!! 9! Nine! Thank you, Rhonda, for your wonderful concentrated and detailed efforts for our submissions!!   
  •      President Elect - Alan Benson is unable to accept this position currently.  Apologies for our misunderstanding. 
Future meeting Date:  December 8, 2021 -
          Social for December 10th, 2021,  Friday 
           Chocolate making adventure as well as drinks and food!  
           Will order in food so can concentrate on Chocolate event!!
           Rhonda and Herbs home.  Come early if you can - 4pm
               #4 -1426 on Thrift Avenue  - 604-785-2538                        
  • Adjournment – no further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 8:47am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
New Story November 24, 2021
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Alan Benson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
JoAnne Taylor
Lynda Simpson
Zoom:  Joan Apel
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:35AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation-Jeff
  • Rotary Minute-Alan
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of November 10, 2021, moved by Peter, seconded by Marjorie, Carried
  • Additions to Agenda:
    • President elect - Unfortunately, Hanif Rajan needs to resign from President Elect position as well as attending our meetings, due to family obligations.  We sincerely hope you, Hanif,  keep in touch with us regularly.
    • Alan Benson kindly agreed to accept the President Elect position with much thanks. He is already experienced so watch out!!! hahahaha
    • Eva and Carlos Galvez – Carlos is doing two jobs now as Eva is still in recovery.  Eva’s health is coming along as planned, however they are unable to operate the Kettle Drive, as she is the main co-ordinator of this chapter of Salvation Army.  Wishing’s of good recovery sent to Eva.
  •        District News from Joan Apel: 
  •          -5050 District;  project plan to help flood victims is in process.  Notices to follow.
  •          -Giving Tree is operating again this year for a needy person or family during Christmas.
  •          -Sock drive of the Rotaract’s still collecting until Dec 2, 2021.
  •          -50/50 draw still ongoing for Christmas Noel
  • Sergeant at Arms: Joanne 
  •           - Many heartfelt thoughts for the flood victims and their speedy recovery. 
  •           - A long time member, Cass Parel, passed away November 20, 2021. Alan offered to gather information about Cass history and to prepare                           a sincere condolence message.
  •          - Citation Goals Report completed.  Will send out a copy to all members
  •          - District Awards -Details discussed. Special attention to Shred it.  Rhonda will prepare our Award submissions by November 30.2021   
Future meeting Date:  December 1, 2021 – 
                                 December 10, 2021 – 4pm, Chocolate  making Social!                         
  • No further business for the good of Rotary, Adjournment was at 8:43am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of November 10, 2021
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Peter Herz
JoAnne Taylor
Pat Hahn
Rick Singh
Alan Benson
Lynda Simpson
Zoom:  Jeff Richards
            Chip Bowness
  • Welcome and Call to Order at 7:33AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation-Peter
  • Rotary Minute-
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of November 3, 2021, moved by Pat, seconded by Alan, Carried
  • Additions to Agenda:
  •         -JoAnne will prepare an article and photo of the Shred it results for the Peace Arch News.
  •         -Sock Drive by Rotaract – Appreciate donation or drop off new socks at Rotary Field house Nov 5-Dec 1, 2021.
  •         -Community Collaboration – Prince George – email of info sent to all.
  •         -District Celebration May 13-15, 2022, in Blaine Washington. Semiahmoo Resort.
  •         -Sassy awards –Recognition of young Achievers of health, challenges, education, in community. Our club is very small and have committed our funds elsewhere.
  • Sergeant at Arms: Rick -Good variety of happy moments shared that brought smiles and laughter that we all needed.
  •       - Citation Goals - Completed setting this year’s goals, will send copy to all members.
  •       - District Awards - deferred  
Future meeting Date:  November 24 , 2021 - 
                                  Social November 19, 2021 6pm Potluck
                                  Please advise Aline and Alan what you will bring
Yours in Rotary
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of November 3, 2021
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Alan Benson
Lynda Simpson
Zoom:  Chip Bowness
           Jerry Zdril
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:36AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation-Peter
  • Rotary Minute-Rhonda -Talk of October 24 2021 being World Polio Day and How since 1983 Rotary International have made a pledge to rid of Polio.  
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of October 27, 2021, moved by Peter, seconded by Marjorie, Carried.
  • Additions to Agenda:
    • Jerry Zdril is President of Rotary World Health and they want to extend invite for anyone to attend a Container loading event which is once a month.  Next one is November 20, 2021, 9am.  is 2-3 hours.  You learn all what is involved to prepare and ship a Container.  Please register with Jerry.
    • Next week will go through yearly Citation Goals of our club
    • Review of District Awards each year. And where we placed last year.
  • Sergeant at Arms: Pat
  • Fundraisers:  Results of Shred It October 30, 2021.
    • A successful fundraiser with much thanks to all volunteers.
    • Ran smoothly, Gross funds $6,365.85. 
    • Will send out a feedback email and amalgamate suggestions for improvement at next meeting.
Future meeting Date:  November 10 , 2021 - 
       Social  will be November 19, 2020, 6PM.  Alan Benson and Aline Lavoie offered to host. 
                                                      address 1920 Ocean Wind Drive, Surrey, BC
  • Adjournment at 8:57am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of October 27, 2021
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Alan Benson
Marjorie Walters
JoAnne Taylor
Lynda Simpson
Guest:  Greg Flinn
              Doug Fenwick
Zoom:  Rick Singh
              Ryan Scott - Rotaract
              Joan Apel- Assistant District Governor
  • Welcome and Call to Order 7:30AM
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation-Pat
  • Rotary Minute-Joan Apel
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of October 13, 2021, moved by Pat, seconded by Marjorie, Carried.
  • Additions to Agenda:
  •    District update: Joan Apel
  •         After 3 years as Assist Governor, Joan welcomes Linda Hensman from                       Semiahmoo club to take her place.
  •        - Christmas Tree Cards
  •        - All Club Breakfast planned for April 2, 2021 – Planning start in January 2022.
  •        - White Rock Club, having a book sale December 3-4, 2021
  •        - Cost $6000 per month to operate the free lunch 6 days a week
  •         -Important to support all clubs causes as we are all Rotary
  •         -Rotary Noel 50/50 draw needs lots of support – draw December 2, 2021  
  •    Rotaract Club update: Ryan Scott – 12 days of Christmas kindness –
  •         will send an invite to meetings for more information.
  • Fundraisers:  Shred It October 30, 2021, 10 - 1 pm –
  •        - So appreciate Rotaract’s support at this event.
  •        - All needed supplies will be picked up Friday.
  •        - Greg is handling box recycling.  Pat will bring Rotary Flags.
  •        - Jeff and Marjorie will oversee Visa, debit payments.
  •        - After party at Ocean Park Pub – Rhonda will arrange.
  •        - Still a Covid regulated event.  Thanks to ALL volunteers for this event!!!
Future meeting Date:  November 3 , 2021 -  
  • Adjournment - No further business or the good of Rotary, Adjourned at 8:53 am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of October 13, 2021
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Peter Herz
Jeff Richards
Rick Singh
Alan Benson
Pat Hahn
Lynda Simpson
Zoom:  Marjorie Walters
Guest: Greg Flinn
  • Welcome and Call to Order  7:34am
  • National Anthem 
  • Invocation-Pat Hahn
  • Rotary Minute-Rick
  • Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of October 6, 2021 moved by Peter, seconded by PAT.  CARRIED  
  • Sergeant at Arms – Lynda – many happy thanksgiving visits and blessings shared by all.
  •       LOCAL:  SHRED IT, OCTOBER 30, 2021 – Went over details of tasks needed to complete and assigned.  Rhonda to send out email to all for tally of volunteers that are needed. Arrange Pick up supplies on Friday. Please Arrive by 8:30 am Saturday.
No further business for the good of rotary meeting adjourned 8:57am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of October 6, 2021
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Hanif Rajan
Rick Singh
Alan Benson
Via zoom:  Marjorie Walters
Guest:  Greg Flinn
Welcome and Call to Order 7:30AM
National Anthem 
Rotary Minute-Rick – interesting discussion when women were first allowed to work or join businesses or clubs.
Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of Sept 22, 2021, and Sept 29, 2021, motioned by Pat, seconded by Peter,  Carried
Any Additions to the Agenda:
Director’s update:
       Treasurer – Jeff -no change since last report /all current. Incurred cost $252 for our website domain for 8 years.  It was agreed that our invoice for membership fees will also include the contribution of $35. as an optional payment towards EREY(Every Rotarian Every Year).
       Administration- Rick – will look to two speakers a month, October 13th with Alan Benson and 20th with Bev Harrington via zoom.   Regarding Socials, we are presently doing potluck at a Rotarian’s home until we can meet and socialize more in local restaurants when Covid regulations allow.
Sergeant at Arms - Hanif. Lots of Happy funds collected. Most of us seem to all need hearing aids!!! Many good laughs and points regarding importance of good hearing! Many good Thanksgiving plans!
  a.  LOCAL:  SHRED IT, OCTOBER 30, 2021   - signs have been posted around South Surrey.  Posters on Facebook and emailed to all.  Need to continue word of mouth and posters to local businesses in White Rock and Ocean Park.  Hope to get out by this weekend. In paper on 14th and 28th.  Safeway will help us recycle with flatten boxes on the day of with their box flattener machine.  Greg will help also and bring his pickup to help with cardboard also. Alan will poster the Ocean Park area, Rick did the Morgan heights area.  Lynda to do 5 corners and up to thrift avenue.  Rhonda will do thrift avenue to mall on 16th.  Pat and KariLynn will do Marine drive.  Meet at Parking lot 9am.  Need to arrange water and ice chest.  Pat to investigate Starbucks coffee.  Peter will host information table.  Supplies for the day of are in Rotary house storage and O Ruairc’s house.  Will have all details ready for the October 27 meeting. Spread poster to realtors is very helpful.
  b. INTERNATIONAL; deferred
Special Note:  Greg Flinn’s birthday is October 30, 2021, our Shred=it date!!
           Future meeting Date:  October 13, 2021
           Please everyone, make every effort to attend October 20th meeting as our District Governor Bev Harrington will be joining us via zoom.
           Social October 22, 2021 – Potluck – Lynda Simpson Home 
                           #301 – 15070 Prospect Avenue, White Rock, BC - No Stairs.
          No further business for the good of Rotary meeting adjourned 8:59am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of September 29, 2021
Attendance -
Rhonda Latreille, President and Chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Rick Singh
Hanif Rajan
Peter Herz
Lynda Simpson
Garry McIntosh
Alan Benson
Pat Hahn
  • Goal Setting plans for Year 2021-2022.
  • Projects to be supported
  •  New

    Soccer Equipment to El Salvador 
               Coordinator:  Rick Singh with Carlos Galvez as Liaison with El     Salvador Rotary Club.
    • Looking to gather Soccer used supplies to send to El Salvador.  Carlos Galvez arranged a connection with a Rotary Club in El Salvador to receive and distribute the equipment.
    • Cost to us is time, and effort to collect, clean, and organize all to get parcel ready for El Salvador. Perhaps get Whitecaps involved to help us cleaning as they have equipment to clean.
    • Spring or summertime to collect products.  
    • All Agreed to proceed with this.
  • Existing Local Projects:
    • Sources, - Save on gift cards – Lynda is Liaison
    • White Rock South Surrey Learning Centre – alternative school for any kids that need to learn but regular school system interferes with their needs. 
      • Liaison:  Alan Benson and Garry McIntosh
    • Offered a variety of support projects in the past, including coaching to repair bicycles, equipment for a wood working shop, sculpting classes, Youth Leadership tuition and scholarships ($250 or $500)
    • Reconfirmed our desire to offer mentorship, job interview skills, career talks and preparation and support with transition from the school into the community.
    • Alan was contact with in past.  Covid has stopped but now can get back to.
    • Perhaps start an interact group, but school staff mention that involvement in these types of groups can be difficult given work/school/family demands and scheduling needs.
    • Principal was a Rotary member and that was the liaison in the past.
    •  Salvation Army - Liaison is Eva Galvez.  We donate $500/year, support at Thanksgiving, and Christmas Kettle Drive.  Can we do more?
    • All Clubs Breakfast – Liaison is Hanif Rajan -- planned for April 2022.  We have traditionally committed to clean up.
    • Polar Bear Swim – Liaison - Alan Benson and Brian O Ruairc.
    • Rotaract is age 18-30. Will be helping with shred it. 
      • Ways we can support them.
      •  Intergenerational projects. 
      •  Rhonda, Lynda and Marjorie Walters and possiblyMargot McDermott will attend meetings.  Will all be liaisons to connect.   Also, keep Rotaract’s informed about the Hospice and Orphanages, invite them to join in. perhaps they would have ideas and support for this.
      • They Meet at 7;30pm on Tuesday.
  • New and Emergency Requests Criteria
    • 2018-2019 we confirmed the following criteria for new requests:
      • Focus on Youth
      • No solicitations or simply cheque writing
      • Hands on
      • Get the most benefit from the least amount spend
      • Confirmed the existing criteria again and agreed to add an additional criterion to explore, where appropriate, the requestor’s ability to match/contribute ($ or in-kind) to the request. 

        Agreed that although we do not typically respond to emergency requests, Covid presented extra challenges to our existing projects, necessitating a need to consider emergency assistance to keep the project viable for post-covid restriction travel and assistance.  Will review on a case-by-case basis.
  • New Fund raisers:
    • Recycle account: Our Rotary Club Open an account at a recycle depot and rotary members take their bottles and ask recycle to credit rotary account rather than getting cash back.
      Rhonda and Jeff to look into creating an account for our Club. 
    • “Find the Leprechaun “- a fun treasure hunt fund raiser –Review with Brian and Deirdre O’Ruairc upon their return.  Around March 17.
  • Allocation of Funds-
    • Fund raise -   As a rule we do not give cash. We plan what we want to raise per project agree to allocate 10% to our “general project account.”
    • Administration from dues to pay club costs.  Happy Dollars, 50/50 .  
    • Any costs incurred for a project i.e.:  Shred it – cost of aprons, signage, lunch, comes off our fund raising gross and not the general project account
  • International Fund Raising
    • Brian mentioned that the on-going operational funds from the Float Foundation for the Happy Home Children’s Centre will be discontinued.  Rotary does not fund multi-year operational obligations.  As a short-term bridging solution, Brian was suggesting that 7 private donors ($3,000/yr for 5 years) would keep them running and allow time for the HHCC to establish long-term operational funding.
  • Operation Wednesday Meetings Full House attendance:
    • Make it fun and engaging and rewarding and inviting – especially for our guests to promote interest to attend and join..
    • It was agreed that good programming (speakers) is an attraction, and we can reduce our time on administrative issues.  Keep our members engaged, attract new members and members from other clubs.
      Rhonda agreed to follow up on ‘speakers list’ to be shared with all clubs.  Another source of speakers is from Peace Arch News.
    • Try for Twice a month; Perhaps one internal club speaker/month and one external speaker/month. 
      Also suggested that we add current and obscure happy news events – Hanif offered to investigate this.
    • Let’s all take ownership to make our meetings fun and interesting. 
  • Meeting Adjourned 9:03am.
  • Lynda Simpson
  • Secretary
Minutes of September 8, 2021
Special Speaker Meet September 8, 2021
Rhonda Latrielle President & Chair
Hanif Rajan
Jeff Richard
Peter Herz
Lynda Simpson
Alan Benson
Via zoom:  Chip Bowness
                   Brian O Ruairc 
  •    Welcome and Call to Order 7:47pm
  •    National Anthem
  •    Invocation- Peter
  •    Rotary Minute-  Hanif
  •    Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of September 1, 2021 moved by Hanif, second by Alan, carried.
  •    Additions to Agenda: not currently
  •    Sergeant at Arms - Alan - happy moments shared.
  •    Special Speaker - Jeff Richards - Our Keeper of our Nickles!  Interesting history of a smart guy that always like to keep busy and explore various city’s in BC, successfully            practicing his CA all along the way.
  •    Future Meeting Date: social planned for September 17, 6pm, Friday
  •    Next meeting is September 22 , 2021  - RICKY'S RESTAURANT
  •    Adjournment:  No further business for the good of Rotary, meeting adjourned 9:04am.
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Secretary, South Surrey
minutes of August 11, 2021
Special Speaker Meet of August 11, 2021
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Pat Hahn
Garry McIntosh
Hanif Rajan
Peter Hertz
Jeff Richards
Eva Galvez
Carlos Galvez
Rick Singh
Leslie Singh 
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Alan Benson
Lynda Simpson
Mike Hornak
Chip Bowness -zoom
Marjorie Walters -zoom
Guest:  Greg Flinn
        1. Welcome and Call to Order 7:46 am
        2.  National Anthem
        3.  Invocation- Rhonda
        4.  Rotary Minute- Brian 
        5.  Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of July 28, 2021,  Moved by Deirdre, seconded by Carlos,  Carried.
        6.  Additions to Agenda: 
        7.  Sergeant at Arms - Deirdre. There will be a mistake on the agenda each week.  Watch for it. Or pay $1 for missing it. Also if you don’t wear your name tag will be a fine.  Also, will be fine for over talking - We are just so excited to see each other, aren’t we?  Many happy wishes by all as well with thanks!
        8.  Special Speaker - Hanif Rajan - our Chef and President -elect!  An amazing journey of life HANIF shared with us!  A man of all kinds of experience from farming to group President  to self employment while traveling to many countries as well!  
      12.  Future Meeting Date: Social date August 20, 2021
                    Future Rotary Meet.  August 25, 2021  - RICKY'S RESTAURANT
      13.  Adjournment:  No further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 9:04 am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Secretary, South Surrey
New Story July 20 2021
Minutes -Business Meet July 14, 2021
Rhonda Latreille-President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’RUAIRC 
Hanif Rajan
Leslie Singh
Eva Galvez 
Carlos Galvez
Mike Hornak
Peter Hertz
Garry McIntosh
Margot McDermott
Margaret Walters
Lynda Simpson
Via Zoom.  Chip Bowness
                  Joan Apel
                  Jerry Zdril
Aman and TJ Dhillon
Greg Flinn
Heather Martin
        1.  Welcome to Joan Apel (DG) and four guests with thanks and Call to Order 7:55am. 
        2.  National Anthem
        3.  Invocation-Peter
        4.  Rotary Minute- Garry
        5.  Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of June 16, 2021.moved by Brian seconded by Carlos, Carried
        6.  Special Message from our Rotary International      President: Shekhar Mehta. Motto is " Serve to change Lives".  Also quote of “Service is the rent you pay for being on this earth”
        7.  Project Presentations:
             a.  International Projects -- Brian O'Ruairc – gave a great update of our overseas projects.
             b.  Local Service Activities -- Rhonda Latreille; Great update of the many projects we have undertaken this year and during Covid. Up to 11!
        8.  New Service Requests:
             Wildfire Support for Lytton, information was sent via email for help and donation of items needed.
        9.  Sergeant at Arms – Hanif- Happy $’s collected as all thankful for live meetings again.
      10.  Fund Raising Projects Update:
             Shred it -- October 30 -- Deirdre O'Ruairc; Our Signature fund raiser we are very proud of.
      11.  New Funding Requests: none at this time
      12.  Club Social Update: Sunday July 18, 2021 at Deirdre and Brians. Email to follow.
      13.  Future Meeting Date: July 21, 2021
             RICKY'S RESTAURANT 7:30AM
      14.  Adjournment; No further business for the good of Rotary adjourned at 9:14 am.
Lynda Simpson
minutes of June 16, 2021
Business Meet
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Joan Apel – Guest
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Carlos Galvez
Eva Galvez
Chip Bowness
Hanif Rajan
Garry McIntosh
Lynda Simpson
    1.    Welcome and Call to Order 7:46am
    2.    National Anthem – 
    3.    Invocation- Carlos
    4.    Rotary Minute- Joan Apel
    5.    Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of June 9, 2021, Moved by Deirdre, seconded by Marjorie, Carried
    6.    Additions to the Agenda – Joan to update of District and International –   .
    7.    Video Presentation from President Elect of Rotary International - Shekhar Mehta – Very Energetic and committed man!
    8.    Sergeant at Arms – Garry – Hawaii is Best place in world to meet with Rotary,  and all members happily contributed $2 with a Hawaiian themed comment.
    9.   Joan - update of District and International – Convention starts today,  Congratulations to us for Completion of meeting all our Citation Goals.  We are 16th on the Honorary Roll or all members donating over $100 – July 18 is district leadership convention Virtually - 5Club breakfast is planned perhaps in September –As Chip is out of town we Need a volunteer from our club to help organize with other clubs. Past ticket purchased for this has been donated rather than refunded.  -  
   10 .    Future Meeting Date:  Executive meeting only, 7:30am on June 23, 2021, via zoom.
 Social of June 23, 2021, at 6pm, is cancelled this month.
 Installation Dinner is Friday, June 25, 2021 – 5pm.
    11.  Rotary Business Meeting July 7, 2021,  Arrive by 7:30am at Ricky’s Restaurant, Zoom will be available thanks to Jeff. Meeting starts 7:45am
    12.  Adjournment – No further business for the good of Rotary, Much thanks from Rhonda for a great year!! Meeting adjourned at 8:38 am
Minutes of June 9, 2021
Business Meet June 9, 2021
Rhonda Latreille President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Hanif Rajan
Pai Mukondiawa – Guest
Chip Bowness
Rick Singh
Alan Bensen
Lynda Simpson
       1.   Welcome Pai,  and Call to Order at 7:46am: quorum obtained with 6 in attendance.
       2.   National Anthem
       3.   Invocation-Rhonda
       4.   Rotary Minute- Lynda
       5.  Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of June 02, 2021 Moved by Rick, seconded by Chip, Carried.
       6.  Any Additions to the Agenda:  Installation
       7.  Sergeant at Arms – Rick, - $5 – Pai – happy been here 6 months and settling in.  $5 – Lynda happy for golf weather $-5- Jeff – sad had to put their cat James down                this week. $5 Chip- happy to be here $5 Rick -
       8.  Current Fundraising Updates: Shred it – Booked for October 30, 2021.
       9.  Directors Reports
                            Treasurer – Jeff – Updated financial status.
                            Membership – Deirdre - away
                            Publicity – Jo Anne - away
                            Administration – Rick – Installation Dinner June 25, 2021.  Guest Speaker is planned for next week. June 16, 2021.
                            Rotary Foundation – Alan deferred
                  Installation Dinner: June 25, 2021, . Thank you, Rick and Leslie, for use of your office Patio.  Will keep current of Covid 19 regulations of social
                                    gatherings and ensure correct protocol is maintained.    
                                    Much appreciated to please complete the Memory booklet information that was sent out yesterday to all members and email to       Lynda, by June 16, 2021.  Even if you are unable to attend would appreciate this booklet information as you will be getting a booklet.               
       10. Future Meeting Date: Social will be cancelled June 23, 2021,  as we are having our Installation Dinner the same week.  Executive meeting only on June 23, 2021 at 7:30am to finalize Installation planning.
        11. Adjournment: no further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 8:27am
Yours in Rotary,
Lynda Simpson
Secretary, South Surrey
Minutes of June 2, 2021

Minutes of June 02 2021-Business Meet


Rhonda Latrielle President & Chair

Hanif Rajan

Alan Bensen

Rick Singh

Chip Bowness

Jeff Richards


    1.  Welcome and Call to Order 7:46am

    2.  National Anthem

    3.  Invocation-Lynda

    4.  Rotary Minute - Chip

  1.  Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of May 26, 2021 Moved by Rick, seconded by Chip, Carried.

  2.  Any Additions to the Agenda: Installation info; and future live meetings

  3.  Sergeant at Arms – Hanif, $5 Rhonda happy got puppy Luna; $5-Lynda – happy for wonderful weather; Rick $ 5 happy summer is here.  $5 Chip – happy son’s business is ready to open; $5 – Alan – Warning use caution when ordering and paying through Paypal, many wrong purchases. Make sure is a secure site.

  4. Agenda Additions:  

 a)   Installation Dinner - Will be held June 25, 2021 – 5pm.  Location:  (Covid approved as per calendar that an outdoor event is allowed up to 50 people. )  A large outdoor covered patio, that will accommodate up to 30-35 nicely, on the second floor of Rick and Leslie Singh’s office building was offered. Much thanks Rick and Leslie!   Hanif Rajan our President-Elect, and Hobby Chef, has volunteered to oversee this Venue.  Lynda will assist.  It will be a Hawaiian Theme, please wear a Hawaiian outfit if possible. Address 3388 Rosemary Heights Crescent, second floor 202.  Rhonda is wanting to present each member with a “Member Memories booklet” of positive statements about each member at this event.  Email of this request will follow.

B)  Live Meetings - Effective July 7, 2021, (within Covid approval from Dr. Henry), we will start our live meetings at Ricky’s Restaurant on King George Hwy, Surrey BC. At 7:30AM.  There will be Zoom available for those unable to meet in person.  Ricky’s would appreciate if all are ready to order their breakfasts prior to 8am please. Look forward to seeing you all in person!!

  1.  Current Fundraising Updates:

          Save on Card sales -Lynda - Current $2000 is sold out and will continue to sell cards and support this cause.

         Thailand Hospice -   AN email notice of Funds collected for Thailand Hospice will be sent with much thanks for all contributions.  Rhonda motioned that funds collected for Thailand Hospice be             sent for their cause this week., seconded by Alan,  Carried.

  1. Fund Raising Projects Update:   October 30,2021 Shred It. At Ocean Park Safeway lot.

  2. Directors Reports:  defer update to Next Week.

  • Treasurer – Jeff

  • Membership - Deirdre

  • Publicity – Jo Anne

  • Administration – Rick

  • Rotary Foundation - Alan 

     12.  Rotary International and District Updates: Convention starts June 12th -16th, 2021 via zoom.  Look         forward to seeing your participation!!

     13.  Future Meeting Date: June 09, 2021 

     14. Adjournment:  No further business for the good of Rotary, adjourned at 8:46am.

Minutes of May 11 2021
Minutes, May 05, 2021 -Business Meet
Rhonda Latrielle – President and chair
Jeff Richards
Marjorie Walters
Chip Bowness
Alan Bensen
Hanif Rajan
Rick Singh
Bob Gray – Honorary Member
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Lynda Simpson
         1.  Welcome and Call to Order at 7:46am
         2.  National Anthem
         3.  Invocation-Rick
         4.  Rotary Minute – Chip – History of James Wheeler Davidson and Rotary Connection. Bio info attached. 

             Making new friends: James Wheeler Davidson and Rotary International. 

             Free Online Library: Making new friends: James Wheeler Davidson and Rotary International.(Cover Story, Biography...               

5.  Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of April 28, 2021.  Amendment to add Hanif Rajan as he was in attendance but not listed.  Apologies from Lynda.  Moved by Marjorie, seconded by Brian,   Carried.
           6.  Any Additions to the Agenda:  Update of Leadership Agenda
 7.  Sergeant at Arms – Lynda Soliciting happy $ for Golfing so far- $2 -Rick played, $ 2- Lynda, $5- Rhonda- happy gardens refreshed and planted, puppy 4 weeks old now, name will be Luna, $5-Deirdre’s Garden is nicely refreshed; $5 – Jeff sad big holes in his garden (from a big weeds) they are removing from grass.
 8.   Current Fundraising Updates:
               Save on Card sales- Thanks for all requests for more cards, will connect with Scott/Lynda for completion of these requests.
           9.   New Funding Requests: Rhonda, update that we will contribute to Ryla Event for purchase of face masks.
         10.   Fund Raising Projects Update: Deirdre:  Shred it booked for October 30, 2021 ! and is following for Plaque for Safeway.
         11.   Directors Reports
  •           Treasurer – Jeff – Provided a printout of update with thanks.
  •           Membership – Deirdre – New Member – Hanif Rajan; will hope to reintroduce Hanif with Installation to our club when can meet again.  Also a few more people interested to join but prefer it              when we can meet in person again. Deirdre staying connected with thanks.
  •           Publicity – Jo Anne – Jo Anne’ hands full with parents’ upkeep; and thanks Deirdre for handling this directorship during her absence.
  •           Administration – Rick – Installation and year end dependent on Covid restrictions.
  •           Rotary Foundation – Alan – working on update.
  •           Leadership update – Rhonda, sends thanks so much for all participation with Citation goals and Fiesta Training. Planning our Social night May 19, 2021 to also view a “DISC” personality                  quiz for our entertainment!
12.  Rotary International and District Updates:  Photos From Cambodia Happy Home and lovely letter, Brian – good news from Cambodia and have no Covid issues, wash and wear masks always; Bad news – Hospice in Thailand report that Covid is so much more serious now for the hospice and they are struggling to handle the load (36, should be 26-30) and responsibility.  All personal support restricted due to Covid.  Brian is sending $78 CDN which is $2000 baht,  which feeds all for one day. Other individuals who volunteer to support this fund and transfer from their own funds, please e transfer to and Brian and Chip will ensure funds get to Thailand.
            Motion by Lynda to provide a virus-related emergency contribution (in lieu of clubs travel to provide hands on assistance) of $2500 CDN to the Hospice in Thailand to sustain their operation in                  view of our project involvements,  seconded by Deirdre,  Carried. These funds will be sent via Chip as he has connection for safe and efficient transfer of funds.
  1.    Due to Covid we need to establish a more concrete financial strategy and policy to decide what plan/percentage of funds go to International projects and what can help local.  May 26, 2021         meeting will focus on this discussion and how it relates to our Rotary policy.
  2.    Future Meeting Date: May 12, 2021 – Special Speaker – Shelina Jamani with
    15.  No further business for the good of Rotary, meeting adjourned at 9:18am
Lynda Simpson
Minutes of April 28, 2021
South Surrey Meeting of April 28, 2021
Rhonda Latrielle President & Chair
Carlos Galvez
Eva Galvez
Roberta Zdril
Garry Mcintosh
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Jeff Richards
Chip Bowness
      1. Welcome and Call to Order 7:47 am 
      2.  National Anthem 
      3.  Invocation-Lynda
      4.  Rotary Minute -Carlos
  1. Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of April 14, 2021, Moved by Lynda, seconded by Roberta,  Carried.
  2. Any Additions to the Agenda:     1) Approve District Budget; 2) Youth Services Rotary Chair
  3. Sergeant at Arms – Garry – Soliciting Happy Quotes today! – Collected happy quotes $5 – Deirdre, $5- Rhonda, -$5- Roberta, $5 –Jeff, $ - Eva, $5 -Lynda,
  4. New Funding Requests: 
  5. Current Fund Raising Projects update
    1. Shredding Event , another successful event $10,476.20, Will print more Brochures and hand out more often when promoting the club.   Good way to measure attendance at next shred it event.   Motion by Chip to Print 500 Brochures and pay out of project account, seconded by Brian,  Carried.
    2. Deidre motion to create a plaque for Safeway thanking them for their allowing us to use their lot, seconded by Brian,   Carried, 
Also will send a thank you card to Ocean Park Pizza for using their facilities, and a Motion by Lynda to $400 to Rotarian for their helpful, service above self support, second by Deirdre, Carried.
  1. Save On Gift Cards – Scott will be moving, Lynda offered to take over the sale of Save on Cards.
  1. Rotary International and District Updates:
    1. District training - Please register today as training is almost over.  Need two more registered to meet our Citation Goal in this regard.
    2. District Conference - has requested clubs approve budget presented – Moved by Deirdre to accept the budget but strong recommendation to amend the new club initiative $15,000, to support membership as a whole, and not just new clubs. Seconded n Brian,  Carried,
    3. Citation Goals update –Rhonda – Almost met all areas of our goals, again need the district training for total of 5.  We have completed 11 service activities this year!!  We went above and beyond service above self!!   Thanks to all!!  Encourage attendance to District Conference via zoom, especially as it is free and involves no travel.  One benefit of pandemic!
    4. Youth Services chair – our club to appoint someone in that roll.  Will bring up at May 5, 2021 meeting.
    5. Roberta Zdril expressed as they have moved to Chilliwack, they want to become honorary members as well as stay in contact and help out where and when they can.
         No further business for the good of rotary, Meeting adjourned 9:06am
    13. Future Meeting Date:  May 5, 2021 7:30am
Lynda Simpson
minutes of April 14, 2021 Guest Speaker
Minutes of April 14, 2021, with Guest Speaker
Rhonda Latrielle – President and Chair                 Guest:  Elizabeth Mukondiwa
Jerry Zdril
Berta Zdril
Hanif Rajan
Marjorie Walters
Scott Phemister
Rick Singh
Carlos Galvez
Garry McIntosh
Margot McDermott
Jeff Richards
Brian O Ruairc
Deirdre O Ruairc
Lynda Simpson
    1.     Welcome our Guest Speaker and guest Elizabeth Mukondiwa, from Zimbabwe, and Call to Order at 7:46am
    2.     National Anthem – play music from Zimbabwe and Canada
    3.     Invocation- Rick 
    4.     Rotary Minute- Lynda
  1.     Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of April 07, 2021, moved by Carlos, seconded by Marjorie, Carried.
  2.     Urgent Additions to the Agenda only – Shred it update – Scott update how important Covid safety measures are, setting up so as to avoid congestion.  Also keep people in Cars. Maintain no gatherings, ensure apart and all wear gloves, masks, and box cutters please. Please arrive at 9am.  Look forward to another Success Event with much thanks for all your support!!
  3.     Guest Speaker:  Elizabeth Mukondiwa -Her past is so full of heart and “give back” as well as her prosperous career! She has been a Host Parent with Youth Exchange, a Successful Rotarian for Several years and many other selfless Endeavors!  Thank you so much and we are glad to stay in contact and support with Elizabeth and Pai, her Daughter in surrey BC.
  4.     Sergeant at Arms – Scott – Lots of Happy $ from all getting ready for Spring and Saturday Shred it, Marjorie $10 – as did a 10 Km walk; Rhonda $5 – getting a puppy soon!; Garry could not connect to chat but gave $5 anyway! 
  5.     Future Meeting Date: April 21, 2021 6pm Social;    April 28, 2021,  7:30am Business Meeting,
  6.     Adjournment: no further business for the good of Rotary, meeting adjourned at 8:56am.
Minutes of March 03, 2021
Rhonda Latreille, President & Chair
Jeff Richards
Rick Singh
Berta Zdril
Jerry Zdril
Marjorie Walters
Scott Phemister
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
  1. Welcome and Call to Order 7:46 am
  2. National Anthem –  
  3. Invocation- Rhonda
  4. Rotary Minute -Rick
  5. Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of February 17, 2021; motion by Brian, Seconded by Rick,  Carried
  6. Additions to the Agenda - none
  7. Sergeant at Arms – Lynda - $5 Happy as got a steroid shot!! Rick $5 – Happy RSP time over, $5 Scott – looking forward to golf; $5 Deirdre -tribute to Mom who passed away last week; and thanks for support;  $5 – Jeff for Deidre Mom -$5 – Rhonda in memory of Deirdre Mom and Moms everywhere. -$5- Berta thanks to husband for getting River rocks. $5 Marjorie – Blessings to Deidre mom – happy not to go through RSP and tax Season.
  8. Rhonda gave Belated February BDay wishes to Alan Benson, Garry McIntosh and Jo Anne Taylor, and now March birthdays;  March 5 for Marjorie, Peter on March 11, Rhonda on 16th, Chip for March 21.
  9. Special Speaker - Jerry Zdril - special presentation of Rotary World Help! – Vision is to deliver medical and educational supplies to countries throughout the world.  Also includes sports equipment and many other types of equipment of need. Fire Departments are also connected to this cause.   Now up to 417 Container shipments to 60 Countries to date!  Calling our club to assist to donate $1000, towards funding a container.  And a commit to shipping to HHCC in Cambodia, which would be a new country to add to list.   Website   Will put on Agenda for next week to vote for our club to become member at $10 per active member, of
  10. Future meeting Dates:  Please note Change of Dates, Wednesday March 10, 2021, and March 24, 2021 at 7;30am; virtual Social on March 17, 2021 6pm, in celebration of St. Patricks Day!.  Bring your green Beer and wine!!
  11. Save On Cards are available on sale through Scott.   Please Spread the word to raise to funds for food bank.  Food bank get 22% for each $100.
  12. Adjournment :   No further business for the good of rotary, meeting adjourned at 8:51am.
Minutes of February 10, 2021

Rotary Club of South Surrey

February 10, 2021  Minutes-Guest Speaker


Rhonda Latreille President and Chair                            Guest: Alex Nixon

Jeff Richards                                                                                    

Chip Bowness

Brian O’Ruairc

Deirdre O’Ruairc

Rick Singh

Marjorie Walters

Scott Phemister

Lynda Simpson



  1.   Welcome guest speaker Alex Nixon and Call to Order 7:46am

  2.   National Anthem   

  3.   Invocation- Rick

  4.   Rotary Minute -Lynda

  5.   Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of February 03, 2021: Moved by Marjorie, seconded by Deirdre, Carried

  6.   Additions to the Agenda – Coldest night of year; Speak about Sassy award.

  7.   Sergeant at Arms -Scott -happy $’s Deirdre , Rhonda.   Happy$ from Jeff who celebrated 13 and/or 21 years with Marj who outlasted the other wives; Alex and wife are expecting their first in early July.

  8.   Guest Speaker – Alex Nixon from Business Improvement Association –Long standing BIA Executive director, who gave an Informative overview of how our small town is still being successful using various digital and social marketing even though the pandemic is here.

  9. Sassy award update:  We put our efforts into the Learning Centre as they need it more.

  10. Coldest Night of the Year:  Registered our club, get donations in,  goal is $3500 for our group.  Website is CNOY and follow instructions under our name “ Rotary club of South Surrey”. Lynda to send email for time and place to walk.

  11. Save On cards:  Scott will have supply within week.  Please remember to get cards to support this cause.

    12.    Future Meeting Date: February 17, 2021 – Citation Goals Update; 

             Social Zoom Meeting February 24, 2021

Adjournment : No further business for the good of Rotary, meeting was adjourned 8:35am.

Minutes of January 13, 2021 Special Speaker
Minutes of Meeting - Special Speaker Meet January 13, 2021 - Zoom
Rhonda Latreille – President and Chair
Jeff Richards
Deidre O’Ruairc’
Brian O’Ruairc’
Bob Gray
Rick Singh
Garry McIntosh
Margot McDermott
Chip Bowness
Robert Zdril
Jerry Zdril
Marjorie Walters
Scott Phemister
  1.  Welcome and Call to Order at 7:45am
            2.  National Anthem – music played
            3.  Invocation - Delivered by Chip
            4.  Rotary Minute – Delivered by Deidre
            5.  Accept Minutes of previous Meeting of January 06, 2021, Moved by Rick,  seconded by Deidre,  Carried
            6.  Any Additions to the Agenda –
  • Lynda Discussed the need for suitcases for young persons who are fostered having to use garbage bags to hold their belongings when they move. Any extra suitcases you are no longer using would be useful for young persons as well as the homeless as they have nothing to carry their belongings.  Lynda to organize and arrange what and where for this collection.
  • Also, the Launching Pad is a recovery house for men only.  Lynda contacted them today and if you have any clothes, sock, underwear, shoes, jackets and toiletries, they are always appreciative of these items.  Items can be dropped off at 984 160th Street, Surrey, BC (corner house on Stayte and 10th avenue).  In the driveway, there is a picnic table with an awning over it, and items can be left there.  I’m sure they would appreciate your suitcases and back packs also!
  • Update of Pai, from Zimbabwe originally, and more recently from Peterborough, who arrived in Surrey and started job on January 11, 2021.  She is settling in and has lots of Rotarians helping and contacting her for assistance.   Rhonda will coordinate with Airten so that there is no duplication of efforts, will find out what she needs now and will canvas the club for support.  Pai was invited to join our meetings virtually, and she was also provided with information about a couple of Rotaract Clubs her and in Surrey.
  • Update of the Grants Training seminar dates have changed to January 30, 2021 and March 2, 2021.  Email was sent to all.  Rhonda, Brian, Jeff and Lynda attending.
  • REMINDER,  PLEASE EMAIL BRIAN O’RUAIRC today with your charity option to support for our 50/50 Nexus draw.
            7.  New Funding Requests:

8.  Guest Speakers – Margot has a talented and interesting bio of her varied life travels and experiences in the dance and entertainment world.  Garry gave an enjoyable talk of his career and Rotary experiences and we appreciate his continued support since he was the First President of Our South Surrey club in 1996!

            9.  Future Meeting Date:  Wednesday, January 20, 2021 . 7:30am- zoom
                         Social Meeting:  Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 6pm-zoom
           10Adjournment:  No further business for the good of Rotary, Meeting adjourned 8:42am
November 11, 2020 Minutes
Rotary Club of South Surrey
Meeting, Wednesday, November 11,2020,  7:30 am - Zoom
 Special Speaker
Present  via Zoom
Rhonda Latreille                                                                        
Jeff Richards
Joan Apel                                                                          
Rick Singh
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Marjorie Walters
Jerry Zdril
Roberta Zdril
Garry McIntosh
Lynda Simpson
Call to order– 7:47 am Welcome to the Rotary Club of South Surrey Meeting
           Special Welcome to guest speaker Chris Offer
  1. National Anthem played music
  2. Invocation – Joan Apel
  3. Rotary minute -Scott Phemister
  4. Motion to Accept Minutes of previous November 04, 2020 Executive Meeting; Moved by Rick, seconded by Deirdre,  Carried
  5. Additions to the Agenda:  Jeff provided information about Nexus Raffle that a lot of groups including 4 Rotary clubs are putting on via internet.  Seems very successful and perhaps we should endeavour to also put on a Nexus Raffle to raise funds this year, as is all Covid friendly. Discuss at Nov 18, 2020 meeting.  Also will conduct full debrief of Shred a thon and booking of next event.
  6. Guest Speaker:  Rick introduced Chris Offer. Chris, retired as District Commander in Police force with 31 years of service,  is a Very talented and seasoned Rotarian being involved in many valuable committees and projects in his years of membership.  Spoke of importance of Peace in our community and world and how vital it is and what we can do to encourage this. has a program to mentor this valuable role of the Importance of peace.
  7. Other items:  Rhonda delivered thank you letter to Safeway for using their parking lot for Shredathon.  Rhonda also delivered our $165 that we all      personally donated for Remembrance Day to the Legion who were very grateful as well.
  8. Next Business Meeting November 18, 2020, 7:30am - Zoom
  9. Adjournment
minutes of November 04, 2020 Meeting
Minutes of Business Meeting, Wednesday, November 04, 2020
       Present:                                            Zoom:
        Rhonda Latreille                           Roberta Zdril
       Jeff Richards                                    Jerry Zdril 
       Pat Hahn                                         Brian O Ruairc
       Rick Singh                                       Deirdre O Ruairc
       Carlos Galvez                                  Garry McIntosh
       Pete Herz                                        Marjorie Walters
       Chip Bowness                                  Joan Apel
       Lynda Simpson                                Carol Tichelman
       Scott Phemister
       Eva Glavez
Call to order 7:50am–
Welcome to the Rotary Club of South Surrey Meeting
           Special welcome to Guests Joan Apel our ADG, Carol Tichelman our DG and Dawn Lynn Bowness
  1. National Anthem
  2. Invocation – Carlos
  3. Accept Minutes of previous October 21 , 2020 Meeting: Motion to Accept, Moved by Pat, seconded by Rick,   Carried
  4. Additions to the Agenda:
Pat honored Renee Nicholson and recognized her as our Loyal, dedicated Rotarian and past President, who passed away October 29, 2020,
  1. Fundraising Project Update:
          Shred it was a terrific success!  We all worked non-stop!  Proceeds came to
          $8892.00!   Yahoo!  Rick, noted thanks to Scott for his leadership and instruction of the Shred it Event. 
  1. Guest of Honor:
          Joan Apel our Assistant District Governor,  introduced our District Governor, Carol Tichelman. Very Interesting and varied Bio of her experience as Rotarian and many giving’s of Service Above            Self.
          Carol Tichelman gave Presentations of People of Action Pins,
       1) Brian O Ruairc,  for Sources Stayte house Project, that he directed, operated ran and taught us all with his extensive experience and patience;
       2) Chip Bowness, served as Brian’s second in command, a valued lieutenant; diligently completing many tasks with his skills.
       3) Michael Hibbert, Brian’s and Deidre O Ruairc’s remarkable 13-year-old grandson, who was so Polite, Proficient and Professional.   Was a great hands-on worker in all areas!              
       4) Deidre O Ruairc, great job doing many background duties and much needed instrumental assistance to ensure completion of Project.                  
          Next Award is the Paul Harris Pins Recognition Award to Brian O Ruairc and Chip Bowness for their on going (5 years) travel, on their own accord, with dedicated hands-on efforts, knowledge              and skill towards building and improving living conditions to the Cambodia Orphanage and Thailand Hospice.
    District Governor Carol Tichelman gave update Presentation from 5050 District.
  1. Directors Report       
  2. Treasurer  – Jeff – have all Grants and matched funds set aside for Cambodia Project,  We have $12,908 available to fund other causes.  
  3. International projects – Chip advised our club is in contact on a monthly basis and provide supplies, guidance for any repairs or needs until they are able to travel again. Jerry advised Rotary World Help has containers that they can send items around the world if needed.   
  4. Membership - deferred  
  5. Publicity– Rhonda working with Sources to publish Sources kitchen story to PA Journal.
  6. Administration: Rick, Thanks for all attending the Thai Restaurant,  looking for presentation next Wednesday.  He is still looking for another venue and we must be diligent to follow Covid protocol when dinning      out.
          Other item: Chip looking to help sale of Poppies as Legion is in need of support.  Due to Covid not many are getting a poppy. If we all donate from ourselves personally, Legion would really appreciate it. 
           Collected 165$
           Kettle Drive Schedule is ready for people to book a slot.  Please book and help the Salvation Army fund for Christmas.
  1.  Next Business Meeting November 11, 2020;  7:30am via Zoom
           As No other business for the good of Rotary, meeting was Adjourned 9:11am.
November 11, 2020 minutes
Rotary Club of South Surrey
Meeting, Wednesday, November 11,2020,  7:30 am - Zoom
 Special Speaker
Present  via Zoom
Rhonda Latreille                                                                        
Jeff Richards
Joan Apel                                                                          
Rick Singh
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Marjorie Walters
Jerry Zdril
Roberta Zdril
Garry McIntosh
Lynda Simpson
Call to order– 7:47 am Welcome to the Rotary Club of South Surrey Meeting
           Special Welcome to guest speaker Chris Offer
  1. National Anthem played music
  2. Invocation – Joan Apel
  3. Rotary minute -Scott Phemister
  4. Motion to Accept Minutes of previous November 04, 2020 Executive Meeting; Moved by Rick, seconded by Deirdre,  Carried
  5. Additions to the Agenda:  Jeff provided information about Nexus Raffle that a lot of groups including 4 Rotary clubs are putting on via internet.  Seems very successful and perhaps we should endeavour to also put on a Nexus Raffle to raise funds this year, as is all Covid friendly. Discuss at Nov 18, 2020 meeting.  Also will conduct full debrief of Shred a thon and booking of next event.
  6. Guest Speaker:  Rick introduced Chris Offer. Chris, retired as District Commander in Police force with 31 years of service,  is a Very talented and seasoned Rotarian being involved in many valuable committees and projects in his years of membership.  Spoke of importance of Peace in our community and world and how vital it is and what we can do to encourage this. has a program to mentor this valuable role of the Importance of peace.
  7. Other items:  Rhonda delivered thank you letter to Safeway for using their parking lot for Shredathon.  Rhonda also delivered our $165 that we all      personally donated for Remembrance Day to the Legion who were very grateful as well.
  8. Next Business Meeting November 18, 2020, 7:30am - Zoom
  9. Adjournment
Minutes Exec/business Sept 02.2020
Rhonda Latreille, President and Chair               Out of town:                       
Lynda Simpson                                      Jerry and Roberta Zdril, 
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness                                 
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Guest:  Joan Apel via Zoom                              
  1. Welcome and Call to order– at 7:48 am.
  2. National Anthem: Played music in view of COVID19 regulations
  3. Sergeant at Arms – Peter, and Peter was fined for a ------ remark! Rhonda happy to learn to tile backsplash at Sources kitchen! From Joan Apel, Sad buck to remember past Assist District Governor, Emery Dosdall.  Peter let us know he just stopped playing hockey at the Age of 82!! Wow!!
  4. Directors Reports:
                 Treasurer- have funds in place for grants.  Invoice for membership that was due July1 will be sent out.
                 Membership- Pleased to Welcome Shauna and Mike Hornak, and Marjorie Walters as members. Three new members Which were inducted to club on August 26, 2020.  We are all are encouraged to bring and invite family and new people as per our Citation Goals. 
                 International Projects – Chip – awaiting borders to open, they purchase extra supplies for sanitation and have a list of few repairs; broken windows.  Main repair was the foundation walls of girls living space.  Previous Grant funds are here and will go towards this once they can safe travel again.
                 Administration – Looking for guests via zoom meets, to follow for social local Speakers, and outside speakers. Even International Speakers via Zoom.
  1. New Funding request – Not at this time
  2. Fund Raising Projects Updates: 
    1.  Shredding Event – Shred Wise Company, on October 31, 2020 and Halloween theme. Ideas for Halloween theme welcome. Please Spread the word.  We are looking at Safeway Crescent Beach Parking lot.  Need to make reusable signs for this Project.  Joan sent a couple contacts with thanks. Peter sent notice of Shred it to the co-chair of his Block Watch, which he does each year.
    2. Sources Group Residence home of 160th street- Kitchen reno update – With Gratitude, Brian O’Ruairc, has done all Renovation design and organization details with our group volunteering the labor.  80% complete, need more tiling by Rhonda!! Much needed painter. Chip as well as Brian’s Grandson Michael have been there daily and helped a lot daily!
  1. Rotary International and District Updates:
    1. Citation Goals –Rhonda has complete and sent to all members our goals and review each third Wednesday meeting.  
    2. ADG to attend meetingsJoan Apel attendance appreciated today.
         1. Gave us update that there is a Speakers Bureau that is via the online club runner.
         2. Book Sale held at the Field House, that raised $20,000 and was a particularly good turnout with COVID protocols in place.
          3. Two clubs amalgamated and are meeting as one club now, with new name of Peace Arch Peninsula Rotary Club.
         4.  Reminder to record Volunteer hours is important, which would include, extra committee meetings, and any activities related to self-service. Joan Also volunteered to Help at our Shred it.
  1. New District Governor is Carol Tichelman, from Chilliwack, will be attending our virtual meet on October 14, 2020. Rhonda will share requirements.  
  2. Golfun – District updated that they would offer Paul Harris matching points for individual member donations of $250US or more made to either the Annual fund or Polio Plus from July 1 – Sept 30, 2020.
  1. Future Meeting Dates : meet twice a month; the First and Third Wednesdays, and a social on the Fourth Wednesday. Social September 23rd, 2020 looking for ideas as to where.
  1. Adjournment: as no further items for the good of Rotary was adjourned at 8:37 am.
Business Meeting of August 19, 2020
Rotary Club of South Surrey
Business Meeting,
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Rhonda Latrielle, President and Chair                      
Lynda Simpson
Jerry Zdril
Roberta Zdril                                          
Jeff Richards
Chip Bowness                               
Deirdre O’Ruairc                             
Rick Singh
Patrick Hahn
Scott Phemister
Mike Hornak
Shauna Hornak
Marjorie Walters
  1. Welcome and Call to order– at 7:46 am;
        Special Welcome to our Guests Shauna and Mike Hornak, as well as Marjorie Walters
  1. National Anthem: Virtual music in view of COVID19 regulations
  2. Invocation: Brian Absent – Deirdre O’Ruairc delivered
  3. Rotary Minute: Garry absent – Jerry delivered and is involved with” Rotary Help” organization which sends containers all over the world and we look forward to his presentation at a future meeting.
  4. Accept Minutes of Previous August 05, 2020 Minutes: Motion to accept by Rick second by Scott, Carried
  5. Additions to Agenda - none
  6. Sergeant at Arms: Scott solicited our Happy/Sad dollars to contribute toward our operational club budget needs  
  7. Current Fundraising Updates:
    1.  District Grant -completed and submitted by Chip, Brian and Jerry with thanks.   Because of the travel restrictions with COVID-19, we will likely need to extend the deadline for the previous grant or to roll the previous grant and current grant request into one submission.  Jerry will pursue. 
  1.    New Funding Requests – None 
  2. Fund Raising Projects Updates: 
    1.  Shredding Event – October 31, 2020 confirmed; to proceed with signage and Halloween ideas at next meeting. Location to be confirmed.
    2. Sources- Semiahmoo Residence home of 160th street- Kitchen reno- Volunteers completed demo of kitchen on 17th and 18th, Brian put in subfloor and Hallmark installed flooring on 19th.  Friday need of volunteers to bring new cupboards into home, and on Saturday, ceiling work.  Thank you Mike Hornak for completing the plumbing.   Big job to coordinate and handle by Brian who did most of the “experienced” needed work.  Thank you Brian and Deidre.
    3. Suggestions - Need to think of ways to raise funds with COVID friendly methods. All ideas welcome no matter how far-fetched, as our FAB 4 Dance  was a big part of our fund raising.  Look forward to your ideas please!
  1. Rotary International and District Updates:
    1. Citation Goals –Rhonda presented goals of our club, to be reviewed regularly so we keep on track and meet goals set out. Looking for full engagement to activities. Looking for 2 members to get involved in Rotary Action Group.  Rotary Fellowship, 2 members; District Training Assembly, 5 member. In the past we have gotten awards for Every Rotarian Every Year, and Sustain membership where all members gave $100. Service Projects such as Sources house reno. Looking for 3 events.  Rhonda will distribute a copy of the Goals to each member and we will update our progress monthly.  Must meet all goals to get recognized.
    2. New District Governor is Carol Tichelman , from Chilliwack, confirmed virtual meet on October 14, 2020.   
    3. Semiahmoo Club Golf Fundraiser – Sept 8, 2020.   Reminder of date and each member to contribute on their own rather than a club donation.
    4. Golfun – Reminder of tournament.  District updated that they will offer Paul Harris matching points for individual member donations of $250US or more made to either the Annual fund or Polio Plus from July 1 – Sept 30, 2020. Jeff Agreed to process our Contribution of $1000US to the Golfun as we are a smaller club.  They were asking for $2500 by end of September.
    5. Peach Arch and Peninsula Club have amalgamated. Will have a new name for their club in due course.  They Need to change their name in order to keep their grant.
  1. Business from previous meeting:
    1. New Signing Authorities – Club and Society-Jeff has new officers signature update to be completed by next week. 
  1. New Business
    1. Club Social – August 26th, 2020, Brian and Deirdre O’Ruairc’s home, email to follow. 
This is also be our Induction meeting for new members Shauna Hornak, Mike Hornak and Marjorie Walters.
  1. Future Meeting Date: meet twice a month; the First and Third Wednesdays, and a social once a month.   Next meeting September 2, 2020, 7:30am
  1. Adjournment: as no further business for the good of Rotary was adjourned at 8:45 am.
Executive Minutes of August 05, 2020
Rhonda Latrielle, President and Chair               Out of town:                       
Lynda Simpson                                      Jerry and Roberta Zdril, July 2020
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Brian O’Ruairc                               Scott Phemister, July 11- Aug 10, 2020
Deirdre O’Ruairc                             
Rick Singh
Patrick Hahn
Garry McIntosh
Mike Hornak
Margot McDermott
Marjorie Walters
  1.  Welcome and Call to order– at 7:53 am;
        Special Welcome to our Guests Mike Hornak, Margot McDermott and Marjorie Walters
  1. National Anthem: Played music in view of COVID19 regulations
  2. Invocation: Peter delivered
  3. Rotary Minute: Rick delivered
  4. Accept Minutes of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept by Rick second by Deirdre,   Carried
  5. Additions to Agenda - none
  6. Sergeant at Arms: Funds gathered from our Happy/Sad Dollars assist to meet the operating shortfall of $1,700 we need to keep club costs in the black.    
  7. Current Fundraising Updates:
    1.  District Grant Application with matching funds for Cambodia Project. Jerry Zdril, Brian O’Ruairc and Chip Bowness Plan to complete application.  Treasurer confirmed funds to match the maximum requested. Confirmed in process, completion required by August 31, 2020.
  1. New Funding Requests – None   
  2. Fund Raising Projects Updates: 
    1.  Shredding Event – Shred Wise Company, cost $550 will be on October 31, 2020 and Halloween theme. Ideas for Halloween theme welcome. We are looking at Safeway Crescent Beach parking lot, and looking at Legion Crescent Beach parking lot as well, if Safeway does not work out. Need to get word out in a more aggressive way with more signage etc. and perhaps invest funds in reusable signs.  We have 4 sandwich boards for day of advertising. All signs must be on our own property as City of White Rock will take away any posted-on City property.
    2. Sources Group Residence home of 160th street- Kitchen reno update – With Gratitude, Brian O’Ruairc, has done all Renovation design and organization details with our group volunteering the labor.  Planned Cabinet demo and install on August 17th & 18th, Hallmark will replace Lino on August 19th & 20th. More Volunteers needed for August 21st and 22nd.
    3. Suggestions - Need to think of ways to raise funds with COVID friendly methods. All ideas welcome no matter how far-fetched, as our FAB 4 Dance  was a big part of our fund raising.  Look forward to your ideas please!
  1. Rotary International and District Updates:
          a. Citation Goals –Rhonda has completed with Deirdre assistance, but details will be deferred when better visual report is available. 
    b. ADG to attend meetings – Joan Apel has responded to attend   virtual meet once we have set up using Ricky’s and Jeff’s electronics.
    c. New District Governor is Carol Tichelman , from Chilliwack, will be attending our virtual meet on October 14, 2020. 
              Carol Tichelman (District Governor 2020-21) _ Rotary District 5050_files
    d.  Semiahmoo Club Golf Fundraiser – Sept 8, 2020.   Reminder of date and each member to contribute on their own rather than a club donation.
    e.  Golfun –  District updated that they will offer Paul Harris matching points for individual member donations of $250US or more made to either the Annual fund or Polio Plus from July 1 – Sept 30, 2020.In the past years we have Contributed $1000 to the Golfun as we are a smaller club.  They were asking for $2500 by end of September.
 Motion by Rick to continue to Contribute $1,000 to GolfFun Foundation as has been in the past, Second by Deirdre, Carried.      f.  Rotary District 5050 – Peach Arch Journal – drew peoples attention to the hypelink that was on our Agenda.
  1. Business from previous meeting:
    1. Society AGM -Submissions completed by Jeff      
    2. New Signing Authorities – Club and Society- new officers signature update still in process with Jeff.
  1. Directors Reports:
                  Treasurer – Also have an Invoice for the Rotoract Club of $438.65. which will be paid from program/youth fund.  Also, June installation costs totaled $1080 and will be divided amongst our membership of who attended.  
                  Membership – Mike and Shauna Hornak, will join under family membership.  Installation to be confirmed.  Three more members in the works
                 Publicity –  Deferred Joanne absent
                 International Projects – Brian/Chip – awaiting borders to open, but are following up with Cambodia and Thailand for opportunity to travel.  Their Covid is quite under control, mostly because they do not shake hands and most are 50 years and under in age and not fat; which are some of the stats of Covid research. They are presently overseeing repairs and fridge repairs from here, and are following with them regularly.
                 Administration – Rick, will be looking for Speakers if they can attend virtual meets, all suggestions of Speaker welcome. Our own club members have lots of knowledge, richness and history that we could share as well. Looking to find agreeable date; and thanks to Garry for link for Speakers. Perhaps report from Sources about the Kitchen Reno would be appreciated.
                  Rotary Foundation- deferred- Alan absent
  1. Future Meeting Dates : meet twice a month; the First and Third Wednesdays, and a social once a month.
First meet of each month would be a combined Business/Executive meeting and Second meet a regular business meet with potential guest speaker.   
         Our first Social for 2020/21 will graciously be hosted by Deidre and Brian O’Ruairc on August 26, 2020, Wednesday 6pm at their Home.  Much thanks to kick off our first Social after Covid!  Details to follow.
  1. Adjournment: as no further items for the good of Rotary was adjourned at 8:59 am.
Minutes of Business Meet July 22, 2020
Rotary Club of South Surrey
Business Meeting, Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Rhonda Latrielle, President and Chair               Out of town:                       
Lynda Simpson,                                     Jerry and Roberta Zdril, July 2020
Jeff Richards,
Chip Bowness
Brian O’Ruairc                               Scott Phemister, July 11- Aug 10, 2020
Deirdre O’Ruairc,                                    
Rick Singh
Patrick Hahn
Joanne Taylor
Peter Herz
Mike Hornack
Shawna Hornack
  1.  Welcome and Call to order– at 7:34 am.
      Rhonda Welcomed all to the Rotary Club of South Surrey first 2020/2021 Business Meeting. Special Welcome to Guests, Shawna and Mike Hornack.
  1. National Anthem: Played music in view of COVID19 regulations
  2. Invocation:  Carlos absent; Joanne delivered
  3. Rotary Minute: Rick absent at time; Rhonda delivered
  4. Accept Minutes of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept by Deirdre, second by Chip.   Carried
  5. Additions to Agenda
        A. Update on Sources house on 160th
       B.  Sergeant at Arms – time to tell of good events, learn of members personal accomplishments or challenges (bring your happy and sad dollars too!) – will be included as a regular agenda item at each meeting.    
  1. Current Fundraising Updates:
    1.  District Grant Application with matching funds for Cambodia Project. Jerry Zdril and Brian O’Ruairc to complete application.  Treasurer confirmed funds to match the maximum requested. Confirmed in process, completion required by August 31, 2020.
  1. New Funding Requests: Received request from Semiahmoo Club asking us to support by sponsor, golfer, donations.  Concluded that each member participates on own, as a golfer. Rhonda will respond regarding our clubs’ position.
  2. Fund Raising Projects Updates: 
    1.  Shredding Event - only date available was October 31, 2020, we booked it, could be a fun way to advertise for the event with a Halloween theme.  Working on where and to do better advertising.
    2. Fall Fab 4 Dance – no word or contact yet. May need to be cancelled due to COVID
    3. Suggestions - Need to think of ways to raise funds with COVID friendly methods. All ideas welcome no matter how far-fetched, as our FAB 4 was a big part of our fund raising.  Look forward to your ideas at next meet. (May have to give out detentions if you cannot think of something???  HAHHAHA)
  1. Rotary International and District Updates:
    1.  Citation Goals – date to be determined-Deidre offered to assist to complete in timeline.  We need to have the goals itemized and entered before the end of July 2020. 
    2. ADG to attend meetings Virtually – Joan Apel has responded to attend a virtual meet.  Rhonda to confirm meet date. Jeff offered to set this meet up on large TV screen.
    3. New District Governor is Carol Tichelman , from Chilliwack, installation was held on zoom/due to Covid.  Plan to meet virtually on October 14, 2020, (click here to read Carols bio
  1. Other New Business:
    1. Society AGM -We need to complete AGM and submit requisite documents. Jeff to connect with members who couldn’t attend this meeting.
    2. New Signing Authorities – Club and Society- new officers signed up, Jeff to follow for completion to deliver to bank for new signatures.  
  2. Directors Reports:
         Treasurer - Jeff reported we currently have $57,000 in our various accounts, most being committed there is approximately $36,000 dedicated, leaving approximate balance of $20,000.
Jeff also distributed our budget for 2020/2021 and we need approximately $6,800 to operate our club.  A short fall of about $1400 that needs to be generated. Through various creative means, by Sergeant at Arms Happy/Sad $’s; penalties for late attendance, Deirdre suggested an auction at our socials, 5050 draws, etc.
As meeting ran over allotted time
Membership – deferred to next meet
Publicity – deferred to next meet
International Projects – deferred to next meet
Administration – deferred to next meet
Rotary Foundation- deferred to next meet
  1. Future Meeting Dates: suggested meet twice a month and a          social once a month.
First meet of each month would be a combined Business/Executive meeting and Second meet a regular business meet with potential guest speaker.   
         Our first Social for 2020/21 will graciously be hosted by Deidre and Brian O’Ruairc on August 26, 2020, Wednesday 6pm at their Home.  Much thanks to kick off our first Social after Covid!  Details to follow.
  1. Adjournment: 8:59 am
Agenda - July 22, 2020, Business Meet
Rotary Club of South Surrey
July 22, 2020
Agenda -Business Meet
1. Welcome and Call to Order  
2.  National Anthem – deferred due to COVID19
3.  Invocation 
4.  Rotary Minute
5.  Accept Minutes of previous Meeting
6.   Any Additions to the Agenda
7.   Current Fundraising Updates:
             a.   District Grant.
8.    New Funding Requests:  
9.    Fund Raising Projects Update
             a.   Shredding Event
             b.   Fall Fab 4 Dance
             c.   Suggestions
10.   Rotary International and District Updates:
             a.    Citation Goals update
             b.    ADG to attend meetings update
             c.    DG club visit to be confirmed – October 14, 2020 (virtual or live)
             d.    Semiahmoo Club Golf Fundraiser Support Request: details attached
11. Other New Business:
             a.   Society AGM
             b.   New Signing Authorities – Club and Society
12.    Directors Reports:  follow up
                   Treasurer - Jeff
                   Membership – Deirdre
                   Publicity - Joanne
                   International Projects – Brian/Chip
                   Administration - Rick
                   Rotary Foundation - Alan
13.    Future Meeting Date:
14.    Adjournment
Minutes of Virtual Meeting -- May 11, 2020
Rotary Virtual Meeting May 11, 2020
Jerry Zdril – President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Jeff Richards
Chip Bowness
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Joanne Taylor
Rick Singh
Rhonda Latreille
Garry MacIntosh
Jerry opened the meeting before 7:30 pm.
Happy Homes Update
Deirdre moved and Roberta seconded that we contribute $1,500 Cdn to help with emergency needs.  We can send with no fees.
Jeff confirmed that we have the necessary funds.
Motion carried. 
Chip will coordinate with Jeff to get the funds sent. Jeff suggested that Chip write the cheque and then be reimbursed from the club.
Potential to use Scott and Ramona’s yard.  Issue is that we cannot be with more than 10 people at a time. 
Deirdre suggest the end of June as options.  We can check with Brad and Carol.
I we are required to stay with no more than 10 – stay with members only – no spouses.
Jerry agreed to check with Brad to see what dates work for them.  Ramona and Scott happy to use their yard as long as we stay within guidelines.
Janine – has had surgery and will be a while before full recovery.
Rhonda agreed to pick up a nice card from us.
Roberta to get address to Rhonda.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:15pm.
Minutes of March 4, 2020 business Meeting
Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Jeff Richards
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Rick Singh
Scott Phemister
Chip Bowness
Pat Hahn
Rhonda Latreille
Beth Kish
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order, welcomed back Jeff post heart surgery, and welcomed Beth Kish from the Peace Arch Hospice Society.
Peter gave the invocation and Scott offered the Rotary Minute.
Grant Seminar Session at Silver Reef in Washington
Jerry, Deirdre and Rhonda attended.
Well presented
We were presented with 2 banners of achievement at the Grant Seminar Session.
Every Rotarian, Every Year Club (1/3,400 clubs worldwide!) and the banner for making a minimum contribution of at least $100 US from each member of our club (1/4,000).
This is a significant achievement, and Rhonda acknowledged Jeff’s great work to help us make this happen.
Rotary and Toastmasters Official Affiliation
We can attend each other’s meetings. 
Jerry will forward the message to all members to define in more detail what this affiliation will mean.
District Conference - April 30-May 3. 
Harrison Hot Springs
As of Sat - reached 220 registrations, hoping to get 250.
Sassy Award Nomination
Janet Smith - Learning Centre submitted application for Desmond for Sassy award. 
Sassy awards on May 7.
March 18 Club Social at Deirdre and Brians’s Home at 6:30
Bring appies and your own drinks.
RSVP Please!
Breakfast Fundraiser
March 21 –  White Rock Baptist Church – 1657 – 140th St., Surrey, BC
Chip asked if anyone can take more tickets to sell.
We will help with welcoming, parking, and clean up.
Chip suggested that we might want to purchase some tickets to give as a gift - postman etc.
We will have space to put up our fundraising boards.
Trip to Asia – Cambodia and Thailand
On hold until we get the clear to travel because of concerns with the coronavirus. 
Chip meeting with White Rock Club tomorrow night to join us and issue tax receipts for these projects especially.  Chip to complete the purpose statement.
We are looking at establishing a charitable society to be able to receive donations and give a tax receipt.
Semiahmoo House Kitchen Reno Project
Since we need to stall on Chip and Brian going to Cambodia, Brian is suggesting that we start on the kitchen renovation for Semiahmoo House. 
Many offered to help with the labour.
Guest Speaker -- Beth Kish, Peace Arch Hospice Society

Jerry introduced Beth.
Hospice Residence and Society and Thrift Store
Beth has served as the Executive Director for 6 years now.
Provide professional counselling
Relaxation therapy
Vigil support (last 72 hours of life) - 24/7
Specially trained Hospice Society volunteers to provided emotional support
A lending library of books and videos
Information or referral to other community services
Journal everything while they are there and give to the family after
For those who are grieving
Services meet the individual’s specific needs
Tea, chat, support group
Vision — quality living and dying experience.
Volunteer based organization that is dedicated to supporting all who are facing end of life journey and this is committed to educating the community on dying and grieving.
Hospice residence currently on 6th floor of hospital and moving into new hospital building in April.
Established in 1982
1992 - purchased a home on Russell
Fraser health authority - ok to create hospice residence
2008 - thrift store opened
2010 name change
2017 new name of Peace Arch hospice society
2017 new supportive care centre
New hospice residence opening next month
Grief and bereavement is for anyone – don’t have to have a family member in hospice residence
All services are free of charge.
George and Sylvia Melville home - open house this Sunday. 1-4 pm
Share building with extended care and mental health
Small amount of govt. support for volunteer support
Gaming grant
Medically Assisted Suicide - they do not take a stand, so leave it to the individual and their doctors.  About 10 in this area who had pursued MAD in their own homes.
Society does not have any endowments at this time.
15 beds in new facility
15 programs
3 children’s grief support camps
Hospice hoedown - life is a beach
Celebrate a life
Hike for Hospice
Chip talks about our hospice in Thailand - these folks have been rejected
Could Peace Arch Hospice become a supporter of the hospice in Thailand?
Beth agreed to take this to her Board of Directors.

Jerry thanked Beth and adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.
Minutes of February 26, 2020 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Scott Phemister
Pat Hahn
Rhonda Latreille
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15 - Roberta gave the innovation and Deidre offered the Rotary Minute.
Coldest Night Walk:
Deirdre and Dawn Lynn represented our club well!
Very successful — one of the best shows from across Canada.  Some good sponsors.  Semiahmoo the largest participation in Rotary.
Deirdre reminded the membership the importance of responding to emails that go out to the group – especially when asking for confirmation of participation in an event.
President's Meeting:
Jerry provided an update.
White Rock - doing another book event in April 15-21.
Held at Curling rink at Centennial. 
Biggest book sale in BC.
Difference this year is that the last day of the book sale, they are offering to Churches or organizations the opportunity to pick up as many as they like for only $10 - this way they don't have to store the books again for the next sale.
Grant Seminar
Saturday, Feb 29, 2020 in the USA.
Rotary Learning Centre
March 7-8- online registration Learning Centre. Parts 1,2,3
6 Club breakfast - March 21
Our club responsible for clean up.
Chip is our rep on this project.
Deirdre has tickets from Chip.
Breakfast from 8:30 - 11:30
Baptist Church
Put up our display.
New Member Event -- March 25
Brad and Joan are putting on a new member event 7-9pm at the Roadhouse.
Social with presentations.
No charge.
Let’s see if Lynda is back in time!
Spring Club Training Experience (previously known as District Training) - April 4 at KPU
5 people at least - $45 per person – club pays for 5 persons.  Jerry said he would enroll for participants.
Playground Upgrade - White Rock Club – GALA April 4
Have already raised in excess of $100,000+ and need $150,000. 
Putting together a GALA and considering another date - may not be able to change. 
Charging $350 per ticket!
District Conference in Harrison – April 30 – May 3
$325 Cdn per person until March 1 then will be $395 
Rotary International — Hawaii - June 6-10.
Golfun- August 21st:
District fund raiser in the US
Passport Event - 6 Club Social
Some people had issues with the previous Passport Event.
Maybe schedule a 6 club bbq instead in May or June?  Scott suggested a later date due to our inconsistent weather during these times.  Considering next year something like a couch potato event.
Scott will check with his contact at Sandcastle and any other thoughts about how to get clubs to mingle and socialize. 
SHRED it this year in Ocean Parl
Need to get on top of this with Safeway...
Deirdre will check with Shredit company
Signs and bags
Signs -- Need to check on the size that can fit into our storage at the roadhouse.
Jerry will send out a message to the presidents about any signs company.
It was suggested that we check with Minuteman.
Rhonda suggested that we might want to get bags printed that we hand out for folks to fill for the next shredding event.  She agreed to check on prices.
White Rock Learning Centre — candidate for Sassy - Desmond Tompkins.
Jerry prepared and sent letter of support for application.  Due today. Sassy is May 7.
Bible school in US — looking for nominees 18-28 to attend and for us to nominate anyone. 
Space for 60 (only had 45 last year.)
Jerry will check with Janet. 
We don’t have to sponsor them but we do have to put their name in.
More than ever — looking for people.
Beer Gardens -- Alex Nixon - BIA –
Asked for our participation again at Totem Park. 
Peace Arch Club will stay active another year - moving to Roadhouse and know they will lose some members.
Club size will likely be reduced to 8 or 10.  Do we want to take on the beer gardens again with another club? Peace Arch may not want to do it again.
Pat commented that we must have Bert Coates involved - he is a great orchestrator for these fund raisers.
The beer gardens are a tremendous amount of work for small returns – do we want to do this and do we want our Rotary Club to be known as a beer garden sponsor?

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.

Minutes of February 12, 2020 Meeting

Meeting Held at South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre

Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Joanne Taylor
Chip Bowness
Peter Herz
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Surrey White Rock Learning Centre Staff

Janice - Principal

Jerry called the meeting to Order at the South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre.
We all introduced ourselves to the Learning Centre folks.
Roberta thoughtfully prepared and brought some home-made muffins with fruit – thank you!

Sassy Awards:
Janice let us know that they reviewed with the staff the suggestion to nominate one of their students.

So far one nominee (Desmond Tompkins — artist.)
Has applied to various art programmes for post secondary learning. 

The Sassy awards require you to apply within at least one particular category. 
There is a category of arts and culture leadership.
Chip suggested there should be a category for those going into trades and service professions. Chip offered to talk with his friend who started this...John at White Rock Brewery.
Jerry offered to prepare a letter of recommendation for Desmond. 
He might qualify for two categories - Arts and Overcoming Adversity.
Overcome Adversity -- significant personal challenge — volunteer effort in community - role model to motivate others - inspire and leadership.  
Sometimes hard for them to do community leadership because of the demands of having to work and go to school. 

Bicycle Repair Program
Just started 2 days ago for round 3.
Wonderful opportunity for the kids.  All part of one course — bike repair, carving and wood work.

Rotaract (18+) and Interact (14+)
Rotaract club helping with the start of the Interact club.
Suggested that some of the Learning Centre students may be interested. 

Engagement with the Centre

Reviewed the idea of a Mentorship program.  Janice and staff seem keen.
We also suggested that Chip and Brian’s presentation about the Cambodia Orphanage might be interesting for the students.

 Camp Jubilee
Take some students to camp up at Indian Arm - team building and socialization.
Our Rotary club previously helped to fund the trip - about 15 kids went.

Staff showed us the room where the sculpting and wood working lessons are held.

We adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.

Minutes of February 5, 2020 Business Meeting

Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Scott Phemister
Brian O’Ruairc
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Rhonda Latreille

Alex Nixon

Call to Order and Welcome:

 Jerry called the meeting to order, Scott led the singing of the national anthem, and Pat offered the invocation.


Rhonda thanked Peter for preparing the minutes in her absence.

Jeff is scheduled for his open heart surgery today and Deirdre will be communicating with Marjorie.  Jerry and Jeff had discussed the need for a back up treasurer to be established to cover when Jeff is not available.  Jerry mentioned that he could do this in interim while we search for another accountant to join our club.

 Next meeting is at White Rock Learning Centre — Roberta will bring muffins.  PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE SO ROBERTA KNOWS THE NUMBERS.

 Social - Feb 19 - Roadhouse on King George.

Coldest Night Walk - Saturday Feb 22 - Karilin will make some chilli for everyone!

Peace Arch Meeting - on Feb 24 at noon at the Hazelmere Country Club. 
Brian and Chip giving a presentation about Cambodia and Hospice.  Everyone welcome.  Their club has money they could contribute to project these projects.

Brad Whitaker - Rotary Youth Leadership Award - RYLA - May 7-10 - ages 18-28. 
Both Jerry and Roberta attended last two - very inspiring for them to see the youth involvement and commitment.  $300 US$ to sponsor someone - do not need to be Rotaract.

Do you know someone who could benefit from this?  Average age about 21-22.  Held around Mt. Baker - about an hour away.  No electronics - cannot leave the site.  Bible study camp so restrictions on dress.  Put through group team situations.  Jerry commented on many hugs!!!  They have one big project they have to work on.  Someone from White Rock Ambassadors was suggested.

Lindagene - sent out a note about the Sassy awards.  Looking for anyone who we might designate as an award winner.  Perhaps Janice at White Rock Learning Centre has someone in mind they could designate.  $1,000 for student and a $500 donation made to a charity of their choice.  To sponsor student there is a cost.    Perhaps we could co-sponsor a student as our contribution to them .  Pat suggested that we give her a heads up.  Nominations need to be made by Feb 26.  5-6 different categories.

 Rotary Learning Institute - taking place next Saturday at Hollywood Inn Express in Richmond.  Saturday 8:30 - 4:00 Feb 15 -- (long weekend - Family day weekend)

District Training Assembly - KPU - no date mentioned yet.  Usually in April.
It was questioned why a club of 100 has to pay for 5 registrations and a club of 15 will also have to pay for 5.

District convention - April 30 to May 3 in Harrison Hot Springs. 
Adding lots of events for spouses and non-members.

5 Club Breakfast - March 21.  Chip looking for folks to commit.

 Sergeant of Arms - Scott

Talked about coronavirus and how this might impact Scott and Ramona’s trip to Vietnam.
Ramona left for Mexico.
Chip talked about the summary of the events happening in China around the virus.

 Guest Speaker:

Alex Nixon – Executive Director
White Rock BIA

Exciting Year Planned - this year even busier!

Last year - Art Show - Movie Night – Concerts

1st annual craft beer festival in Sept.

Busters at 5 corners - Comedy Festival - sold out each show in May.

BIAs renewed every 5 years - reversed petition - if you don’t want to contribute, must opt-out in writing.  Previously,  27% wrote in and in 2019 - only 6% wrote in.

5 year term - doubled number of programs and now at capacity.

Health and Wellness - April

Holiday events in Solatire, and vote on favourite businesses in White Rock

Craft beer festival sold out in 2 weeks!  Unfortunately, attracted scammers and false tickets (about 20 purchased bogus tickets...)

Concerts at the pier - 24,000 last year including 2 on east beach - about half for these 2 events.

Marketing - reduced patio fees - were $15 per sq ft and now $4 per sq ft!
Advocated for free parking Nov - Jan. 

City doesn’t make much money for parking during these months so they are not losing much during these times - really make their money in summer months.  Estimated loss in revenue so small but big help to restaurants there!

Want to make patios useable 365 days a year.

Was the BIA part of 2 salsa nights?  BIA helped a bit.

Beer Gardens again - how we can maximize revenues???  BIA would love to work with us on this again.

$450,000 fee from railway to rent road way that takes away from parking...?  Translink tax on parking lots - 24% on revenue.   Public and private as well as gst at 5%.  City pays this through paid parking (not property tax).

CAC (community amenities contributions) and property tax are revenue sources. 
White Rock property tax base is 22 million.
Richmond has 9x population and tax is 12 x population. 
Minimal cost for everything and White Rock doesn’t have much left over. 

Membership of 600 in BIA - 273 lease spaces.  Increasing by 8%

Highest and best use is applicable in White Rock. 
Property taxed on Highest And Best Use. 
However - if they change this - not reducing tax burden - just shifting from one property to another.  If you reduce on one - you raise on others...

Jerry thanked Alex


Jerry adjourned at 8:30 am and invited anyone to stay to continue to speak with Alex.

 Next meeting at Learning Centre.


Minutes of Jan 22 Meeting
Scribe Jan 22, 2020
Present Peter Herz, Pat Hahn, Jerry Zdril. Roberta Zdril, Chip Bowness, Al Benson, Geoff Richards, Brian O’Ruaric, Dierdre O’Ruaric, Jo Ann Taylor, Scott Phemister,.
Guest Abby Gemina
Abby handed out invitations in the form of a book mark, to a walk on  “the Coldest Night of the Year” starting at 3 p.m. and ending at 7 p.m.  at Memorial Park.
Meeting was called to order by chair, Jerry.
O Canada led by Scott and Invocation by Al.  There was no Rotary minute.
Jerry introduced guest, Abby.
Jerry handed out pins.
The social that was cancelled will be held on January 29 – same place and time.  No morning meeting.
3 people attended the Peace Arch Club meeting and explained our decision regarding the proposed joining of the 2 clubs.  Judith and John from Peace Arch Club still hope that an arrangement can be agreed upon.  3 or 4 people expressed an interest in joining our club.
A speaker was referred to Rick and is now scheduled.
We will meet at The Learning Centre on Feb 12 for our breakfast and we will supply muffins and coffee.
Chip missed a meeting of the 5 club breakfast committee, the date is March 21 and price is unchanged.
Pat Hahn got another Paul Harris pin from Jerry.  Pat explained company policy of giving some employees $500 per year for charitable giving.
Abby, who is event co-ordinator for Sources, spoke about the Coldest Night of the Year walk.  It is on Feb 22 and there are 2, 5, and 10 km walks.  Proceeds are used to make micro loans to needy families.  White Rock, though small, is in the top 10 in donations. There were 400 walkers last year and they hope for 500 in 2020.  $22k have been donated so far.  Walkers are in teams.  Jerry is setting up a team for our club.  He will be trying to outdo the White Rock Club.
Sergeant, Scott raised funds from talkers, happy bucks and sad bucks.  He also explained that Trudeau spent $47/dozen for donuts and suggested that we should get in on this.
Roberta and Jerry are going to Chilliwack in a couple of months but will remain in our club.
NO MEETING next week.  Instead we are having the snowed out social at 6 p.m. at Knuckles.  Jerry to survey the group.
Minutes of January 8, 2020 Business Meeting

Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Scott Phemister
Brian O’Ruairc
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Bob Gray
Joanne Taylor
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Call to Order and Welcome:
Jerry called the meeting to order and offered the invocation.  Scott led the singing of the national anthem.

Peace Arch Club Status:

As mentioned previously, the club is looking at dissolution at the end of the year, and they are interested in a merger to keep the Gaming Grant of $20,000. 

Our South Surrey Club reviewed the proposal.  There was no desire to move forward with the proposal as it was presented as it would require us to give up our name and identity and to fully merge with their club. 
South Surrey Club members were not interested in pursuing the loss of our identity to potentially assume the their $20,000 gaming grant that is not even guaranteed each year..

Jerry will let them know at their next lunch meeting at Hazelmere Golf Course and welcomed participation of any club member who may want to join their lunch meeting.

Rhonda offered to attend their meeting as well.  Joan is the Assistant District Governor and is aware of our position. 

Polar Bear Swim:
Brian and Chip again represented our club well - in the water for at least 15 minutes!

Swam out to the rescue boat and back.
Great day!  Lots of people and a constant flow of traffic!

Social - 3rd Wednesday – January 15:  
Jerry offered to book us at the new Knuckles Restaurant on the waterfront.

South Surrey White Rock Learning Centre
Wished us a Merry Christmas and would like to host a morning meeting when the principal Ms. Martin is back.

They asked Herb to come back the end of January to continue to teach a sculpting course and will be working out the details as they evolve.

Jerry asked if we are interested in a breakfast meeting at the Learning Centre. 
We would like to pursue this and to explore what our relationship will be in the future.
Jeff wondered if they really need us — how could we help the students themselves. 
Let’s clarify what their position is and we’ll see how this fits with our focus and objectives. 
Brian is wondering how we could make a difference individually with these kids.
Jerry will ask Pat to reach out to Janice for the breakfast meeting.

 Jeff - Charitable organizations and our international fund. 
According to the CRA - to be able to give out tax receipts, have to be a charitable organization or charitable foundation (family/private or public - with public option, the directors must be at arm’s length.)
Can only give money to other registered charities. 
Red Cross, for instance, is a charitable organization and must be involved in charitable activity (soup kitchen etc.). It doesn’t matter where the charitable activity happens - 50% of your activities must be charitable in order to maintain that status. We would have to meet that status with CRA annually.  Jeff agreed to investigate further the definition of charitable activity.

Rotary and Toastmaster Organizations Working Together:
Process now formalized. 
Not clear yet how they anticipate the 2 organizations working together – and it was suggested that perhaps we would simply reach out to local toastmasters clubs to explore this relationship. 
Will see if there is further guidance on this.

 Potential New Project:
Scott was intrigued by a program in the USA that provided specialized glasses that allow colour blind kids to now see in colour. 

Scott asked if there is interest for him to look into this a bit more to find out scope of problem and cost. 
Club members encouraged him to learn more (may have different implications or need in Canada) and suggested that Jericho school for the blind might be a good place to start.

 Missing Tent:
Scott believes that one of the tents is not missing, but was broken and tossed out.

 Membership Dues:
Jeff reminded members that some dues are still outstanding. 
If you are on a leave of absence - you still need to pay your dues as the club must still remit to Rotary International.
Leave of absence only means that you are excused from meetings.

Rhonda will be away travelling on business form Jan 20 - early February.
Peter graciously greed to prepare the minutes during her absence.

 Next Meeting:
There will be no meeting on January 15
Jerry to arrange social for the evening of January 15 at Knuckles and asked everyone to RSVP so he can provide anticipated numbers.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.


Minutes of December 11, 2019 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Pat Hahn
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille 

Lynda Simpson
Joan Apel

 Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order, welcomed everyone, led the singing of the national anthem, and Chip  offered the invocation. 
Jerry encouraged everyone to read the minutes to keep up to date on the club activity details and the responsibility assignments.

 Rotary Minute

US aid water and sanitation - Deirdre sent article about our Cambodia and Hospice work contributes toward water and sanitation initiatives.

 All Club Christmas Party
Carolers and piano player when we come in - over 100 will be attending.

 Next meeting - January 8.   
Discuss Peace Arch proposal at that meeting.

Polar Bear Swim
Set up around 8 am and plunge around noon.

 6 Club Breakfast
Meeting will be 1st or 2nd week in January - White Rock Club will chair again.  Chip is our representative.

Passport to Fun
Roberta and Joan will work on this.

Tentative plan of doing it in the bowling alley.  Mix everyone up.
Put all the names in a hat and pull out names.

Something akin to the couch potato.

Jerry proposes that we make Deirdre and Brian’s donor an honourary member ($30,000 contribution to date) - Deirdre and Brian to check with her - perhaps a Christmas centerpiece offered in the meantime.

Iola and 2 Rotaract as honourary members – with an anticipated date in January 2020?

Salvation Army Kettle Campaign
Need volunteers to donate time at superstore from 10 am – 6 pm.
Jerry distributed schedule.
We usually give a donation of $500 from the club.

Jeff reported $2978.50 from Rotary Noel - our portion from wine wall and silent auction items.

 Induction of New Member - Lynda Simpson
Jerry shared that Lynda started coming about 6 months ago and jumped in right from the start and participated in programs and events and even offered to co-chair committees.  Lynda demonstrated the Rotary spirit even before she became a member!

Joan performed the induction.  Lynda is retired - winters in Arizona — volunteered for 10 years in Arizona.  She likes to give and serve.  Lynda went to Shred-a-thon and Pat invited Lynda to a meeting. 

Lynda loves the social aspect of the service as well.

Spoke to service above self - strong bonds of friendship locally and worldwide.  Joan gave Lynda the new member kit - and also referred to the 4 way test -  we all recited the 4 way test.

Jerry presented Lynda with a pin!

Deirdre presented Lynda with a Christmas poinsettia.

Happy dollars followed the induction.


 Jerry adjourned meeting at 8:32am


Minutes of December 4, 2019 Business Meeting
***  Please note that Lynda Simpson will be inducted as a New Member of the South Surrey Rotary Club on December 11, 2019.  Come and bring a friend!***

Jerry Zdril — President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Alan Benson
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Pat Hahn
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille

Lynda Simpson

Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order, welcomed and thanked everyone for their contribution to the Beatles night, Shredathon, and Rotary Noel Gala. 


Concert on the Pier Beer Garden
Peace Arch Club also felt that the financial return was disappointing given the tremendous amount of work, and both clubs will have to do a careful review to determine if this is something we want to continue in the future – especially given the level of responsibility.


Financial Update

Jeff reported that we have 13,900 US$ from District to go toward the Cambodia Project. 

We need to match this.  Brian and Deirdre’s friend is offering another $10,000 to help toward Cambodia.

Brian and Chip will be heading back to Cambodia in February and we as a club will be looking at contributing some support to off-set their substantial personal out of pocket expenses.  Will bring this up at the next Executive Meeting.

New Member Induction

Lynda Simpson will be inducted as a new member at the December 11, 2019 meeting. 
Joan Apel will perform the induction.


Peace Arch Article about Chip and Brian’s work in Cambodia
Deirdre submitted to Rotary International and District Rotary, and distributed to all club members.

Rhonda agreed to upload onto the Clubrunner site as well.


CIBC Wood Gundy Fundraising

Pat shared that CIBC Wood Gundy raises money for charities and his office was a big supporter of the Development Centre.  They invited Christine Simmons and Roo to give a presentation at their office.    Christine spoke about Sophie’s Place and Pat provided information about Rotary and our involvement.


White Rock South Surrey Learning Centre. 
Chip will connect with them to get an update on their status and bring back some more information about our engagement moving forward.  They were concerned about finding a bigger place — not sure where they are with this.  This should fall under the responsibility of the school board.

Semiahmoo House Kitchen Renovation

Brian prepared a quote for them.  We will be volunteering labour — not cash.


Polar Bear Swim

Lindagene wants a couple of volunteers from each club.
Alan Benson is our rep and Brian and Chip will participate. We usually put up a table and a display.

Alan will be canvassing our club to see who else would like to volunteer and participate.


We had 2 tents and now can only identify one that is stored at the Rotary Field House.   It was suggested that the second tent may be combined with the White Rock Peace Arch club materials.

5 Club Breakfast

Chip agreed to be our rep on the planning committee.  It is anticipated that the breakfast will be held at the Baptist Church hall again this year.


Salvation Army

Jerry reported that Carlos asking for help with the kettle again this year – the kettle located at the Real Canadian Superstore.  Carlos will send us a schedule of dates and times when they need help on Saturday’s. Jerry will follow up Carlos.  Can also put up a Rotary sign beside them.


Beatles Dance Follow-up

Jeff confirmed with the group that there is no need to keep purchased and outstanding tickets.  We agreed that a silent auction historical report would be helpful and Rhonda will ensure that all the individual sheets have been included fully in the master spreadsheet from previous years. 


Semi Annual Dues

Jeff reminded us that the invoices have been emailed to all club members and includes the dues for 6 months as well as the cost for the installation dinner. 



Jerry and Roberta sold their apartment.  January 15, 2020 will need to find a new place to live. 
Looking to rent for about 3 months while Jerry completes teaching his next term.

Chip shared his exposure to an internet scam showcasing Don Cherry promoting a bitcoin investment and warned the club members to be careful.   

Pat shared earlier a request to support a young lady from Zimbabwe going to university in China.  This young woman needs money for her tuition in order to continue her studies, approximately $350 US.  It was advised that this request does not fall within Rotary and our club funding criteria, and persons wishing to contribute can do so on their own.   


Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:36 am.


Minutes of November 27, 2019 Business Meeting

Deirdre O’Ruairc – Past President and Chairperson
Brian O’Ruaric
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille


Lynda Simpson


Welcome and Call to Order:

Deirdre called the meeting to order at 7:15, Pat led the singing of our national anthem and Chip offered the invocation. 

Rotary Minute

In lieu of a Rotary Minute, Rhonda shared how the Rotary symbol included in the ‘Welcome to Sedona’ signage now took on a new and special meaning for her during her vacation there. 
On the next vacation, she commented that she will be better prepared and will find some Rotary meetings to attend while away. 


White Rock/Peace Arch Potential Engagement with South Surrey

There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding the nature and structure of the White Rock Peace Arch Rotary Club’s intention to engage with us once they officially disband their club. 
It appears that White Rock Peace Arch Club was intending to potentially merge with our club, while we believed that that a more informal arrangement would be pursued, allowing their individual members to choose which club and meeting times best fit. 

When Jerry returns, we will schedule a club review of the implications of various options to confirm our club position.

Rotary Noel
Deirdre reported that we may have earned $3,000 from our contributions to the event.  The evening great fun and a good success.

 President’s Meeting

Rhonda was invited to attend the meeting since Jerry is still on vacation.

The meeting was held at Joan Apel’s home

 December 17 All Clubs Christmas Party tickets — $45 each.

Rhonda has the tickets for the club.

Anyone paying by cheque should make it out to Joan Apel and she will reconcile all the money.

*****Please bring your money and/or cheque to the next meeting*****


Chip mentioned that he had new and additional information about some issues relating to Surrey pursuing their own police force and discontinuing their contract with the RCMP.

Chip was wondering what the role of the Rotary could be in providing more information to the public.

Pat confirmed that our club could not take a position, but encouraged each member to participate in any social causes that they wish.

It was acknowledged that there were different positions within our club and that these would of course be acknowledged and respected.



Deirdre adjourned the meeting at 8:25.


Minutes of October 30 2019 Business Meeting
Pat Hahn - Chairperson
Jeff Richards
Peter Her
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille
Holly Scott, Tabitha
Harp Atwal, Peace Arch News
Bob Gray, Honourary Member
Lynda Simpson
Welcome and Call to Order:
Pat called the meeting to order at 7:15, led the singing of our national anthem and welcomed our guests.  Deirdre provided the innovation.
Holly will provide a more formal presentation about the Tabitha Foundation at another meeting.
Harp, from Peace Arch News, works with our ads and Pat expressed our gratitude for their ongoing support.
Beer Garden Final and Fab Fourever Revenue Numbers:
Jeff reports that we took in about $3700 total for both events combined, whereas the Fab Fourever brought in $5,206.  Legion did not charge us this year for the dance. Tentatively booked for next year.
Did discuss Elgin Hall - we could make some revenue off food and bar.  Have to get liquor license and cost/hour from set up to take down and must get insurance.  Jeff will look into it and work out a tentative budget.  More revenue potential, but it does create more cost and work for set up and take down, as well as the food and bar service.  It was commented that it is nice to have the turn-key operation available at the Legion.
Steve Scott from PAN loved the Fab Fourever event.
Deirdre talked about previous support of PAN that published an article on the Cambodia Orphaneage, and a client of Brian and Deirdre’s read the article, called Brian to learn more, and offered a donation of $10,000 for the Hospice!  Deirdre suggested that it is time for another article.
Rotary Noel
Lynda reviewed the email from Peace Arch Rotary Club.
Would like the donations for the silent auction as we get them.
Harp Atwal said that the PAN looking at what they can do to help out – discussed a silent auction item of an ad and thank you ad.
Deirdre will send out a blast asking members to identify who will attend the Rotary Noel and encourage donations and sponsorships!
Shred it this Saturday.
Chip will mark out the footprint this Friday night and will put out signs starting tomorrow.
Chip picked up the tents etc., from Scott.
Scott suggested that we should become known as the Rotary Shredders in the community – that this could be one of our signature events.
Chip suggested that we should invest in orange vests to identify ourselves and look more professional.  Chip will buy at least 10 of them - simple and useful.
One sandwich board and some signs.  It was suggested that we find some election signs and Chip will paint over them.
In addition to the Rotary shirts and the orange vests, Deirdre suggested that we each wear big buttons with ‘Ask Me About Rotary’ printed on the button.  Deirdre will bring these.
Starbucks donating coffee.
2 greeters receive vehicles and confirm if they have to wait and watch -  2 at tent, 2 at managing the paper, 2 for donations...about $10 a box donation - have credit card square handy.
Bring flag and banners if there is no wind.
Chip asked us to arrive at 8:30 am for set-up
Pat reminds us to share with people our WHY!  Orphanage and Hospice and Learning Centre, Food Bank and Local Hospice, WITS (Words, intervention, talk, s...?). anti-bullying.... orphanage in Haiti - Jerry looking at how we might be able to be involved.
Speaker for November 6:
Dr. Arlene King, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, ICD.D, will speak about the World Polio program.
Holly agreed to offer a presentation on the Tabitha Foundation at a later date.
Member Vacations:
Jerry and Roberta away October 23 – December 3
Scott away October 29 – December 10
Rhonda away November 8 – November 23
Jeff away November 12 – 31.

Pat adjourned at 8:29.
Minutes of October 23 2019 Business Meeting


Jeff Richards — Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Rhonda Latreille


No Guests

Welcome and Call to Order:

Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:17, Deirdre provided the innovation and Jeff

gave us a Rotary quiz as the Rotary minute.


Seargent at Arms:
Scott canvassed the membership for happy/sad dollasr.


Member Contributions:
Pat Hahn — Renee - donated 2 $50 gift certificates from West Coast Gardens (she bought the certificates) and donated $100 for the Shred Wise event.  Thank you, Renee!

Tour and lunch at Semiahmoo House:
Jeff, Roberta, Lynda and Rhonda attended the tour held on October 17, 2019.

Rhonda provided an update.  The housing facility offers 120 units of which 27 are earmarked for adults with disabilities.

The main complex (separate building across a walk-way) hosts an enormous variety of programs ranging from a culinary program, music, computers, crafts and knitting, cards for sale, and jewelry etc.

Jerry will follow up with the Executive Director to explore ways in which we may be able to support their efforts.

World Polio Day - Newton Red Rose Restaurant. 
Owner donating the food and the ticket purchase of $20 per person to go to the Rotary Foundation.

Financial Update:
Jeff provided a financial update.
We currently have about $10,000 for our program work, and need another $8,000 by the end of December to be able to access the District Grant dollars.  Expect to net between $4,000 - $5,000 from the Fab Fourever Dance.

Lynda’s Installation and Honourary Members:
Deirdre to touch base with Lynda to determine when she is free and will ask for the District Governor to conduct the installation.
Pat and Deirdre to connect Iola and Janita regarding Honourary membership.

Fab Fourever Dance Review:
Scott stated that a number of people were disgruntled about Ivan Scott being there with his petition to keep the RCMP in Surrey, feeling that this turned it into a political event.  He was asked to leave by the Legion bar staff.

Is there a better venue than the Legion for this dance in the future?  Perhaps Elgin Hall?
Rick suggested that we look into an alternative, cost out resourcing a bar, and determine if it might be worth our while to take over this function as an additional revenue source. 

Deirdre sent thank you notes to the band and legion and will share a copy of the thank you note she created for our donors for the silent auction.  Deirdre offered to send thank you note to everyone’s donors and asked to send her the contact and contribution details. 

Financial Update:  Following this business meeting, Jeff was able to update the financial statement for the Fab Fourever Event. 
We show net revenues of $5,206 –- best ever!

Scott has tents and tape and everything BUT buckets.  Made up 2 signs - secure shredding Rotary
Chip agreed to pick up supplies from Scott and to help with taping off area. -

Postering – Flyers.  We must really hit this hard – especially true since we are not known in this community for a Shred event and need to develop an awareness.

Roberta confirmed with Shredwise before they left on vacation. 

Joanne has an ad in PAN for this Friday.

Deirdre and Rhonda to connect and confirm with Shredwise day before and day of.

Noel Gala reminder:

November 21 – Washington Avenue Grill

We need to sell tickets, secure donors for the silent auction as well as sponsors.  Each member must also contribute a bottle of wine in value of $25 or more.

6 Club Christmas Party – December 17 – Hazelmere

Jeff reorganized field house and offered some space for South Surrey so there is a central location to hold our stuff.


Member Vacations:

Jerry and Roberta away October 23 – December 3

Scott away October 29 – December 10

Rhonda away November 8 – November 23.

Jeff adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.

October 9, 2019 Business Meeting
October 9 2019
Meeting at Peace Arch Hospice
Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Leslie Singh
Rick Singh
Carlos Galvez
Rhonda Latreille
Lynda Simpson
Eva Galvez
Beth Kish
Jerry suggested that since this was not a formal business meeting, that we dispense with the national anthem and invocation.
Beth Kish welcomed us to the Peace Arch Hospice Society and gave a tour of the Hospice Society building prior to offering a lovely hot breakfast.
Beth served previously as the Ex Director of Foot Hills Hospice in Alberta.  This was a small operation and she felt that the smaller services provide more of an intimate and home-like feeling. 
They currently have 7 beds with the Peace Arch Hospital, and with the new hospital, will have 15 beds.   
Peace Arch Hospice
Volunteer based and not-for-profit - 36 years now (since 1982) and use to be known as the White Rock Hospice.
2002 - Fraser Health established.
2010 - name change to White Rock South Surrey Hospice
2017 name change to Peace Arch Hospice Society - only one not named after a hospital compass.
2017 – opening of the new supportive care centre
New hospice residence - April 2020
Fraser health provides medical care - Peace Arch Hospice provides all emotional care, and will make home visits of necessary.
Emotional support to patients and families - sensitive to cultural spiritual and religious perspectives.
Palliative - could receive some treatment for care, whereas hospice is only pain and symptom management.
250 active volunteers
1300 hours counselling
Thrift Store
Fraser Health Dr. and nurses, Society volunteers and staff.
Beth stressed that everyone grieves differently!
Society offers many programs:
Kids camp 2 x per year - theme each time.
Palliative programs and bereavement programs.
China Tea Service
Walking groups - every Friday - often they continue on their own after the program completes.
One to one grief counselling support.
Children’s grief camps.
Art Therapy - Videos for the family from conversations and interviews - thumb prints in clay for necklace or key chain.
Vigils - no one should die alone - 24/7 volunteers available and also offer in homes - 3 hour shifts... music and candles and books and journal documents everything for next person and given to the family.
Support everyone who is grieving - not just through hospice - kids in schools etc.  Sports teams - coach committed suicide - they had a team there and no charge!
Pet Therapy - specially trained pets
Relaxation Therapy - patients and grief support
Rotary Business Items
  1.  Fab Fourever Dance – October 19
Need everyone to sell their tickets and bring in the donations for the silent auction please!
We REALLY need donations!
  1.  World Polio day - Red Rose In Newton – October 24
Tickets with Jerry and Jerry will be sending out info electronically as well.
Money to the Foundation.
  1.  Shredathon – November 2
500 posters printed.

4.  District 5050 Foundation Dinner – Friday, November 15
At the Quality Hotel & Conference Centre, 36035 North Parallel Road, Abbotsford, BC
Guest Speaker: Rotarian Lee Harman, The Epic Journey, Peking to Paris Car Rally
Lee, Bill and Miss Vicky crossed the finish line, 1 of 21 cars out of 120 that did so under their own power
No Host Bar: 5:30pm
Full buffet dinner: 6:30pm
Dress: Business (Jacket & Tie)
Cost $60 Canadian
Register at:
5. Noel Gala with Peace Arch Club – November 21
Lynda taken the lead with organizing our contribution
Silent auction items and sell tickets
Everyone bring one bottle of wine - minimum $25
Minutes of October 2 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
George Garrett
Lynda Simpson
October 9 Business Meeting at Peace Arch Hospice Society
15435 16A Avenue
7:00 am – Breakfast and Presentation
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:24, led the singing of the national anthem, and welcomed the members and guests.    
Rotaract Guatemala Presentation October 2 and cancelled October 9.
Rotary Field House.
Tickets are $5.00
Scotch Tasting Event – October 16
Rhonda and Herb Latreille’s home
House #4 – facing Thrift Avenue
(4th house down from the corner of Finlay and Thrift)
Semiahmoo House Tour - Thursday, October 17 - 12 - 1:30
Not replacing our meeting - this is in addition to our mtg and social.
Fab Fourever Dance – October 19
Jerry discussed distribution of posters around Ocean Park and our own areas
Ad in Peace Arch News on the 4th
Pat distributed tickets - everyone try to sell 10 tickets
Jeff to connect with Ritu for the Chamber of Commerce
World Polio Dinner - October 24
Newton Red Rose - 6914 King George
Jerry sent an email to everyone about this event.
$20 go to Rotary Foundation
Nov 2 Shred it - Real Canadian Superstore
Flyers produced and sent to Scott
Peace Arch Club Noel Fundraiser - Nov 21
Planning mtg Oct 10 at 5:30
Can hopefully raise from $3,000-$8,000
We need $18,000 - $20,000 by December to access our grant money.
Rhonda proposed working with Lynda to canvass other clubs to find out what they do for fund raisers.
Tabitha Foundation
Shared comments about the presentation by Janne Ritskes at the Rotary Field House.
Multitude of services in Cambodia.  She was very interesting and engaging. 
Fundraiser — Chip and Brian both met her — Chip has known her for past 20 years and distributed an email to everyone about their remarkable accomplishments.  Started with the vision and commitment of this one dedicated woman!
Medical containers overseas - World Help
Jerry involved in that.
Tabitha in Cambodia are working on hospitals and a container may help.
Jerry exploring and she offered to give a presentation to 5 clubs. 
Jerry sent a link to the website.
George Garrett – Volunteer Cancer Drivers
Member of White Rock Rotary Club- member for less than a year.
Volunteer Cancer Drivers
Cancer Society cancelled service. 
John McGuiness called George to ask him to work together to start their own Volunteer Cancer Drivers program to keep service going.
Started with a handful of drivers.  Cover from West Vancouver to Mission - Abbotsford through to Delta White Rock.  Will meet ferries and flights.
Have 200 drivers registered to serve clinics in Vancouver, Surrey, Abbotsford.
When a driver picks up a patient at home — wait for them during their treatment and take them home.  Patients have a ride and company on the way there and back. 
Don’t charge for this service but raise money.
Corporate member of White Rock Club.
Also get help from Fire Fighters - they are very susceptible to cancer because of the toxic fumes from plastics homes and cars.
Money from community foundations and municipalities.
Pay drivers 48 cents per klm - and a percentage of drivers donate back which contributed toward Envision Financial donating $20,000.
Now have a little money in the bank and really have to work to raise money.
Need money month to month and money for the future (25 years!)
Top volunteer - posthumously awarded to John McGuiness who started this with George.
George wrote a book - known in radio for 25 years as the intrepid reporter.
Donating proceeds of his book to Volunteer Cancer Drivers.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:42am
Minutes of September 25, 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Pat Hahn
Scott Phemister
Alan Benson
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
Ivan Scott
Lynda Simpson
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:17, welcomed the members  and guests and Pat introduced Ivan Scott.  Scott led the singing of our national anthem and Chip offered the invocation.
Rotary Minute – Rotaract Presentation on Guatamala Project
Roberta encouraged everyone to attend one of the Rotaract presentations scheduled for October 2 or October 9 at 7 pm.  Rotary Field House.
Tickets are $5.00
  1.  Unitl BBQ
Lynda, Peter, Carlos and Jerry cooked burgers, hot dogs and served food. 
Very well attended.
Board of Trade will hold their meeting there on Tuesday, October 1. at Unitl Semiahmoo House..15306 24 Avenue in Surrey .
Tour facility – Until suggested we tour while activities running.  Stated that Thursday is the best.
It would be a 9 am - 10:30 meeting...We’ll either change our business meeting to that date or make this tour a separate event.  Rhonda suggested we keep it as a tour and focus exclusively on their service. 
It appears that Unitl have plenty of financial support, and Scott stated that he is not sure how as a club there is any benefit for the tour (other than our awareness of their work) since we don’t write cheques.
2.  2 Grant proposals have been accepted.
Happy Home Orphanage accepted and smaller grant for Hospice. 
$17500 US$ Cambodia Orphanage and $10,000 US$ for Hospice. 
We have to generate half of this amount ($18,000-$19,000 Cdn.) in order for the funds to be released.
Chip will now go back to Bangkok club for them to get on board with support.
Scott asked for some detail on Hospice application – requested funding for new hospital beds.
Had to do a final report on previous grant and they District happy with that.
3.  Beer Garden Revenues
We expect to receive between $5,000-$6,000 net from the 2 beer gardens. Also expecting refund from pst, and first need to confirm # of drinks served to calculate pst owed and/or refund.
4,  Beatles night - October 19 – Coming SOON!!
Pat to follow up on tickets...We can sell 150 so we each to sell 8-10 tickets.
As you promote — ask for gift cards and items.
Rhonda to collect donations for silent auction.
Jeff and Rhonda to check with Ritu about info going out to Board of Trade.
5.  Shred Event -- November 2 – 10 am – 2 pm.
Real Canadian Superstore - Grandview Corners... 
Shredwise - will charge us $400 - 10 - 2.
This could be a real winner!!
Scott making all the arrangements, and Chip agreed to be point person the day of the event as Scott will be away.
Brochures out 2.5 weeks in advance and in Peace Arch News
6.  Peach Arch Rotary Noel Gala – November 21, 2019 – Washington Avenue Grill
Lynda, Jerry, Chip, Rhonda met with Noel Fundraiser Planning Committee. 
Any money we raise will go to our club - revenue will be from silent auction and donations/sponsorship.
WAG - 9th year.
Planning committee ask that we each sell 3 tickets and generate 2 silent auction items and donate 2 bottles of wine (minimum value of $25) for the ‘Wall of Wine’ raffle.
They have a chair already for each committee and are looking for support from us for:
Sponsorship committee participation
Public Relations
Donations - Dee on that committee with Judith - Rhonda to help while in town...
Logistics - day of event... Lynda Simpson
It was suggested that we have one person from our club assume responsibility of coordinating our volunteer contribution.  Lynda offered to assume this role – thank you Lynda!
We will keep our ‘Friends of Rotary’ (such as Todd and Janita) in the loop.
7.  Upcoming Speakers and Socials
October 9 – Tour and Breakfast at the White Rock South Surrey Hospice – Beth Kish
October 16 – Scotch Tasting at Rhonda and Herb Latreille’s home
October 23 – Business Meeting

Presentation – Ivan Scott
Ivan and his group have started a petition and initiative to keep the RCMP as the police force in Surrey, BC.  They oppose the introduction of a municipal police force for Surrey.
Ivan stated this is group are community-based, apolitical and volunteer-based.
He believes that this movement toward a municipal forced lacked transparency and was not based on defensible facts. 
He shared that the RCMP is identified as one of the best police forces in the world.
Ivan stated that 54% currently oppose shifting from the RCMP. 
A lively discussion revealing a number of viewpoints followed Ivan’s presentation.
Chip - Amity Hall was the organization that formed in 1786 and ran NY city by taking over unions and police force.  It was initiated by the Irish Catholics – and Chip fears that this is a parallel - change the origins to local so that influence can be exerted locally. 
With a national force, there is less risk for inappropriate local influence in terms of private agendas and corruption.
Chip shared that he has lived in 8 countries - the way to control a city is to own the police force - recruited locally.  To run that risk, especially with such an international community that demands a viewpoint bigger than just local is wrong and the potential for corruption is immense.  We are not exempt from this happening here. 
Pat strongly agreed with Chip’s comments, stressing the risk and potential for corruption is far too great.
Scott presented a different viewpoint and believes that with the RCMP, the guys at the bottom of the class are sent to big cities so they have greater supervision - best people sent to worst/difficult locations because they can deal with challenging issues on their own.
With a national force, don’t have people stay in community long-term - don’t have community connection.  We will have a huge initial expense but ultimately it will cost less because of the elimination of duplication of function and cost.  Local forces know the community and stay in community.
Ivan disagreed and gave examples of some of the best being sent to larger centers, feeling part of the community and staying for longer periods of time.
Ivan and Pat cautioned that we border the largest country in the world and need the perspective, experience and strength of a national force. 
There are significant expenses to create another force (amateur force) and they need to be trained.
It would cost Surrey about $100 million more than RCMP - less police and inexperienced.
Peter - agrees with Scott, believing that large communities need to have their own police force.  No reason we should pay for bureaucrats in Ottawa to run our police force.  We need a police force that is local and responsive to wishes of local folks.
Pat said that our contribution to be able to access the experience and resources of an international police force is a small price relative to what we receive.
Oct 24 - Dec 3 Jerry and Roberta away.
November 8 - November 23 - Rhonda and Herb away.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:49am.
Minutes of September 11, 2019 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Pat Hahn
Scott Phemister
Jeff Richards
Carlos Galvez
Rhonda Latreille

Ted Church
Lynda Simpson
Eva Galvez


Call to Order and Welcome:

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:16, welcomed the members and guests. 
Scott led the singing and Chip offered the invocation.


Until Picnic – September 12

9:30 at Peace Arch Park. 
Jerry, Pat, Lynda, Carlos, and Alan volunteering.

Social - Sept 18
It was suggested that since West Beach Brewing company really came through for us with the Beer Garden that we support the businesses that support us.
Jerry will contact them to confirm if we can bring in pizza there.

Cambodia Presentation - Oct 15 - White Rock Club
Chip and Brian to provide a presentation on their Cambodia trip 12:00 noon at Field House
Come and support!

Fab Four Dance – October 19

Flyers printed – Deirdre arranging for them to be inserted into the Celtic News
Roberta distributed some posters. 
Robert emailed Simon to confirm the band is onboard and confirmed with Legion that it is a go.

Pat is taking care of printing the tickets
Silent Auction — really need items!  Restaurants and hotels etc - minimum of $50 value...

Shred Wise — November 2

10 - 2, so be there at 9:30 ish to help out.

Rick can tape it off.

Scott is available until the end of October work on arrangements.

Will need tents and buckets etc.

Chip agreed to serve as site supervisor the day of the event.

Need bodies to poster especially since this is a new event for that area.

Posters should go up about 2 weeks before the event.


Rotary Noel Fundraiser Function in November from Peace Arch Club

Significant event and raises a lot of money. 
$70 each for tickets.

Looking for us to sell 30 tickets and silent auction items that range in value of $500 - $800 with starting bids.

It was suggested that we could make between $6,000-10,000. 

Jerry meeting with planning committee on Monday 1:30 at Hazelmere for the planning and invited our club members to attend.


5 Club (6 Club with Rotoract) Christmas Party at Hazelmere - Dec 17
This will be instead of our own club Christmas Party.

There was some concern that it would be standing only, and it was also recognized that this contributes to more socializing than sitting at restaurant tables.

Guest speaker — Ted Church

Jerry provided a quick intro.

Ted has been with a local Club for the past 8 years
Heavily involved in Rotary book sale

Mechanical engineer and received his degree from the University of Seattle

Ted worked in his family’s sawmill and logging business after his graduation/

He had a private consulting practice in Prince George for 2 years, and retired in 2001 and moved to White Rock.

Jeff also mentioned that he sees him at Field House every day working very hard on the books sale project. 

Ted was a Rotarian in Prince George and saw them start a book sale project there.  Over the years - learned how it is done and also learned from their mistakes.

They learned it is best to make everything $2 – this is amount where everyone wants to buy and keeps it easy!

It is key to have space to sort.  Their current venue at the Peace Arch Curling Club is perfect for this project.    Lots of light, good feeling and warmth.

The $2 value was arrived at from experience.  Tried a specialty book area - sold at 1/3 of Amazon price... Book sellers not interested in collaborating.  Ted had a sense that they would not make money from specialty area and returned to the simple $2 per book approach.

Started in a garage — then Semiahmoo Mall with 4 kiosks - 2 to 4 people per kiosk...350 shifts - a lot of volunteerism!

Books had to be fed in and it was tough to work with mall needs.  Generated about $45,000.

Curling club is a whole different story.  2 people on cash and some folks restocking.  Worked much better.  3 years now at this location — works great.

Advertising - key — Peace Arch News, posters, and generating a list of buyers - about 1500-1600 list of buyers who keep coming back.

Mini survey — how did you hear about sale:  Peace Arch News = #1 and then posters

Now buyers list has moved up above posters.

2 sales a year — after ice goes off and before ice goes in — fall and spring.

Spring sale — $47,000 and fall = $34,000 revenues.

Worked with another club at Guilford Mall - they take 25% of revenues.

Take about 16 pellet loads of books - send more books to grave yard than they sell.

Discovery books - US company use to pay returns by the pound and no longer work in Canada.  Big Brother took over the franchise and may generate money...  take recycle books and sell them to Discover books.. Do a re-sort.

Generate 80,000 pounds of books!

Experiment this year — problem is too many books and how do we get rid of them?

Drive through drop off — generated 5 pellet loads of books in 2 days! If they had another facility, could really blow this out!  Expansion is a lot of work and a lot of volunteering.  Current novels most popular.


Next Meetings:
September 18 – 7:30 Executive Meeting

September 25 – 7:15 Regular Business meeting


Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30am

Notes from Informal Gathering August 28, 2019
Present Pat Hahn, Chip Bowness, Alan Benson, Geoff Richards, Peter Herz

Special Thanks to Peter Herz for taking notes in Rhonda's absence.
Guests Lynda Simpson (prospective new member), Ray Paquet, President of Rotary Club of Semiahmoo.
Call to order Pat Hahn in the chair called the meeting an informal gathering of Rotarians due to small turnout. 
There was no anthem, no invocation and no Rotary Minute.
Alan Benson told of his first and only case before a jury.
Webinar today, Aug 28, at 1:00.  “We are Rotary”.
Until located in Semiahmoo House.  Peace Arch Park picnic Sept 12
Sept 11th  First meeting of proposed community based Interact club.
It is hoped we can send some people to Mexico with wheel chairs. 
This meeting at Rotary field house is at same location but different room from Roteract meeting. 
It is believed Interact is to do two international projects per year.

Chip Bowness talked about his old club and its slow decision making.
Dec 17 5 club Christmas party at Hazelmere golf club.
International Conference in Hawaii June 6 to 10, 2020.
NO MEETING next week following Monday holiday.
Note breakfast orders were taken earlier.
Minutes of August 21, 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Rick Singh
Carlos Galvez
Pat Hahn
Scott Phemister
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
Eva Galvez
Brad Whitaker
Joan Apel
Lynda Simpson
Call to Order and Welcome:
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:16, welcomed the members and guests.  Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Roberta offered the invocation.
Rotary Minute:
Peter spoke to the need for a deeper understanding to apply the Rotary 4 way test.
Golfun - this Friday, August 23
Last minute call out for anyone interested.  Homestead Golf Course - $125.
White Rock Rotary Club Book Sale
Jerry will have the list of volunteer positions and times - asking for any help!

Rotary International Webinar - August 28 - Women as Leaders
Registration link was included in email notification. You also get access to powerpoints.

Unitl - Sept 12 Peace Arch Park – Bbq
Looking for volunteers to help serve - 10 am - 2 pm - let Jerry know if you are able to attend.
Good way to connect and learn about this group.
Invited us to tour their facility – 153rd and 24th - close to Learning Centre 
Jerry to see if they might host us for our breakfast meeting.
Scott and Rick confirmed that we had supported some of their word in the past.

White Rock Rotary Club Turkey run/walk - October 6
Fund Raising for White Rock and Peace Arch Elementary School Playgrounds
Presentation to WR club - Cambodia trip - October 15 tentative date.  
They might like to explore how they could also participate and contribute. 
Field House - 12 - 1:30
Johnny Walker Tasting Event - October 16
Pat commented that the date is still ok for the Johnny Walker rep.
Rhonda and Herb to host.
Beer Garden
Great success - appreciation for all who helped out. 
Almost everyone from our club volunteered for both clubs. 
Great way to know folks from Peace Arch club. 
Brought in about $11,000- $12000 for both events to be shared between the 2 clubs. 
We will arrange for a combined social event and will bring left over beer and wine to celebrate.

October 19 - Beatles Night Dance Fund Raiser.
Need to get a good start with silent auction items – minimum $50 value.
Send out to contacts to save the date. 
Can distribute to all our Chamber folks.
Rotaract - Big Western Conference in Vancouver - October 25
Invited all Rotarians to social event in Vancouver. 
Jerry to send out notice.  SFU downtown campus Vancouver. 
A couple from Rotaract are likely to join our club as well. 
Combined Club Christmas Party -- Tuesday, December 17
Horatio from the White Rock Club proposed a joint 6 club Christmas Party. 
Hazelmere to agree to a $45/pp cost. 
Develop more interaction between the clubs. 
School kids come and sing and lead us in Christmas Carols.

Rotary International Convention in Hawaii - June 6-10, 2020
Social tonight at Chip and DawnLynns at 6 pm.

Jerry away next week. 
Pat agreed to chair August 28 meeting.
Sept 4 – no meeting — meeting deferred to September 11
Canadian Eyesight Global 30 Anniversary celebrated on Sunday, August 18
Mark Maloney, Rotary International President was keynote speaker. 
We’re able to meet and have a group picture.
SaveOn Cards
Rhonda reminded folks that we have the Save On Cards for sale.
Guest Speaker - Brad Whittaker
Joan introduced new District Governor, Brad Whittaker
Rotary - since 1905 - lots of change. 
What hasn’t changed is our core values.
New vision statement result of consultation with over one million people.
Together we see the world where people unite and take action for lasting change - across the globe in our communities and in ourselves
Honour past and embrace future.
  1. Increase impact - relationships, evidence-based - mobilize networks for results that last. 
  2. Expand our Reach - more people to unite with us. 
    Person to person involvement. - eg. Polio project with many stakeholders.
  3. Enhance Participant Engagement — us! Members get more out of Rotary.  A lot of training etc.
  4. Increase our ability to adapt.  Find new ways to make lasting change in the world while we simplify how we operate.  Whole structure of Rotary is being reviewed.
This year — Rotary connects the World
  1.  Grow Rotary - increase membership - can do more and enhance public image and attract more members.  More people left last year than any other year. 
    Do more - have an impact and that attracts more people. 
    Where there is Rotary - less poverty, disease, illiteracy. 
    We break the cycle of poverty through micro loans - break the soil to get fresh and clean water, and break the soul of polio vaccine and break and create barriers to girls education (separate washrooms) solar panels to provide light at night. 
    New membership models for those who cannot attend daytime meetings.  Attend 12 meetings a year.... involve in projects and fundraising but cannot attend meetings.  Build new Rotaract clubs.
  2. Bring Families into Rotary.  Bring spouses and kids! Foster culture of bringing family to Rotary.
  3. Viable path to Rotary Leadership. 
  4. United Nations - 75th anniversary.  Rotary has one of the highest status with UN.
Brad - goal of district governor - strive to help every Rotarian to have an impactful and fun year. 
Wants you to get the most out of Rotary that you can.
  1.  Put more into Rotary - get out so much more than you give
  2. Learn more about Rotary - learn about clubs in district and throughout the world - Rotary learning institute... involve facebook and website and on district website...  right hand corner is projects so others can see - would like to be involved —District Assembly - April 4
  3. Become involved beyond the Club - Events:
  4. Golfun
  5. Foundation Dinner - Abbotsford - Nov 15
  6. District Assembly - April 4
  7. District Conference - Harrison Hot Springs April 30-May 3
  8. Peace Conference - California - Jan 17 and 18 - Ontario, California. www.
  9. International Convention - Honolulu - June 6-10
Partner with other clubs here and around the world.  Also have a youth exchange.
Rotary action groups:
Micro finance
Water and sanitation
Endangered species
Fellowship groups — e.g. Beer, Wine, Whiskey, Rum
Cycling fishing skiing hiking groups - RV, motorcycling and home exchange and travel.
You now have 1.2 million friends around the world.
Let’s rediscover our passion to grow Rotary. 
Let’s get our hands dirty to get actively involved and involve our families and have fun
Service above self!
District Conference - April 30-May 4 - $325 Cdn registration. 
Room around $160 per night.  Join the adventure. 
Pre-conference - white water rafting - cruise, kayaking etc.  Enjoy the adventure in Rotary.
Outstanding roster of speakers.
Jerry thanked Brad.

Jerry adjourned meeting at 8:32 am.
Minutes of August 14, 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Rick Singh
Carlos Galvez
Pat Hahn
Alan Benson
Scott Phemister
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
Eva Galvez
Beth Kish
Lynda Simpson
Judith Lougheed
Call to Order and Welcome:
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:20 am, and welcomed the members and guests.  Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Chip offered the invocation.
Rotary Minute:
Rhonda reminded everyone that August is Membership Month, and shared information about ‘Advancing Women as Leaders in Rotary,’ and an upcoming webinar on this topic scheduled for Wednesday, August 28 3:00 – 4:00 pm Chicago time. 
Canadian Eyesight Global 30th  Anniversary Gala -- August 18
Jerry reminded everyone that they MUST print off their tickets, and if you have not already done so, please pay him for the tickets he purchased on our behalf.
We discussed car pool options. 
District Governor, Brad Whitaker – August 21 Meeting
Brad Whitaker will be attending our Business Meeting on Wednesday, August 21, and has asked for us to hold an Executive Meeting following the Business meeting.
Club Social – Wednesday, August 21
Chip and DawnLynn will be hosting the club social at their home.
14815 Hardie Ave, White Rock, B.C.
 Golfun - August 23 - Linden, WA.
Discussion about pulling together a club foursome.  Pat, Scott and Alan may be able to attend.
August 23-26 - White Rock Rotary - Book Sale
Need volunteers.  Give your name to Jerry if you are able to help out.
Turkey Run - October 6 - Rotary Club of White Rock

October 16 - Johnny Walker Tasting Event

Pat confirmed that the event is still a go.  Although there we can have 15 people participate in the tasting, we encourage everyone to attend. 
Hosted by Rhonda and Herb, house #4 – 1426 Finlay St. (House faces Thrift Avenue)
Beatles Night Fundraiser - October 18
Reminder that we will be collecting donations for the silent auction.
Minimum of $50 value.

President’s Meeting:
Jerry shared that we will be exploring more joint social club events. 
We now have 6 clubs when you include Rotaract.
Rotary International Convention 2020 Hawaii
David Young said he knows of this organization - recommends them highly. 
Non-profit - Semiahmoo House Society - Peninsula Estate Housing Society and Semiahmoo Foundation.  15306 24 Avenue. 
Ask is for us to come to their BBQ - Thursday, Sept 12 - Peace Arch Club bbq (10am -2pm)
Requesting volunteers to assist in preparing and serving food. 
Invited us to take a tour of their centre as well. 
Rick suggested we should ask them to give a presentation. 
We had supported them before - $15,000 over 3 years. 
Jerry needs names asap.  Yola Thomas is their event planner.
Friends of Rotary List:
Rhonda printed off a list of 32 names currently entered into our ‘Friends of Rotary’ database. 
List needs to reviewed and updated. 
Jeff suggested that we send an email blast to everyone on the list to see if they want to receive information and updates from us.
Beer Garden:
Judith reviewed the task list and volunteer assignments were confirmed.
Our footprint has been reduced – we are farther back from the stage, but we have a slightly wider assignment.
Janine confirmed her agreement to provide food (salads) for purchase.
Guest:  Beth Kish,  White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society

Rick introduced Beth. 
Society has been here for 36 years, and this is Beth’s 6th year as their Exec Director.
Volunteer based organization - 7 beds at Peace Arch Hospital.
Intended for those who are believed to have 6 months or less to live. 
The average stay is 13-16 days, and many comment that they should have come sooner.
Hospice - pain and symptom management, and cares for the individual and the family on the end of life journey. 
With the hospice team attending to pain and symptom management, this provides the gift of time for loved ones.
New Supportive Care Centre
Beautiful facility - on budget/on time.
15 beds in new building – open in January.
Purpose built hospice with a home like environment.
Hospital Foundation built the building, and the Society provides the psycho/social counselling and care.
Funding from a Gaming Grant, Rotary, community groups and fundraisers.
Operating capital - approximately 1 million per year.
Train volunteers there - also have clinical counselling, especially with those in anticipatory grief.
Happy to host a breakfast meeting there.

No time limit for support offered.  Beth stressed that grief is an individual and personal process, and we need to respect that everyone has their own journey. 
Counsel in schools or sports group after a sudden death - accidents/murder/suicide - no charge because of support from groups like Rotary.
In addition to clinical counselling, other programs include men’s group, walking group, cooking for 1 classes.
We will look into holding a business meeting at the Centre.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:32 am
Minutes of August 7, 2019 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille


White Rock Peace Arch Rotary Beer Garden Planning Committee Members


Call to Order and Welcome:

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:30 am and welcomed the white Rock Peace Arch Rotary Club Beer Garden Planning Committee Members.

Beer Garden Review and Planning:
The regular business meeting was replaced with a Beer Garden review in preparation for the August 15 event at Totem Park.

 Judith Lougheed walked the group through the full spreadsheet, updating any changes and confirming task assignments.

The shape of the beer garden footprint has changed.
We are back farther from the stage, and wider in depth.

The bleachers will be replaced with 50 chairs.

Janine, a caterer, will provide salads for sale.  She will need two volunteers to help with serving.

We will need better recycling and garbage management, especially given the addition of food.

There was discussion about the admission and complimentary beer/wine tickets.

It was agreed that we would not offer any chips, and that all food options would be handled by the caterer. 
Jeff felt that admission and comfortable seating was very appropriate for the admission price, and that the addition of complimentary drinks and chips further reduced any net proceeds.
Some felt uncomfortable with the move from 2 drinks to no drinks, especially given the fact that the White Rock Rotary provided 3 drinks part-way through their event.
After discussion, the majority of the group suggested we offer only one drink complimentary in addition to admission and comfortable seating. 
That being the case, we would not need any cards to be printed this time – regular tickets would suffice for admission/drink and purchased drink tickets.
Bert warned that we not change these decisions (number of complimentary drinks/food) part-way through the event.

 Jerry agreed to check with the Rotaract members to find out what the interest was in purchasing water/soft drinks. 
Chip offered to manage the acquisition of water and soft/drinks if it appeared that there was interest in the previous beer garden and if the caterer would not take care of this with the sale of food.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 am

Minutes of July 31, 2019 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Carlos Galvez
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Rhonda Latreille

Eva Galvez

Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:19, welcomed members and our guest, and led the national anthem.
Deirdre offered the invocation and Jerry provided the Rotary Minute reflecting upon the next theme for Rotary.

Upcoming Events:

CGE Gala Dinner — August 18, 2019

We will have space for our presentation.
6 pm.  Grand Taj Banquet Hall.
Look at carpooling.

August 21, 2019 - Brad Whitaker coming to our club.

Bring guests.
Invite him to our social as well
Chip and Dawn Lynn to host the social at their home.

5050 Golfun.  August 23, 2019

We were asked to Budget $2,000 US to Golfun.
We have typically provided $1,000 and we agreed to provide this amount again — Goes to the Foundation.

“It was moved by Jerry and seconded by Deirdre that we provide $1000 to the Foundation.”

Motion Carried.

Pat will attend.


August 23-26, 2019 - White Rock Book Sale Event to raise funds for playground upgrade.
Looking for volunteers.

October 16, 2019 — Johnny Walker Tasting Event
Pat Hahn reported that this is a tentative date.
Maximum number of 15.
Rhonda and Herb happy to host it.
This will be our October social event.

Rotary International Convention — next year in Hawaii June 6-10, 2020

Rotary St. Andrews Golf Tournament. (June 7-11, 2020 - Same dates as the Rotary International Convention in Hawaii.)
Rick will be attending the golf tournament again and said this is a great event and good way to meet Rotarians from around the world.
Only non-member event St. Andrews will host at the older course.

Fund Raising:

Dance - October 19, 2019

Roberta will start working on the posters.
Need to start thinking about auction items.

Save on Cards
Rhonda will be bringing those to each meeting on a regular basis again.

Estimated Revenues from Fundraising:
Shred it  -- anticipate about $4,000 each x 2 = $8000
Beer Garden about $2,500 - $3,000 each = $6,000
Dance about $4000

Looking at about $20,000 (or so) from these events.
We’ll have to discuss how to distribute these funds.


District Grants:
Proposal for Happy Home and Hospice. 
We can request up to 10,000 US and we have to match dollar for dollar. 
We don’t have enough to cover the matching requirement if we get the max from the District.
Can be local or international but has to be a specific project.

 If we target these fully - will we have anything much left over for local events like the Learning Centre and State House kitchen?  
State House kitchen demands lots of time from us but not money. 

Jerry feels we get the best return on our fundraising for what we do oversees since our dollars go so much farther in these countries. 

Jerry will proceed with District Grant applications.

Fundraising and cash flow over the year...  Do the other projects go against cash flow?

How do we get the Rotary Wheel out more to showcase Rotary?


White Rock Pier
Jeff suggested that if we wish to contribute toward the Pier, we should consider funding something specific with the Pier that we can point to. 
Brian gave the example of a sun dial and Rick suggested the ‘miles to’ directional arrow post.  Just some ideas...  Monument or art work was also brought up.
Plank to lift up monument so it is visible now was another suggestion.


Peace Arch Club Disbanding in 2020

Peace Arch Club looking to disband at the end of the current Rotary year. 
Some members are very interested in joining with our club - not as a full club merge, but as individual members making an independent decision to join our club. 

If their active members join us, we may need to choose a different neutral date and place. 
May need to find another venue - might want to consider Rotary Field House - only date would be Tuesday...would need to guarantee 16 or so for the caterer. 
They have 8-10 regular active members with an overall list of 20.

Start inviting them to our socials to help us all get to know each other better.

Asked if we could help with their Christmas Gala Dinner. 

They do get a $20,000 grant for local projects and we need to see if it influences the nature of our conversations. 

Jerry, Rick, Rhonda and Jeff will be meeting with representatives from their club to discuss opportunities and options moving forward for 2020.


Beer Garden

Beer Garden wrap up mtg with Peace Arch was held following the July 18 event.

Identified some issues to learn from for the next beer garden in August.

Anticipate that this next one will be even more popular.

Jeff - rethink pricing or rethink revenue options.

BIA charging us?  Can this be revisited?  Costing them $100,000+ but they received $60,000 from the city. 
We are not a business, so wondering if they may be willing to reconsider the charge to us.

Jeff proposed that we charge $20 just for admission only and suggested that this is not unreasonable given they have the ability to sit comfortably and drink while listening to the band.  They can then purchase tickets for beer and wine.

Lots of discussion back and forth, and it was also suggested that the $20 admission include one drink to not be such a significant deviation from the other beer gardens.

What about a 50/50 draw?

Jerry agreed to bring the ideas to Peace Arch for their review and considerations as well.


Jerry adjourned the meeting shortly after 8:30 am.

Minutes of July 17 2019 Business Meeting



Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille


Bert Coates


Call to Order and Welcome:
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15 am, introduced Bert Coates from White Rock Rotary Club and then led the singing of the national anthem. 
Peter offered the invocation.


Member Update:
Jerry related that Joanne’s mom was in the hospital and father is very ill. 
She needs time away from Rotary and requested a 6 month leave of absence.

Deirdre will work with Joanne to take over Peach Arch News ad during this time.

1.  Speaker Request
Jerry received a request from Tony Malik to come and speak at one of our meetings. 
He has a presentation on ‘Leaky Bucket of Profits,’ and any proceeds from his book will be donated to the Rotary Foundation. 
Everyone agreed that Jerry should follow up with Rick and suggest that Tony be booked for his presentation.

If we can get enough of an interest, we could move that meeting upstairs. 

It was acknowledged that we should share speakers with the 5 clubs. 
Joan is establishing a way to share with What’s App. 

Rhonda staying in touch with Janita from Peace Arch Hospital Foundation and Jerry maintains contact with Todd and Christine.

It was also suggested that Rhonda include these folks in the category of ‘Friends of Rotary’ and to include them in the minutes distribution.

Bert agreed to provide an updated presentation on Driving Safety Program.

2.  CGE Gala 30 yr. Anniversary

12 emailed interest to Jerry – He agreed to see if we could get a table for 12.

Jerry paid for the tickets, so he asked everyone to reimburse him directly.
Opportunity for us to promote international project at the Gala.  It was agreed that we would loop our PowerPoint presentation for the display. 
Deidre and Jerry and Brian will work on this. 

3.  Student Request for Funding
Ritu, Exec Director from the South Surrey and White Rock Chamber of Commerce shared a request from a student from SFU.
The student was asking for help with her travel and other expenses for Global Service Canada. 
We agreed that this is not a type of request that fits with our club priorities.

Bert suggested that anyone who has air miles they cannot use — can bank and transfer. 
We agreed to pass on this request and Jerry will respond. 

4.  State House Funding Request
The quote for kitchen renovations was forwarded to State House.

Project Update:

Beer Garden

Bert shared some feedback from their event.
Banners at front blocked the view with the 5 corners event. 
Hung 3 Dog Brewery and White Rock Beach Brewery banners right behind their service.

Half way through the event, when people complained about only 2 drinks, they added a 3rd drink.  They figured this cost them about $2,500 for this extra free drink.
They expect to net $7,000.

He cautioned that the handling of recyclables made a big difference.

Important to watch out for people passing drinks over the fence and smuggling drinks into the beer garden.  It is important to bring this to the attention of security. 
Marijuana and Beer — if they seem impaired, notify security — they hold them for a while and if customer does not pay for cab — we need to!

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to task assignment for members of our club.

Our business meeting will be followed by a combined planning meeting with Peace Arch club to finalize all items and tasks.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 am

Minutes of July 10 2019 Business Meeting



Pat Hahn — Past President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Scott Phemister
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Carlos Galvez
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille


Eva Galvez
Alex Nixon
Sameer Gambhir


Welcome and Call to Order:

Pat called the meeting to order at 7:15am, Scott led national anthem, Carlos provided the invocation and Pat introduced the guests.

Sameer Gambhir -- District 3141 in Mumbai Western Elite
Sameer provided us with a brief overview of their club.  They have 221 members. Take members with a reference - usually associated with charities.  Their club looks at establishing an agenda for the next 3 years and this guides their activities.

Sameer is responsible for member engagement and cultural initiatives.  They host many festivals and talent competitions, including dancing and singing as well as a sports day.  His wife is into yoga - sponsors a yoga retreat.  Active in all kinds of charities - school children, and medical camps for cancer etc.  Every month there is a medical camp and eye surgery/cataract surgery.  Anyone who needs financial support, they help out.  Ambassadors as they travel abroad – their members have visited over 100 clubs in the past year. 
Similarities to what they do and we do here as well was noted.


July 21 - District Governor Installation and Awards
Linda Murray is the outgoing District Governor and the incoming DG is Brad Whitaker.

Canadian Eyesight Global (CEG) Gala 30-year Anniversary Dinner – August 18
Pat reminded us of this event – it looks like we will have enough participation for 1 table and perhaps even 2 tables.

Rotary International President, Mark Maloney will be the keynote speaker.

August 17 -- Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Rotary International President, Mark Maloney speaking at KPU ( 72nd  in Surrey) from 4pm - -6pm.)

Golf Fun August 23
Homestead Golf and Country Club - Linden WA.  Our club will put together a foursome.

Save-On Gift Cards
Pat shared a letter from John Block regarding the Save-on Foods gift cards program.  This marks the end of the 3rd year of the program.  Save-On made a commitment to support a couple of more years, and John emphasized that they need more 1% sponsors.  A 10% obligation costs approximately $3,000 annually. 

Beer Garden Update
Jeff, Pat, Scott, and Rhonda provided updates.
Scott mentioned that the wine (boxed) has to be through BCLC because we are re-selling the wine. 
Need coolers and ice for white wine.  Scott also ordered cans of beer - Molson Canadian and Coors which were on sale. 
Rhonda shared that the efforts to sell advertising space on the fence has not produced any commitments yet. 
Soliciting members of the Chamber of Commerce and the 5 Rotary Clubs have not yet born any fruit. Rhonda distributed a sample of the admission card.

Jeff briefed the group on the use of the square for taking purchases. 

Pat provided a general update from the planning committee.


Guest Speaker – Alex Nixon, Business Improvement Association (BIA)

Pat introduced Alex Nixon from BIA.

Pat commented on how active and busy Alex is and we are grateful to have him visit this morning.

Started with BIA a little over a year ago.  Only staff person - so really focused on building capacity to do more for businesses.  Non-profit, funded with levy on commercial properties. 
Promote support and help to market businesses — community beautification, business advocacy - events.  Recently added a full-time staff member to increase activities. 

Doubled major and micro events — took a digital approach to marketing and increased reach and increased media and print marketing, radio and now tv ads through a program available to non-profits.

They have added a number of events!  Events are fun and good for the community.  Brought 19,000 people to the Concerts.  Added 3 movie nights in June. 
Movie nights -- about 300 attendees per movie night.  Fresh Air bring the equipment - one every week-end in June next year.

White Rock Craft Beer Festival - will sell 400 tickets.

Micro events - way to activate business - family friendly, free and encourages buy in from all businesses.  Examples include Halloween and Easter events which involve lots of kids.  They will be adding a Christmas event.  Not looking at massive crowds, more intended for family friendly participation.

Alex emphasized the BIA’s role in advocacy for local businesses. 
Provided the example of the reduction of the patio cost per sq. ft. reduced. 
Parking in White Rock at the waterfront presents 2 major challenges — summer there is never enough and in winter no one uses it. Translink increases parking lot tax 3% and BIA worked with City and now November-Jan offers free parking to offset increased parking fees for summer.  This changes people behaviour.  Enclosed patios allow more year-round waterfront and can sit outside. 

Marketing and Promotion — revamped contests and used Facebook to drive support to member businesses websites.  Alex stated that this was very successful. 

Massive increase in Facebook audience but have not neglected more traditional markets.  Stepped up newspaper ads/ locally and regionally, general and event specific ads, radio ads for events, and now tv ads - 1500 spots at about $3000.  Looking for different ways to capitalize on that.

Beautification - street lighting and banners and planter boxes — exceptionally expensive.  $15000 for banners times 4 seasons would be $60,000.  5 corners tree alone is $20,000. Lighting up and down Johnson would cost $45,000.  Beautification has a $42,000 budget and rely on contractors.  This is an area BIA not able to do well and looking to move away from this and focus on other areas the produce a greater return on investment that provide direct benefits for our businesses.

White Rock vs other BIAs – our budget is on low end but we still accomplish a lot.  Yaletown has 25% more members but budget is 3-4X. 

Brian brought up issue of city trucks with only 1 person per truck taking up parking spaces to weed.  This jeopardizes support for businesses.  Alex acknowledged advocacy with city is a long and ongoing process.

Pier - phase 1 - insurance pays to bring damaged section up to code for replacement – should be completed by the end of August.  Phase 2 - rest of pier up to code beyond the scope of insurance and will cost about $11 m. 

Pat thanked Alex and Sameer.


Pat adjourned the meeting at 8:30am.

Minutes of June 26 2019 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril - President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Jeff Richards
Brian O’Ruairc
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Joanne Taylor
Rhonda Latreille


Lynda Simpson
Dave Young, Sources
Sam Sangha - President Elect of Surrey Club

Welcome and Opening:

Jerry opened the meeting at 7:15 am, introduced and welcomed our guests and led the singing of the national anthem.

Rick offered the invocation.

Canadian Eyesite Global (CEG) 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner – August 18, 2019

Sam shared information about the CEG Gala Dinner Fundraising Celebration of 30 years of service.   A not-for-profit society, this organization has sponsored tens of thousands of free cataract surgeries to the needy and helpless in rural parts of India.

Gala Keynote Speaker:  Mark Daniel Maloney, Rotary International President

It was agreed that we should pull together a table of 10 or so for the event – a rare opportunity to meet the International President while supporting a great cause. 

We can also showcase our work and projects such as the Cambodia Orphanage and Thailand Hospice.  We will have a presentation looped on a computer.

Tickets $50 p/p
Dinner will be held at the Grand Taj Banquet Hall, 8388 128 St., Surrey, BC – 6:00 pm – 10:00 p.m.


1.       Central City — Community awareness events promoted at the booth.  Agreed that this booth was too far away to have impact for our club projects.  Jerry will respond on our behalf.

2.       Message from Pat - Johnny Walker Scotch event - food and scotch pairing event.  It was agreed that this would be a fun social for the club.  End of July or October?  Maximum 15 persons.  Rick offered to host.

3.       July Social would be the day before the Beer Garden.  It was suggested that we change the July Social to the following week and have an opportunity to debrief and review the Beer Garden experience.  Rick offered to host the social.

4.       Schedule;
        July 3 - no meeting. 
        July 10 regular business meeting
       July 17 last minute details before beer garden
       July 24 social at Rick and Leslie’s home.

5.       Pat - Sergeant at Arms - Happy Dollars - no sad dollars

6.       August 21 - reminder that District Director Brad will be here.

7.       July 21 - 4:30 - 8:00 District Governor Awards

$55 p/p.  Abbotsford Quality hotel.

8.       Orphanage in Haiti - Big steps little feet.  Jerry attended her presentation - looking at ways we might be able to contribute/participate.  Difficult to secure Morgan Weinberg as a speaker given her travel agenda but would like to attend when in Canada.  

9.      State House – for developmentally challenged individuals -  13th and State - rebuild kitchen.  Brian provide us with an update.  Kitchen does need renovations (electrical and drywall) as well as updated appliances.  
We can help to organize and offer the work — not dollars but coordinate the work.  Brian sent plans to a cabinet business for a quote. 

10.   Learning Center - Already had their graduation and failed to notify our club.  Jerry emailed principal and they said invitation just fell through.

11.  Jeff provided an update on the Rotary Field House work.  They are getting the Charters re-framed so they are the same and proposed that these be hung at the Field House.  Even though this would prevent the Charters from being portable, everyone agreed that this would be a nice touch to have them displayed at the Field House.    

Guest Speaker:  David Young

David offered greetings on behalf of White Rock Club as well as Sources.

Sources enjoys valued partnerships — Golf Tournament best ever.  Money for Rotary and Discover Why program (youth mental health program) - now have 3 years funding for this program.  Free help 15-25 years of age for counselling - no questions asked.  At 19, kids out of child mental health system and into adult mental health system.  Difficult if they don’t have a diagnosis.  Discover Why program supports kids who do not fit the criteria and early support and prevention.  They get to make the rules and respond to needs.  Now asked by Fed govt. to do more work with youth employment.

John presented our club with the first ever award for our Save On sponsorship.  He commented on how important it is to see how important Rotary is an essential part of fabric of our community.

Sources has a strong presence in White Rock and South Surrey and also work throughout Surrey.  Programs include homelessness preventions, food banks, autism support.  Have expanded services within Surrey, Delta and also Prince George and Parksville. 

They have become more of a province-wide community-based agency.
Center for child development to develop an early years program- approached by law foundation to do some poverty law work - add lawyer to team.  More work in youth employment services - especially those facing multiple barriers.  Help them become more job ready. 

New space for Langley food bank - now have a new location opened officially a month ago.  Already had 300 people at their door when it opened - support about 500 families.  Expanding work with developmental disabilities, customized employment.

Ken Stones — free dental clinic — need more volunteer dentists.  They have financial support and need dental support.  Started with Rotary funding years ago. 

John Block wanted to be here but won a cruise.  Hosted a little lunch at Bell’s, a partner in Save-On Food card program.  Some other sponsors were there.  Sold more than a million dollars of food cards.  Raised $170,000 for WR/SS food bank.  Darrel from SaveOn Foods was there.  Able to keep 17%.  Looking for more sponsors

Jerry thanked David and commented that the appreciation is reciprocated.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:31


Minutes of May 22 Business Meeting
May 22 – Rotary Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Peter Herz
Scott Phemister
Chip Bowness
Deirdre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Pat Hahn
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
Welcome and Call to Order
Jerry opened the meeting at 7:15am, Scott led the national anthem, and Peter offered the invocation.
A.  Funding Requests
1.  State House
Residence in South Surrey, asking for support to renovate kitchen.
We would like to visit and see the property. 
David, from State House, was at the Rotary Gala and happy to arrange a visit.
It was suggested that the meeting be arranged for late afternoon or evening. 
Jerry will share options and welcomed anyone to attend.
B.  Fund-Raising Events
1.  Beer Garden
Pat and Jerry met with organizing committee with White Rock Club hosting other beer gardens.
Objective is to have everything done by middle of June.  Next planning meeting on Monday, May 27. 
Bert has connection for fencing for a whole month. 
White Rock Club has plenty of tables>
Toilets arranged with BIA - city providing tent. 
WR Club selling VIP tables for $500 - 40 drink tickets associated with table.
White Rock Pier Fundraising Committee:  It was suggested from some of the other clubs that the dollars we raise at the beer events be donated to Pier fundraising.
After some discussion, it was determined that the local and international projects more deserving.
Three levels of govt. already contributing to pier. 
Our members not in favour of this use of our fundraising dollars.
Jerry will let our position be known to the other clubs.
2.  Shred Wise
Joanne confirmed prior to the meeting that the Friday Peace Arch News will have our Shred Wise ad. 
Peace Arch Pizza may supply pizza and Safeway will supply muffins.
Scott organizing everything for Safeway — tests and tables etc. 
Deridre has 2 tables to contribute for the event. 
It was agreed that we will just approach people who are bringing a lot of papers to be shredded to make a minimum donation. 
Donate first — then take their stuff to the truck. 
2 or 3 donation tables to catch them at beginning or end....
C.  Updates and Announcements
1.   Dr. Ken Stones -- Volunteer Dental Project
WR Peace Arch club hosted Dr. Stones as a speaker regarding the project to offer free dentistry for those in need.
They are need of volunteer dentists.
Each of us have a dentist - ask them if they can donate 8 hours in one year (2-4 hour shifts) to treat patients in the community who cannot afford an exam or simple procedures.  Sadly in need of dentists.  Also looking for dentists to go to Philippines - they have access to candy and pop and a real problem.  Will speak at a future meeting - Rick arranging dates.
2.  Cadet Graduation -- May 30
Both Chip and Pat attending on our behalf.  Looking for celebratory participants.  Held at Semiahmoo Fish and Game.
3.  Little Footsteps/Big Steps Project for Orphanage in Haiti
Morgan Weinberg ss not in Canada very often and would love to come and speak next time she is in Canada. 
Link to their FB page and like her organization.
4.  District Governor Visit -- August 21
Most members will not be available including our President so it was recommended that we request a date in September when their will be a better attendance.
5. Installation Dinner -- June 19
Rotaract Club invited as well as other clubs.
6. Minutes for Next Meeting
Rhonda announced that she will be away from Friday, May 24 -- Thursday, May 30.
Peter agreed to take minutes -- thanks, Peter.
Minutes of May 8 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Deidre O’Ruairc
Scott Phemister
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Joanne Taylor
Rhonda Latreille
Welcome and Call to Order
Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:30am, Scott led the singing of national anthem and Jerry the offered invocation. 

Rotary Minute
Roberta spoke about Rotaract Charter Group recognizing how their energy and youth are making a great contribution.  Everyone agreed!
Jerry distributed a copy of their charter and card of appreciation for our support and contribution. 
They fund-raised $2,755 at the event for their Guatemala project.

Fund Raising Events:
  1.  Planning for Beer Night - White Rock Peace Arch and South Surrey Rotary Clubs
Very good second meeting about Beer Event.
Judith prepared a planning task list.
Eagle Eyes and Crash Test Dummies confirmed to perform.  They are internationally known, and we are expecting 10,000 or more attendance.

Can seat 392 in our tent area, utilizing a variety of seating arrangements.
Beer garden separate from general public - room for 1,000 - 1500 sitting for free in front of us.

Minimum ticket purchase - $20 - 3 tickets and chips. Jeff suggested that we have someone walking around selling tickets. 
It was recommended that the planning group revisit this price plan, and instead offer 2 ticket drinks for the $20 admission fee. 
There was concern that 3 drinks might be perceived as excessive.

Jerry reviewed the task plan and invited our membership to indicate how they would like to be involved and encouraged everyone to participate and find other volunteers as well.
The majority of this meeting was dedicated to reviewing the task plan to solicit participation and commitment.
Jerry to send out the list displayed and discussed at meeting.
  1.  Shred it
Joanne will arrange for a quarter page ad in Peace Arch News for Shred it.

Announcements and Updates:
      1.  Cambodia Project
We had discussed the possibility of arranging for our club members to join their families and meet Brian and Chip at the airport when they arrive on Saturday, May 11.  In an email, Chip acknowledged that they were appreciative of the support, and asked that we re-schedule our welcome back celebration to when they have a chance to get settled from the trip and long 22-hour flight.
We look forward to a welcome back celebration at a time that works for Chip and Brian.
  1. South Surrey Rotary Installation
John Hogan will conduct the installation and Alan will serve as the MC.
The installation will be held at the Rotary Field House.
  1.  Social Night – May 15
It was confirmed that we will meet at the Zapoteca Mexican Grill and Seafood located at:
15495 Marine Dr, White Rock, BC V4B 1C9.
Come and bring guests.
  1.  White Rock Peace Arch Club
Looking at the possibility to combine with another club. 
They have 20 members and typically only 8 participate actively at any time. 
Considering combining with us.  Potentially a very good fit with our two clubs bringing different value to the table.
Recommended that we attend each other’s meetings.
White Rock Peace Arch Club are looking for more hands-on type of events like the events we sponsor.  They get about $19,000 from BC Lottery, host a Christmas Gala, have established sponsors.
Jerry extended an invitation to our social. 
  1.  Chamber of Commerce Membership
Pat sent message to Ritu, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce about advertising/distributing our Shred It information to their members.  Members can send information to other members, so we would have to acquire membership to distribute this information.  Chamber have about 450 members at this time.
The membership for a non-profit is only $157, and they agreed to waive start-up fee for us.  Regular membership $250.
It was moved by Pat and seconded by Deidre that:
“We join the South Surrey White Rock Chamber of Commerce.”    
Motion Carried.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am
Minutes of April 10 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Renee Nicholson
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Scott Phemister
Deidre O’Ruairc
Rhonda Latreille
Roo – Accredited Facility Dog
Christine Simmons
Todd Simmons
Elizabeth Tiley
Herb Latreille
Welcome and Call to Order:
Jerry introduced and welcomed our guests and called our meeting to order at 7:22 am.  
Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Peter offered the invocation.


Social – April 17
Jerry confirmed that our social will be at the Verandah on the beach. 
We had considered a 5 pm start to better accommodate the shifts at the Verandah and subsequent to this meeting, it was later confirmed that the start time would remain at 6 pm.

Memorial for Don Boyce
No confirmed date as of this meeting.

District Conference Display
Due to a miscommunication there will be no table for us for our project after all.

Beer Garden
Jerry and Pat met with Alex from BIA.
MOU being reviewed and finalized. 
Meeting in 10 days to determine space requirements/tables and placements.  This will determine fencing and chairs etc.  Working through checklist prepared already.
Shred It - June 1
Roberta working on posters.
Shredwise - looking at another date in November.
Will discuss further at the Exec meeting next Wednesday

Cambodia Project Update
Deidre provided an update on the Cambodia project. 
Brian and Chip will need to stay longer than originally anticipated due to monsoons - festival shutting down community - electricity on and off. 
What an experience!  We are grateful for their contribution and relieved for their safety.
Presentation - Sophie’s Place - Christine Simmons
Renee introduced Christine and Roo.
When the pups born - go to puppy raisers (Roo still connected with his puppy raiser)
Trained right from the beginning - yellow cape - training all day Monday-Friday. 
Purpose bred for this work.  20% don’t graduate.  Costs about $35,000 to train a dog from birth to graduation.
After about 2 years - go to Calgary for advanced training.

Deployed to schools, RCMP, Sophie’s Place etc.
Roo was trained with another trainer was later handed over to Christine to serve as Roo’s handler. 
The handler is expected to be with Roo while working (except during a private interview with families or children.)
Accredited Facility Dog is not a Service Dog.
Facility dogs are trained to go to schools and support houses.  Since Roo is not a service dog, handler cannot take Roo to store for personal shopping and errands.
This is an 8 year commitment and they typically expect a dog to be working for about 10 years.

Roo has facebook, instagram and twitter accounts.

Roo Turned 3 Feb 20.
Sophie’s Place and Roos Role:
Sophie’s Place - Child And Advocacy Centre

Roo has been with Sophie’s place since October 1. 

Rotary metal is attached to Roo’s vest.  When Roo is ‘off cape’ – Roo is able to play and interact as a regular dog.

Sophie’s Place is unique in that offers victim services, RCMP liaison, city of Surrey services, as well as child development support.
When a child is coming through, very traumatic.  Can be interviewed in a supportive family room and Victim Services are there as well.  Victim Service Workers are now called Family Support Workers.
When child ready to be interviewed and if family is ok - Roo is there with the family. 

See about 200 children a year at Sophie’s Place.  60% don ‘t tell.  90% offenders known to child.  Many parents have experienced child trauma as well.  Many children share that they don’t want to leave Sophie’s Place.  Child tell their story once and all involved parties are there and available.

Roo also assists with Court testimony.
Handlers also took Facility Dogs to Immaculate Conception to be with kids after traumatic events.
Roo deployed around the province.

Big difference for kids having a dog present.

Family Support Workers carry the case from beginning to end and follow family through whole process.

Sohpie’s Place responsible for Roo - food, bath, liability etc.  So have to fund raise and apply for grant, etc.  Roo’s care is about $4000-$5000/year.
Seeing if Bosley’s will be able to help with food and baths.
Handler must submit monthly reports to PADS.
Jerry thanked Christine and Roo.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8 :30 am.
Minutes of April 3 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Bob Gray
Rick Singh
Pat Hahn
Scott Phemister
Deidre O’Ruairc
Rhonda Latreille

DawnLynn Bowness
Welcome and Call to Order:
Jerry called our meeting to order at 7:15am, Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Pat offered the invocation.

In Memory of Don Boyce:
Jerry invited each member to share Individual memories and their experience of Don Boyce.  Dawnlynn recorded the sentiments on her phone.

His wisdom and humanity were common themes.  He could always be counted upon to remind/refocus the discussion to what was important.  Always the gentleman and professional, he’ll be remembered wearing his sports jacket to every function, even cleaning up the park.  Don loved Bryant Park and it was suggested that we might want to check with his family about funding a bench or rock in his name. 
Don had a profound impact on all he met, and his presence and contribution will be deeply missed.
The pre-arranged guest speaker not able to come today, we were all grateful for the opportunity to dedicate the meeting in appreciation to Don’s memory.


Roberta contacted about second time - Nov 2 or Nov 23.  Recommended November 2nd.
Scott wondered if we should consider a different location for second event.
Pat mentioned that we haven’t seen any slowdown yet - but what about other exposure like Grandview?  Walmart and Superstore supportive of those type of events.
Agreed to explore other potential spots and see what might be available.
Rick suggested we might want to explore a partnership with Staples to pool our efforts for a ‘shred month?’ 
We could promote it together for an entire month and this might generate some good interest. 
Rick to see if Staples might be interested in partnering with us on a ‘Shred Month’ fundraising project.

District Conference - April 11-14
Offering various 1 or 2 day packages now. 
We are setting up a display - members attending the conference will vote on best display.  Prize is $1,000 US$. 
Deidre coordinating directly with Joan to prepare and have her take our display with her.
Jerry only available to attend for one day.

Rotary World Work Day – April 27
Jerry discussed how we could be involved with one of the 2 Hospice events, Thrift Store event or beach clean-up events.
Will explore further at our Exec Meeting.
Rotaract Installation Charter Night – May 4
No location yet confirmed.
Ticket to Ride Dance – October 19
Rick’s daughter, Victoria, was able to secure 2 tickets for the silent auction for a White Caps international game.  Thanks, Victoria!

We all agreed to start on the silent auction items in August this year.

Passport to Fun Wind-Up Meeting
Roberta attended and reported back that the event earned net proceeds of about $200 and this will be donated to the Rotaract’s Guatemala project.

Beer Gardens – July 18 and August 15
Pat and Jerry met with Alex, John and Elaine on Monday to discuss Beer nights.
Full planning process now.  Alex presented a MOU identifying responsibilities and insurance - $1,000  (500/club) for deferment of their upfront costs. We get all the profits so $1,000 is not a lot to contribute.  For discussion at next meeting. 
We will need lots of volunteer support to run the gardens. 
There is a requirement for additional people to step forward. 
Food/beer/tents/fence etc....  Set up/take down/garbage/servers... 
Jerry will provide a list of volunteer needs and opportunities, and will have this ready for our members to review and sign up. 
We’ll need more volunteers than simply our membership, so we’ll have to extend our reach. 

Next Club Social – April 17
We all agreed to meet at the Veranda café on the beach next to the Washington Avenue Grill. 
The Veranda agreed to stay open longer to accommodate our social event. 

Next meeting – Christine Simmons from Sophies Place with Roo the Support Dog.
Make sure you bring lots of folks!

Member Updates:
Everyone commented on how great it was to receive our Cambodia Project 'sit-reps.' with pictures!
Nice to have Scott back from his vacation.

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.
Minutes of March 27 2019 Business Meeting

Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Joanne Taylor
Deidre O’Ruairc
Rhonda Latreille
It is with a very heavy heart that we announce that on Friday, March 29, Don Boyce passed away. 

Don made a significant contribution to his community and Rotary, and deeply touched and impacted everyone who had the privilege to come into his strong, wise, and gentle presence. 
​​​​​​​He will be greatly missed.

Welcome and Call to Order:
Jerry called our meeting to order at 7:15am led the singing of the national anthem and Roberta offered the invocation

Updates and Projects:
1.  Exec Meeting last week - Joan taking over for Emery right now.
2.  Shred it - Scheduled for June 1
Roberta will contact Ocean Park Safeway.
It was suggested that we explore another Shred It event in November following our Dance.
Roberta to check this out.
3. Dance -- Ticket to Ride - October 19
Confirmed date with Legion. 
Start collecting the silent auction items in August. 
Rick’s daughter works with Whitecaps — seeing if she can acquire 2 signed jerseys? 
Half price discount for tickets are also an option.
4 Beer Gardens - July 18 and August 15 (Thursdays)
Meeting next week with BIA
5.  Rotaract Update :
Sponsor 2 Rotaract members for our club - we will get confirmation — Meaghan and Lexie?

Funding for Guatemala project - asking for $1,000.  Bring it up for a motion at the next exec meeting.
Peter suggested that we cut it down to $500 given that we are such a small club.
Jerry acknowledged Peter’s position, and feels that since we have the money and more fund raisers coming up, and given the Rotaract’s efforts and presence in the community, Jerry suggests that we keep it at $1,000. 
Pat recommends as well that we support these young people as much as possible.    We have about $3,500 for projects. 

A gift for Rotaract’s Charter installation was also discussed – perhaps we could purchase flags for the Club.
Scheduled for May 4 - shortlist location to Westcoast Gardens and Taj -  stand up tables - $25-30 per ticket.

6.  District Conference - April 11-14
Low on registrations - $350 US$ hotel $200-250 US$ per night - display projects - best project win $1,000 - promote only 1 project. 
We don’t have to be there - were going to charge $50 but now at no cost. 
Connect with Joan - Deidre and Jerry will coordinate this. 
Jerry may to available to attend for one day only.
7.  Contribution to help the costs for Brian and Chip
Out of Cambodia Club budget. 

Motion:  Moved by Jeff and seconded by Jerry that:
“That we amend our original motion to cover the vaccination costs to instead provide $2,000 per person to help to cover some of their expenses for however they wish to apply the funds.”

We agreed that we would also circulate to all members for their approval as well.

8.  Membership Updates :
Jeff sent out dues invoice for first 6 months.

Emery is doing well with his cancer treatments.

9.  Adjournment :
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.
Minutes of March 13 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Pat Hahn
Joanne Taylor
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille
Meaghan Jones
Lexie Wynne
Welcome and Call to Order:
Jerry called our meeting to order at 7:20am, Meaghan and Lexie led us in the national anthem, and Peter offered the invocation.

Up Coming Events – Fund Raising
1. 5 Club Breakfast – March 16, 2019
Greeters - traffic directions and take down/clean up. 
Use one-way driveway. 
Come at 7:30 - tickets say start at 8:30.
No more ticket money turned in today.
Rotaract running kids corner and flipping pancakes.
2. Shred – It – June 1, 2019
Jerry provided us with an update. 
Scheduled for June 1 with Shredwise.
Will contact Ocean Park Safeway. 
Tino wanted to know if we were interested in another Shred it date in the fall?
Everyone felt this would be a good opportunity to explore for October – November.
3.Dance with Ticket to Ride - October 19
Same ‘Fab Four’ band for this event.
The Legion is confirmed for that date as well. 
4.Sassy Awards
Last President’s Meeting - Jerry let them know that we could not participate in Sassy award. 
Asked if White Rock Learning Centre wants to sponsor Sassy award and we reimburse them. 
Club members agreed with Jerry’s assessment that this was probably too late to explore and arrange and therefore not a good idea this year.
We may choose to revisit for the following year.
Up Coming Events – Announcements
1. District Training Assembly - March 23
Room for one more from our club.
2. Water expert – informal presentation – March 24
Semiahmoo Mall.
3. District Conference - April 11-14
Jerry commented that the registrations are low.
Suspected that the dollar exchange is probably contributing to the lower Canadian registration.
Linda Murray announced that there is an award for best project display at Conference.
We can use same one that we use at breakfast. 
Hall and video facilities available.  $50 charge to participate at display. 
We don’t have to be there but would be a good idea...  Short one page description about who we are and what we do?  What about our brochure? 
4. Rotaract Charter Night - May 4
Location to be announced.
5. District Governor Installation - July 21
Quality in in Abbotsford - Brad Whittaker will be installed as Governor.
6. District Club Visit - August 21
This is a slow time for our club due to vacations. 
We’ll see if we can reschedule to get greater attendance.
Member Update :
Deidre prepared 3 cards -  get well cards for Emery and Don and a sympathy card for Cliff’s family.
Everyone signed the cards and Jerry agreed to mail them out. 
Pat spoke with Emery - started chemo and treatment.  Pat shared that he was very positive, pleased, and grateful.
Memorial for Cliff is Friday, at 2 pm.
Guest Presentation:
Jerry introduced Meaghan Jones and Lexie Wynne.
Jerry met at RYLA and Rotaract meetings. 
How they started at RYLA - pictograph gift for our club and shows how active they are.
The new club on the block.
Meaghan and Lexie are Incoming co-presidents.
Intro recap 2018-2019

2018 Big Year
End of February - Laura’s coffee corner – Meetings on Wednesday evenings.
May - RYLA Magic happened - 6 members are from RYLA.
Partnering with Peninsula Club - Bread Run for Women’s Shelter.
June - First Post RYLA meeting - excited to be involved and engaged.
July - Beer Garden - White Rock Club and Port Moody Rib Fest. Rotaract and Rotary Clubs.
August 2018 Rotaract installations.
August - more beer Gardens - 5 corners - ABBA themed concert.
August - Langley Rotary 1st annual Rib fest.
September - First outreach trip to Guatemala - VP of Hands of Peacemaking- Everett Rotary Club.
Pumpkin carving social in October - donations to food bank.
November - World kindness day - coffee and donuts to fire hall - 50 firefighters there - training night.
First Guatemala fundraiser - $725 night.
Nov - Sock Drive - 2600 pairs of socks to Options Community Services in Surrey - King George and 64th.
December - 12 days of Kindness - Random Acts Of Kindness
Day 1 - Beach clean-up at WR beach.
Day 2 - Delivered poinsettias and cards to Langley high schools admin staff - thanking for all they do.
Day 3 - 100 care packages delivered to Options.
Day 4 - Positive messages on sticky notes - SFU Burnaby - encouragement throughout school exam season.
Day 5 - Christmas cards to seniors in local senior living community.
Day 6 - Self-care day to be kind to ourselves - reading etc....
Day 7 - Surrey eagles game - hand out candy canes to kids - teddy bear toss that night.
Day 8 Park clean up centennial park in WR (already very clean!)
Day 9 - Delivered 100 hand written cards to folks in hospital.
Day 10 - Poinsettias and plants to Laura.
Day 11 - Photo albums created for Rotary club sponsors.
Day 12 — Pay it forward - keep it going brought cookies, etc.  Christmas dinner - Seniors Luncheon at the Woman’s place.


January - Guatemala bottle drive $202 and $150 more.
Presentation at Peace Arch Rotary club - Guatemala project.
Valentines cards handed out at Surrey Memorial Hospital at the NICU.
YAIL 2019 - Meaghan and Lexie facilitators.
Musical BINGO - WR Rotary Club.
Hockey social fundraiser - $425 selling tickets - Surrey Eagles Game.
PETS in Seattle- Lexie attended.
March - Krispy Kreme sale - Safeway - $430.
Guatemala Project
August 16-25 2019. District 5050 Rotaract Clubs - 5 clubs going.  Fundraising for the trips.
Installing the Aller Stove - more economical and environmentally friendly and less smoke so better for their health.  Positive for women and children’s health - especially babies.  Stoves manufactured in Guatemala. 
Install 65 stoves for 65 families in Guatemala - 14 hour drive from G city...  whole village - village assigned to this project.
Goal is to fully fund project - each stove is about $250 US$ and costs Rotaract about $2750 Cdn p/p to go - so have to raise about $10,000+ Cdn side and US side.
$2750 - 8 going from Rotaract Club, so have to raise 22,000. Will personally cover any shortfall.
Asking for $2000 from each Rotary club - $1000 for stoves and $1000 for travel - asking for half of that from South Surrey Club.
Fundraisers - Vancouver Giants game — March 22.
Charter Night - May 4.
Beyond the Eyes Concert - WR Band - Roxy Cabernet May 24.
So far raised $1000 for stoves and $5600 dollars for trip. Each member had to put in $250 each.
Security issues - on compound and provided somewhat with organized group.
Jerry thanked them!
Offered to pay membership fee for first year if they want to join our club!
Will confirm our amount of donation at our next Exec Meeting.
Jerry adjourned meeting at 8:36am.
Minutes of March 6 2019 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson|
Roberta Zdril
Jeff Richards
Peter Herz
Deidre  O’Ruairc
Carlos Galvez
Rhonda Latreille
(Alan and Rick texted their best during the meeting)

Eva Galvez
Chuck Keeling, Great Canadian Gaming Corporation.
Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry called our meeting to order at 7:20am and welcomed our guests.  Carlos led the singing of the national anthem, and Roberta offered the invocation.

Rotary Minute:
Deidre talked about the importance of telling our Rotary story.  It is a great story and a compelling story. 
She shared that we are fortunate to enjoy some significant donations from Brian telling our story to someone he met through their business. 

Deidre prepared the article for the Peace Arch News about our work with the Learning Centre and in collaboration with Pat, worked on a story about our international projects.  This is a great way to spread the word, educate our community and attract Membership!

Announcements – Upcoming Events

Passport to Fun - Thursday March 7
Come out and have Fun!  Clubs to intermingle and meet new friends.

District Training Assembly - April 7, 2018
Kwantlen Polytechnic University Surrey Campus

Each club is required to pay for 5 positions and Jerry asked for expressions of interest to attend.
Jerry, Roberta, Deidre and Rhonda offered to attend.
District Conference - April 8-14
Registration low (only 100 or so).
It was acknowledged that especially given the exchange rate – this is an expensive event, with expenses climbing to about $1000+ per person.

Next year the Conference will be held at Harrison Hot Springs and this should make it much more reasonable for Canadian participants.

District Awards – April 14
Jerry mentioned that there are a number of awards where we should consider making nominations. 
Everyone agreed that we should put Brian and Chip’s names forward and Jerry will look into the best category to make the nomination. 

Jerry gave some information about why the ‘Avenues of Service’ may be more appropriate than the ‘International Projects’ Category.  We will also likely submit for the Rookie of the Year award as well. 
Jerry agreed to circulated more details in preparation for further discussion at the Executive Meeting.

Rotaract Charter Night - May 4
Roberta and Jerry went to their planning meeting last week. 
No sit down meal - buffet or applies.  They want the event to be as informal as possible.

Everyone invited to participate and support.

Jerry shared with the Rotaract President that we offered a 1 year membership to encourage their members to join our club as well.  The Rotaract President felt that they would probably have two folks interested.

New Governor Nominee Brad Whittaker – Sunday, July 1
Jerry announced that Brad Whittaker from the Chilliwack Rotary Club is on the Leadership Team for the Rotary International District 5050.  Brad is serving as Governor Nominee.
PETS Conference – New Governor to attend our Meeting - August 21
Jerry shared that the new Governor is scheduled to attend our club meeting on August 21. 

It was suggested that this is not a good time, as many members are away on vacation. 
Perhaps we can re-schedule?  Agreed to revisit at our next Exec meeting.  Rotaract Conference in

Vancouver -- October 25-27.

Friday evening social event - trying to get as many Rotarians as possible to attend this social in support of the Rotaract members.
More info coming.
Usually get 800-900 Rotaract from West Coast.

Updates  – Fund Raising Events

5 Club Breakfast - March 16
Roberta is organizing the Greeters, and asked us to be there at 7:30 am.  The Breakfast starts at 8:30 am.  Roberta will provide more details at the next meeting. 
Shred it
Roberta contacted Shredwise - Tino ok to work with us. 
Next week we should know what dates are open for him.

Still waiting to hear back about dates for when the band is available.

Announcements -- Member info:
Cliff Annabel just passed away last night from a heart attack.  Members expressed shock and regret over significant loss to family,  community and friends.
Jeff to let us know how best to offer our condolences and support to family.

Deidre announced that Don Boyle is in Peace Arch Hospital.  A number of members expressed interest in visiting Don in the hospital.
Deidre shared that Don and Iola will be celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary in May, and Don will be celebrating his 90th birthday in April!

Guest Speaker:  Chuck Keeling, Vice President, Stakeholder Relations and Responsible Gambling, Great Canadian Gaming Corporation.

Jerry introduced Chuck, sharing that Chuck grew up in horse racing/gaming industry in Orangeville, Cloverdale, Victoria. 
Managing 2 race tracks at 24.  Great Canadian Gaming acquired race track and retained Chuck to oversee horse racing activities.  In 2013, Chuck became VP of stakeholder relations - Govt., Community, Charities, Media.  Sits on multiple nonprofit boards.

Chuck started his presentation with information about Elements in Cloverdale.
Opened in 1976 - gone through various iterations and renovations in 1996.  As slot machines were expanding into province - race tracks knew they had to get into the game...  2004 - permissions to add slot machines - Great Canadian Gaming bought Race course - rebranded to Elements.

Gaming Revenues:
Casino industry not regulated by BC Lottery Corp.  Ministry of Attorney General regulators.
Gambling revenue goes to BC Lottery Corp - Great Canadian Gaming - get 33 cent dollars.  1.4 B $ from gambling for Province.
City of Surrey receives about $4m from Elements - close to 50 million since slots introduced - capital to rec centre etc.
Support charities and nonprofits - 2017 supported 44 charities - provincial community gaming grant program - some Rotary clubs have received $ from them
Charity of Choice - Sophie’s Place and now Music Heals.  Sources, etc...  Support local venders.  Invested about 90 million into facility and pay property taxes of $400,000/year.

Problem gamblers - 3% of population in general - lottery tickets - internet, casinos etc...
Everyone is trained to identify red flag behaviours and try to course correct - bar from facilities, counselled on floor, awkward conversations.

Money Laundering:
Top of news last 1.5 years.  Front lines of this story.  Disturbed by the allegations.
Casinos, banks, credit unions, - allegations of turning a blind eye and corners cut for $.
If casinos don’t comply with regulations,  casinos not in business, face criminal issues and lose licenses.

Challenges with anti-money laundering laws only work if EVERYONE doing their job.  Casinos report large or suspicious transactions and then goes to regulators and law enforcement (5 different entities). Any gap in the process and there are problems.
Casinos, government and regulators still trying to identify and fill gaps.  Lots of surveillance.
E.g. - River Rock audited about 25 times per year internally or externally.  Tremendous media attention - Casino operators doing their job - suspicious cash was reported... 48 recommendations came out of review and they are taking them seriously and implementing them.

Misunderstanding that a person can come into Casino with a bag a cash, gamble and cash out with cheque – not so.

Actually happening was:
VIP gamblers have typically been foreign nationals - kids go to school here - while here, go to underground bank and get a loan and go to River Rock. 
Give identification details.  Play/gamble - perhaps they lost $ or lose a percentage and cash out.  Buy in with cash and leave with cash.
Where the laundering was happening was that individual borrowed from underground bank that would loan $ to individuals - back in China paying money back through a multi-step process.  Casinos conduit, not a nexus. 

Since 2015, if in excess of $10,000 have to give identifying information, and at $20,000, must also provide a declaration as to where money came from (source info) when buying chips - that info is now on file. 

Fund Raising:
Use to be that Casinos could sponsor casino nights with a non-profit — not anymore.  Provincial government phased out - now grant application - 5000 organizations throughout province access this - Surrey and Surrey Guilford Rotary - have to be applied for a specific project with budget etc.

$4b NET profits.

Chuck believes the BC model good - BC govt retains strong % of money

Significant reforms since 2015 and revenues continue to increase! Industry still growing.

VIP not a big part of the business - regular everyday business is largest part - dinner, show, play with $100...  most of the money comes $100-$200 player - not the high roller.

Jerry introduced and thanked speaker.

Next Meeting Guests:
Rotaract presenting next week -  Lexxi and Meaghan

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.
February 6 Speaker

Thanks again to Peter for acting as Scribe


Present Jerry Zdril, Peter Herz. Bob Gray, Brian O'Ruairic, Joanne Taylor, Scott Phemeister, Chip Bowness. Pat Hahn, Rick Singh, Don Boyce, Geoff Richards. Late Dierdre O’Ruairic.


Speaker David Young, CEO of Sources



District 5050 conference has low attendance registered so far. A Brochure was handed out.


5 Club Breakfast (proceeds to Sources) Scheduled for Saturday Mar. 16. Chip reported on the last meeting. The earlier start was accepted according to the minutes. Brian will supply project pictures updated. Alan will take over from Chip when he is away. 5 People from our club are signed up as volunteers so far. There is space at the church for Rotary stuff. Scott will also deliver stuff to Alan.


Rotaract Hockey social is this Friday at the South Surrey arena. Doors open at 6:30. Proceeds go to the Rotaract project in Guatemala.


Shred it is planned for June. Scott had no progress to report. Roberta Zdril will take over from Scott. Wine event was not discussed at 5 president’s meeting Jerry will follow up.

Geoff reported that we have received another anonymous donation of $15000. Discussion of letter and picture followed with emphasis on anonymous.



Jerry introduced with information from internet that Dave did not know was there. Dave was born in Germany and came to Canada as a child. He has worked in many social areas and many parts of B.C. including as B.C. Director of Child Services.

Dave reported that Sources is a very broad group of Social Services with a minimum of Directors.  It had a budget last year of 22 million dollars and spends less than 10% on administration. They have a Society and a foundation. The foundation has a separate board and spends less than 2% on administration.

They work in a number of areas including children and youth, supervised visits to families (tricky), confidential services, operation of community houses.


They have therapists and operate throughout the province. They have had employment centres but are stopping that service as it was provincially funded, and the province will now go in a different direction. Dave pushed the Coldest Night of the Year walk. Sources is starting a community Investment fund which already has 1.5 million dollars of a planned $3million. It will run programs such as a book program costing $40 per person per year and a Discover Why program for youth 13 to 25+ years old with no fee and already having 12 to 14 people though not officially started yet.

Partnerships are very satisfying for both staff and volunteers. Geoff thanked the speaker.

Sergeant Scott collected happy bucks from Pat, Geoff, Peter and Don late fees from Joann and Dierdre and fined Gerry for forgetting the Sergeant last week

 Don still has Save on food cards. Adjourned at 8:37

Visit to Learning Centre

Thanks to Peter for acting as Scribe


Jerry Zdril              Roberta Zdril         Peter Herz

Dierdre O’Ruaric  Brian O’Ruaric      Pat Hahn

Don Boyce             Al Benson              Chip Bowness

Guests: Chip’s wife, Donna-Lynn; Teachers- Rory, Susan and Janice


This meeting was at the Learning Centre - Call to order at 7:15


There are now about 180 students at the Learning Centre – aged about 15 to 19 at day time and aged 19+ at night.  Their graduation is similar to regular school. 

Small number allows more 1 on 1 time with teachers.  Many students have part time jobs especially now when the economy is booming. 

Last year 42 graduated from the Learning Centre and at least 6 went back to regular schools.  There was discussion of smoking and drugs. 

Cell phone use is prohibited in classes except where their use is taught as a tool.  Students are taught to do “the right thing” but do not believe use of cell phones is not right.

There is a connection with the R.C.M.P. and other external resources. 

A hand out was distributed re Community Cohort which includes the bicycle repair program, woodworking, robotics and carving. 

Many questions were asked and answered.  The German system was explained by Chip where apprentices wear different hats from journeymen.

Don mentioned the uniqueness of Rotary and the Learning Centre.

We toured the facilities which seem quite inadequate.  A plea for ideas for new facilities was made.  Some requirements were listed including closeness to transportation and we asked for the requirements to be put in writing so we can distribute them to the 5 clubs.

There are 5 Learning Centres in Surrey.  The one in South Surrey/White Rock is the only one that has not moved.

Minutes of Jan 23 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril                Roberta Zdril               Peter Herz              Pat Hahn                 Chip Bowness             Dierdre O’Rourke
Alan Benson           Don Boyce                   Rick Singh               Geoff Richards       Scott Phemister
Call to order 7:15
No guests, no Rotary minute though Alan did mention original members.
Shredding Event
A letter from Urban Impact was read.  They are no longer doing free events.  Wise Owl is an alternative though they charge $400 for 4 hours.  Since we can make $4000 net some felt $400 was a small amount.
Beer Garden
BIA (Business Improvement Association) is very supportive and may provide funding, tables or chairs etc.  Dates not yet set but will be one in July and one in August.  Dates will be set by next meeting.  Space was questioned but Pat reported there is lots.  Expect to make $4000 x 2 net.  Some up front money is required which could be lost in case of rain out.  Security is one cost but is at least partly cancelable.  Weather insurance is to be studied.  Volunteers are required but there are two Rotary clubs and Rotaract involved.  Ability to sell 50/50 tickets was questioned and food space rental to a Mexican group was mentioned.  Sale of Margaritas was questioned.  Beer and Wine will be available. 
Some drink tickets will be purchased to get into area.  3 dog brewing and White rock Brewing have indicated interest.  Donation of beer questioned.  Pizza sale by Rotary suggested but keeping it warm and food safe were mentioned as problems.  Our small tents are also available.
5 Club Breakfast
Next meeting id Jan 31.  Chip was looking for support to propose an earlier start and stop.  Chip corrected last talk to include White Rock Club in clean up.  Greeters still to be set. List of volunteer duties to be set up.  Team breakfast for soccer clubs proposed.
Grant Seminar
3 of our members attended.  Two are required.  Dierdre and Jerry will be our official reps.  It was proposed Chip also be involved because of his experience.  Chip said he does not have a Rotary number as a member of our club but Jerry sais it was being pursued.  Technical requirements seem high for some areas.
Carved Bear
Rick has offered $200.  Jerry still hopes to get at least $400.  Value is near $1200. 
Herb, the carver and donor, is to be contacted.  Scott is considering buying it as a wedding present.
Gift Cards
Don still has these for sale.
NEXT MEETING will be at the learning centre Jan 30..  Rick to buy breakfast makings
Invoices coming.
Minutes of January 9 2018 Business Meeting

Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Don Boyce
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Alan Benson
Joanne Taylor
Jeff Richards
Bob Gray
Rhonda Latreille

Emery Dosdall

****Has since been confirmed that January 16 will be our Executive Meeting, and the Social evening is confirmed for the club at the 3 dog Brewery.***

Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:16 Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Don offered the invocation.

Rotary Minute

Roberta shared that she and Jerry have been going to Riverview where a container is stationed to collect medical equipment items to go to the Philippines.  Happening this Saturday.  She encouraged members to check it out.

Passport to Fun Event - March 7

Event purpose is to have fun, intermingle and meet other members from other clubs.  Held at the Rotary Field House, will share more information as details evolve.


1.  Coldest night of the year confirmed - Feb 23

Fred registering a group under Rotary - hoping to get 50...might be optimistic..

Register online at Sources website — can register under a team name - Jerry to distribute more details as they are released - Cost is $25 per person, and if you raise $150, cost waived.  Funds support homeless shelters etc.

2,5,10 Kim walk all start at Maple and down promenade

2.  Beer Garden - will be meeting with Alex - nothing new to report

3.  Save On Food Cards
Sold $1 million in gift cards - provides $165,000 to food bank - for every $1 they get, Sources can often turn that into $3 worth of food.

Especially helpful as funds go to Sources all year round, not just a Christmas rush.

4.  District Conference – April 11 – 14

Pat Bond - early bird discount registration no longer available.  About $1400 overall costs when you add up registration, hotels and exchange, etc. 

Emery shared that the facility is outstanding and the event is exceptional.

5.  Polar Bear Swim

Chip and Brian went for a dip at the East Beach!

We did receive a receive a grant for printing posters for the event, so there will likely be no more costs to us. 

John Makepeace moving off and next year this will be coordinated by Lindagene. 

Scott asked for clarification regarding the promotion of this event.  It was promoted as a White Rock Rotary event when it is actually a Five Club Event.  Emery acknowledged that this was a mistake and will be corrected in future events. 

6.  Shredit - involved Urban Impact and support Sassy.  Scott prepared a letter to Shredit and they will get back to us end of January.  Jerry thanked Scott for his excellent letter.

7.  5 Club Breakfast Meeting – March 16

Held this year at White Rock Baptist church.  Peter has served as our club rep for years, and Chip volunteered to be our new rep.  Chip and Peter attended meeting on January 5. 

Same as last year more or less - we are on clean up excluding the kitchen. 

Parking lot - everything must be restored to its original status.  5 areas we would be responsible for.  Church member coordinating this and has been involved in event planning in the past. 

Will likely need a member job coordinator plus 1 in charge of crew - outside 2 people and inside 4 people. 

20 tables maximum.  Beautiful facility!  A lot of discussion about enhancing event - give away something every 15-20 minutes, e.g. $25 Save On food card.  We can promote and demo our club projects — would need someone to help coordinate this so that it looks professional.  Might have an area for children - have Rotaract look at this.

Greeting very important - Create more vibrancy.

Parking and Welcoming – Church rep talked about how important it is to make people feel welcome as they drive up - Welcome, please park at.... or hand out Rotary info.  At building, need a welcome person as well.  Signage and floppy street balloon.

8.  Rotaract Bottle Drive

Rotaract raising funds for a trip to distribute ovens to Guatemala to help to install stoves.  Will be asking us for some funding support.  Letter will be coming to make a formal request.

9.  50/50 District Grant

We are approved and we need to match their grant.  Received US $8500 grant we have to match. 

Jerry, Roberta, Deidre and Chip meeting to review next steps. 

10.  Paul Harris Award Pins

Jerry asked Emery to make presentation:

Emery shared that the Paul Harris Award Pins were originally introduced to honour achievements of Rotarians,  recognized on basis of US$1000 contribution. 

Emery recognized and honoured Jeff Richards and Bob Gray for their contributions and meeting this milestone. 

It is so much more than just putting on a pin - need to recognize their generous contributions to Rotary Foundation.  Probably the most honoured Foundation without taking money into admin — funds used only used for communities.  Started as a commitment to get rid of polio - today 26 cases reported  - expended several billion dollars.  Many other projects as well.

President Jerry presented the pins and recognized both Jeff Richards and Bob Gray. 

11.  New Member Induction - Roberta Zdril

Emery reminded us of our duty to bring new members in order to increase influence and spirit of Rotary.

Roberta was a honourary member and now is being welcomed enthusiastically as a full member — sponsored by Jerry Zdril.

Roberta has demonstrated exemplary dedication, commitment and character as a honourary member, and everyone is pleased and appreciative to have Roberta now serve as a full member. 

Formally inducted at this meeting. 

12.  Misc.

Scott away next week and then middle of Feb - middle of April

Rhonda and Herb away Jan 16 - Feb 6.  Peter offered to take the regular meetings – thanks Peter!

13.  Adjournment

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.

Minutes of December 19 2018 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Don Boyce
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Rick Singh
Carlos Galvez
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille

Eva Galvez

Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15, Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Carlos offered the invocation.

1.  Sources Coldest night of the year confirmed - Feb 23

Fred registering a group under Rotary - hoping to get 50...might be optimistic…

Register online — can register under a team name - Jerry to distribute more details as they are released.

2,5,10 Klm walk all start at Maple and down promenade.


2.  Beer Garden Presentation -- Peace Arch Club at Hazelmere 

Jerry, Roberta, Pat and Rhonda attended. 
Dick presented info about Beer Garden experience and provided good detail of their experience.  Pat prepared a summary of his points and distributed to club members. 

Suggest a 2-drink minimum to get into beer garden area to avoid people taking seats and not purchasing anything. 

Need to confirm with Alex the ‘footprint’ at East Beach and this will inform where the tent should be - need event permit.  Pat will contact BIA in January.  Permit of up to 500 - considerably less requirements and regulations for beyond 500.  Recommend staying under 500.

Dick reminded everyone to look into fencing, 2 gates, 500 chairs, 20x20 tents (WR provides 1). Need 4 portapotties — public washroom is close by.  Security services - do our own or contract out?

Garbage containers - insurance, food, water, pop, beer.

Rotaract helped to sell pop and did a great job.

Beer and wine - worked closely with 3 dogs and WR and WRBeach breweries and Everything Wine.

Need food — they just provided chips etc.  Some food trucks there anyways. 

Beer had a donation aspect - buy 3 kegs and they donate 1.  They always ran out of beer and wine. 

Budget?  Jerry will contact Dick about their upfront costs.

Rain or shine deal - so potential cost but look for ability to return any extras.  Cans easier to sell and we could get Rotaract to help with ongoing clean up.

Initial meeting in January with 2 clubs and Alex with BIA.


Scott suggested we work with a pizza place to bring a pizza food truck and we get a %.

Pat suggested a raffle - e.g. 3 shows at Blue Frog?  We need dates and commitment to help out!


3.  April 11-14 in District Meeting – April 11-14

Pat Bond - extended early bird pricing till end of year.  About $1400 overall costs when you add up registration and hotels etc. and exchange.

4.  Ready Steady Go

Jeff confirmed that the cheque for the band taken care of.

5.  Polar Bear Swim
Alan is our rep on the polar bear swim. 

Jerry brought some posters for distribution and display.  Scott has tents.  Chip and Brain plan on participating in the swim.


6.  Shredit
Involved Urban Impact and funds to support Sassy. 

Scott prepared a letter to Shredit and they will get back to us end of January. 


7.  5 Club Breakfast Meeting - January 5

Peter has been the rep and asked for someone to take this over for him.  March 16 - WR Baptist church. 

Chip volunteered to be our new rep. 

We thanked Peter for his great service with this project.


8.  50/50 District Grant
We are approved and we need to match their grant. 

Match $8500 US? 

Chip cautioned that if you don’t go at it as per their elaborate requirements, you do not get the grant.

You can put in a lot of time and lose the grant.   

Can’t retrofit projects to match their requirements – we have to have the requirements addressed upfront in the proposal. 

Thinking of backing off this application given the fact that International issues may prohibit us from meeting criteria.

Can apply for multiple district grants in one year.

May look at other specific projects and set up the application from the onset to meet criteria. 

We now have a club contact.

Pat suggested a special meeting to review this district grant process.

Required meeting in Jan/Feb for grants - Chip, Deidre, Brian, President and President Elect must attend.


9.  Sip and Savour – still uncertain

Meeting planned for January, Rick agreed to be on planning committee.


10.  Presentation.  Carlos Galvez, Salvation Army

Jeff introduced Carlos.  Carlos thanked Don for encouraging Carlos to be part of club.

Congregation growing slowly - most are quite elderly. 

Thanked members for their support and contribution for kettle campaign — doing much better this year!

Eva mentioned that they raised over $1200 for 3 Saturdays we volunteered.


Kids Club

Kettle Campaign is main fund raiser for the kids club - growing - Sept to June. 

For ages 6-12, they provide a variety of learning activities and nutritional meals. 

Serves families struggling emotionally and/or financially. 

About 15 kids participate.

Also fund raise to bring kids to camp.  4 kids and 2 teenagers went this year.

Really want to focus on teenagers for camp - hired a coordinator from Honduras to help build children’s ministry.

Visit schools - high schools, pre-teen and after school events. 


Adults and Seniors – Joyful Adult Ministry (JAM)

Weekly program - every Wednesday - 11 - 1. 

35-40 seniors attend lunch.

Table Games and conversation and fellowship. 

Program is growing.

Also provide good food and food safe training. 


Food Bank

Weekly food bank to support regular food bank.

Some folks are not be getting enough from regular food bank, so the Salvation Army provide supplemental support as well as vouchers for Thrift Store. 

Serve 25-40 per week with the food bank.


Christmas is especially busy time - activities and hampers. 

150-200 hampers for low income families and sleigh for toys - toys mountain in Guilford and donations from Toys are Us.  Preparing the hampers Friday and Saturday before Christmas.
65 people attending Christmas dinner.  A group donating prep and time for food including serving. 

Everything goes back into our community.

Job Program

Now able to start to hire some low-income folks - some have mental health challenges, and are very committed to serve. 

Able to help those with disabilities - South Surrey and Ladner and Tsawwassen.


How to help? 

Volunteer time at the kettles - donations with tax receipts for over $20. 

Next year - renovate kitchen and more games for the children - raggedy games table and need these upgraded.  Want to encourage interaction between kids.

Carlos handed out Red Bracelet- promoting hope...

Jerry thanked Carlos and offered to provide assistance in any way we can.

Scott - Sgt at Arms solicited money exclusively for the Salvation Army. 

$563 was donated by members and club matches up to $500 for a

Grand Total of $1063 presented to Carlos.



Chip brought everyone lovely bar of olive oil soap from Greece - thanks, Chip - how thoughtful!

Next meeting - Jan 9 - Emery presenting Bob Gray 8th Paul Harris pin.

Carlos and Eva going back home Jan 14 - Feb 11.

Rhonda and Herb away Jan 17 - Feb 5.



Meeting adjourned 8:33




Minutes of December 5 2018 Business Meeting

Rotary Club of South Surrey


Date: December 5, 2018

Jerry Zdril, President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Don Boyce
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Deidre O’ O’Ruairc
Brian O’ O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Scott Phemister
Carlos Galvez
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Rob Prosch, Rotary District Membership Chair
Eva Galvez

Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15, Scott led the singing of the national anthem and offered the invocation.

Rotary minute — no one offered a Rotary Minute at this meeting.

1.      Christmas Party. Starts at 5:30 - Dinner at 6:30  

Make sure you let Renee or Rick know so we can confirm #s for caterers.  Rick asked for some to come a little early to help set up (5:00 - 5:15) and Pat reminded club members to bring our own booze.  If we don’t meet our minimum numbers for the caterer, we may need to include the cost per member slightly.

2.       Coldest Night of Year Update
Jerry reminded us of this event planned for Feb 23 to raise funds for Sources for the homeless.  5 clubs are promoting this event and hoping for 25-50 Rotarians to participate.

3.       Hazelmere Meeting Reminder
Jerry encouraged attendance at the Dec 17 Rotary meeting at noon at Hazelmere.
Dick Stott from White Rock Club provide a review of their Beer Garden experience and offer tips and strategies for us.  Our club is partnering with Peace Arch Club to sponsor 2 beer gardens this summer.

4.       PADS Graduation
Pads graduation certificate arrived showcasing the support dog, Roo. 

Christine and Roo agreed to present and Rick suggested we frame certificate and have it ready for table display.

Impact were disappointed that they were not invited to the graduation until the last minute, and as a result, were not able to attend.  It was recognized that many received a short notice. 
Rick suggested we get a certificate for Impact as well – everyone agreed.

5.       Shred It Next Year
Scott reported that Impact want to support local causes, not international projects.

Looking at June 8 as a potential date for us.  They apparently do not confirm until December, and are only doing 4 next year. 

We have to make an application and identify a local project.
Jerry asked if we could discuss this at the December Executive Meeting.

Confirmed Executive Meeting for December 12.

Rick asked if we could change our start time for the Executive Meetings to begin at 7:30 to end by 9 am.  Everyone agreed.

6.      Change and Relevancy
Jerry - shared a passage from the last Rotarian Magazine on change, and encouraged us to each to explore new ways to be effective and relevant. 

President of Rotary International: “ Change is hard.  And the longer we have been going one way, the more friends we have with us, the harder it is to be the one who turns around and does it differently.  But change – not change for its own sake, but careful, considered, goal-directed change – is essential for any organization that wants to evolve, stay relevant, and move forward in the right direction.”

This was an appropriate segue to Rob Prosch’s presentation. 

7.       Rob Prosch – Membership Attraction and Retention

Rick introduced Rob Prosch, noting that in addition to his work as Rotary District Membership Chair, Rob is also Associate Dean of Aviation, Everett Community College in Everett Washington. 

Rob acknowledged and recognized that Deidre is always emailing Rob and making suggestions and offering ideas.  Following that lead, Rob was proposing an open discussion today on how to grow the club and retain membership.  Folks are needed to take on service leadership role.

Successes - Challenges and Strategies

Goal this morning - as a club - what do we need to do about membership? 

Significant membership issue — North America declining in membership, while membership is increasing in India, and Asian countries.  As a result - we are seeing a change at Rotary International level — we have clubs, districts and zones.  Now combining zones to include almost all of North America.  Our existing 2 zones have 2 reps at RI.  We now have only 1 zone and the new zone is going to Asia.  Therefore, we will have less of a voice as Rotarians on direction RI takes.

From this District level — RI data shows that we gained 5 members.  Rob and Linda disagree with numbers. 

As reported previously, there were problems with the RI servers and we now have to reconcile and fix numbers.

Last year our membership remained flat – didn’t lose anyone but little growth.

Out of every 2 members who join Rotary — lose 1 within 2 years.  So we have to work on retention as well as attraction.  We attract new members — do not recruit them.

Rob asked about good changes and Peter commented that he appreciates less emphasis on age.  He felt that older members were minimalized with the emphasis on attracting younger members.

Deidre and Pat stressed that we need both young and old!

Rob suggested that we start with inviting prospective members to a social.

He commented that there are wonderful comraderies within this club - shows your club is healthy. 

Missing a greeter, and he stronger suggested that we re-establish that assigned role to make sure guests and everyone is welcomed.  When you ask everyone to do it — not everyone will step up and then we rely on others.  The formality of a greeter serves a purpose.

Invocation - nice generic invocation - Rotary does not subscribe to a particular belief - Rob acknowledged that our invocation was good.   Be careful to respect beliefs of all members and guests.  Brian commented that inclusion means that everyone can respect the message of the person offering the invocation, and that to prevent that freedom is its own kind of reverse discrimination.  Concerned that to the extent that we try to please the whole world we please no one.  Rob suggested that when in doubt, we go to the 4 way test.

Successes - Retention

Successes - very engaged club - people really like each other.  Attitude that it should be fun.  We have a lot of opinionated people and it is respected and this comes from confidence that we can express our viewpoints.

Rob encouraged us to express that in our messaging out to our community.

All of us know someone who embrace these values.


Competition with other service groups!  Our like-minded friends are already involved!

Others retired and travel a lot. - kids gone and away a lot.

5 clubs in WR/Surrey area.

USA has larger clubs and good attendance rates.  Smaller clubs can serve their members even more effectively.  Eg- morning, noon and evening clubs.  Lots of different opportunities.

What are your expectations of members?  About engagement.  Now allow Rotarians to serve as they are able to serve.

We have a lot of events and are actively involved - also our weakness - do we really want to add to this in order to attract new members?  Can we handle more?

Partner with Rotaract

Maybe we can lower the age?  Rotaract 18-30 can also be Rotarians.  Some clubs actively invite Rotaract to join and only pay District and RI fees.

Rotaract ideas and exuberance for service is infectious - so how do we make that invitation and create a special membership structure for that?

Our local Rotaract are active and have lots of socials and want to connect with us — we need to reach out more.  We both need each other!

Club Legacy

What is the legacy our club wants to leave?  Make a difference - in what way. 

Help kids get straight away in this life.

Youth pointed in right direction - help them with their personal goals, education, see their personal value.


Nice connection with Rotaract.

Want to leave money behind but we do not have a funded foundation.
What is the legacy our club will want to leave specific to our community? 

Fellowship and Service

People join for local service and fellowship. Is one a stronger motivator or is it personal to each member?

Rob shared that only 6% of members are attracted with the international service side.  That means that 94% are attracted to local service and fellowship and stay for same reason.

Membership confirmed that our service is directed to both youth and adult personal development with an emphasis on the needs of youth.

We are meeting our legacy objective both locally and internationally.

Internationally, our orphanage is doing well, and locally, our work with the White Rock Learning Centre is effective.

Learning Centre - doing good job but little community recognition/publicity regarding our partnership with the Centre. 

Rob recommended that we take advantage of social media and press releases. 

It was recognized that there is good uptake of Joanne’s work in this area. 

We could do more with social media, and it was suggested that we work with Rotaract to help with our social media initiatives.  If you want to communicate with younger persons - need Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube.


This is our flag and something to talk about – attractive to new potential members if we have a passion about this!  Always include this in all our press releases and communications.  Always refer to our ‘why’. 

Start with Fun and Fellowship to get them in the door and then connect with why we do what we do.

Without FELLOWSHIP cannot be effective in community.  Passion brings new people in for a 7 am meeting, and our projects provide a venue for service. 

Socials provide the fellowship to keep people engaged.

Deidre thanked Rob.

8.       Salvation Army

Carlos is providing a special presentation at the Dec 19 meeting, so bring your cheque books!

Salvation Army looking for continued assistance with kettles - Jerry asked for volunteers to take on 2-hour shifts. 

9.       Adjournment

Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:36.

Minutes of November 28 2018 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril – President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Don Boyce
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Deidre O’ O’Ruairc
Brian O’ O’Ruairc
Chip Bowness
Carlos Galvez
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Eva Galvez
Lindagene Coyle

Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:16am,  Don led the singing of the national anthem and Pat  offered the invocation.

Rotary minute — no one offered a Rotary Minute this meeting.

1.    Update of READY STEADY GO
Jerry congratulated everyone for helping and attending - job well done — good time had by all!

Jeff provided balance sheet — net $3600 so far and some late payments just coming in.  Fewer tickets sold but charged more for tickets this year.

Herb Latreille donated a hand sculpted polar bear to the silent auction.  This piece retails for $1,500 and did not receive the minimum bid and Jerry suggested that we hold an auction online for this piece as some members from other clubs expressed interest.

2.  Christmas Party  CORRECTION - REMINDER ***** starts at 5:30 - dinner at 6:30 *****
Contact Renee directly about your attendance. Make sure you let Renee or Rick know so we can confirm #s for caterers.  Renee needs $525 for catering in advance.  It was agreed that we would pay Renee up front and then Jeff will charge attendees after the event. 

3.  Rotary International - Hamburg
Not sure anyone is attending from our club — Rick will participate in the Rotary Golf Tournament at St. Andrews.

4.  Rotary Foundation
Don Boyce, Foundation Month Chair.  encouraged member contributions to annual fund.

Jeff reminded us that it is better if we go online ourselves to make a donation.  Go to Rotary International and choose Foundation Giving. 
Jeff will send out status especially for those who are close to a Paul Harris pin. 
Make donation this week. 
Club is making a $25 pp donation to the Foundation.   We have to agree to this annually.

5.  Update - Presidents Meeting - Jerry

Polar Bear Swim
Who will attend from club and help?  Alan confirmed that we only need a couple of volunteers.   Suggest all Presidents go in — Jerry offered his foot ;-).

Chip and Brain are typically the brave souls from our club.

Membership Training with Rob Prosch 
Each club asked to contribute $30 to cover some incidentals — send to Semiahmoo Club.  Rob will be speaker next week.  Deidre encouraged everyone to bring guests, especially since Rob is coming from Everett.  Lindagene encouraged everyone to bring their questions — he has great ideas and loves to customize strategies.

Coldest Night Of The Year — Feb 23
Rotary team — evening walk about 5 k starts about 5:30 on Marine Drive - $25 registration fee or contribute $150 and registration waived.  This event is intended to raise funds for Sources - for homeless.  5 club — 25-50 Rotarians. Lindagene suggested Peace Arch Club have bright Rotary vests —- reflective and big enough to go over coat.

Beer Garden

Planning meeting on Monday Dec 17 at Hazelmere — at 12 noon — come and  hear Richard’s tips for the event.  We will partner with Peace Arch club.  T was suggested that we have our weekly meeting there, however; we have a guest on Wednesday, Dec 19  so will keep both.  Jerry is chief coordinator for this event and will be looking for assistance.  Pat encouraged lots to attend!

6.  Executive Meeting Last Week
Jerry took minutes as Rhonda was away, and suggested that after minutes are accepted — they be circulated to full club members.  Members agreed.
It was moved by Don and seconded by Deidre that:
“We acknowledge receipt and acceptance of Executive Minutes of November 21, 2018.”

Motion Carried

7.  Financial Update -- Jeff

Jeff provided a brief financial report update — we have about $37,000 in bank with $34,000 dedicated to Cambodia.  Now have additional funds from Ready Steady Go for us to determine allocation.

Jeff sent out recognition points for Paul Harris Award.  Make your contribution through Rotary International.  Lindagene reminded us that we can only be an ‘official’ member of one club. 

Charitable Society — transition to new Societies ACT — Jeff has taken care of this - Members and Directors of our club are members of the Charitable Society.

Jerry thanked Jeff for all the exceptional work that he does — accounting — grants — registration status, gaming license etc.

Gaming License Application
Jeff shared that we must have purpose for the funds, the funds cannot be allocated for an international project -- must be spent in BC.  Must be community based and continuing.   Could be WR Learning School - Parent Advisory Committee might be an option. 

8.  Lindagene -- Update

Rotary International had serious problems with their servers — lost 2 to floods!
Communication very haphazard etc.  This is Foundation month — under the presidential stewardship of Pat Hahn, our club has accomplished remarkable things.

Lindagene presented Pat with 2 banners and below is a copy of the letter acknowledging our position worldwide!  (In our district of 59 clubs, only 8 clubs received banners!)

The letter of recognition and apprecation states the following:

'.......Your club is distinguised from more than 35,000 Rotary clubs worldwide as being one or more of the following:

  • One of only 1,575 clubs to achieve Top three Highest in Per Capita Annual Giving honors in their district (only clubs with a minimum $US$ 50 Annual Fund per capita confribution were eligible.)
  • One of only 3,425 clubs worldwide to attain status as an Every Rotarian, Every Year Club (club must have achieved a minimum Annual Fund contribution of US$100 per capita with every dues-paying member contributing US$25 or more to the Annual Fund during the Rotary year.)
  • One of only 4,000 clubs worldwide to become a 100% Foundation Giving Club (clubs must have achieved an average of US$100 in per capita giving and 100 percent participation with every dues-paying member contributing at least $25 to any or all of the following during the Rotary year:  Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund, approved global grants, or Endownment Fund)"

You don't have to be a big club — sometimes the little clubs do the most.  70% of clubs worldwide have 20 members or less.

9.  Salvation Army Donation Kettles
Eva made a formal request for volunteers to work the kettle donation drive,

It is a simple process, and the Salvation Army need to have volunteers complete an application to address liability issues.

There was some misunderstanding and confusion regarding which club would assume responsibility for which location.  Emails apparently were not received.

We need to move quickly to cover this Saturday.  Jerry offered himself and Roberta.  Pat also offered to help out this weekend, as did Don.  Some confusion with what club covers what area.....  Jerry will confirm once this is clarified.

10.  Fundrasing Option -- Ribfest

Jerry reported on a potential opportunity to hold a rib fest.  Both Jerry and Lindagene cautioned that this is a very large undertaking and requires up to 200 volunteers.  Although it can raise up to $40,000 net, it is a massive amount of work. 
Jerry shared that there is not a lot of interest from 5 clubs, especially because of the huge initial financial outlay and insurance because of alcohol.  Lindagene recommended against this.  Already have one in Port Moody and Langley and a South Surrey Ribfest might dilute attendance.

11.  Sgt. at Arms deferred to next week.

12.  Jerry Adjourned the meeting at 8:30am.

Minutes of November 14 2018 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril – President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Don Boyce
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Deidre O’ O’Ruairc
Brian O’ O’Ruairc
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Guest — Jerry Williamson, BC Lottery
Guest -- Sandra Newbine, BC Lottery


Call to Order and Welcome

Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:15, Don led the singing of the national anthem and Pat offered the invocation.

1.    Update of READY STEADY GO

Encouraged members to get silent auction items to Rhonda and sell tickets!  Only 10 days to go and not yet at the breakeven point.  Eagle Eyes sold out with Semiahmoo Club.

Suggested that we make a presentation at their club meeting.

2.  Christmas Party.
CORRECTION - ***** starts at 5:30 - dinner at 6:30 *****- contact Renee directly about your attendance.

3.  Rotary International - Hamburg.
Not sure anyone is attending from our club — Rick will participate in the Rotary Golf Tournament at St. Andrews.

4.  Rotary Foundation

Jeff confirmed that it is better if we go online ourselves to make a donation.  Go to Rotary International Foundation giving. 
Jeff will send out status especially for those who are close to a Paul Harris award.  Make donation this week.  Club is making a $25 pp donation to the Foundation. 

5.  Update - Presidents meeting

Pat reported on the Rotary work day in April, 2019. 
5 clubs work together on some initiatives.
Jerry leading that venture.

6.  Sources 5 club breakfast
Scheduled for March 16, 2019. 
Peter is our rep and is looking for help.

7.  Learning Center - Chip 
Rory confirmed that the woodworking project was a great success.
Worked with 12 kids - great progress - built tables. 
Will be offered again in 2019. 
Still looking for a larger premise on a bus line. 
Rory happy to give a review.  Rick suggested that we have a meeting at the Learning Centre for the presentation. 

8.  Beer Garden
We will be co-sponsoring with Peace Arch club to host 2 beer gardens.  Will need 18-30 volunteers! 
Heads up about resource needs.

9.  Strong chance Sip and Savour will go on next year
Semiahmoo leading the planning and we will likely be involved.  Jerry will share info as plans develop.


Rick Introduced Jerry Williamson, BCLC Director of Facilities and Development.  20 years of industry experience - conduct and manage casinos throughout BC.

Jerry and Sandra’s first Rotary meeting.  BCLC like Rotary - gives back to communities.


Vision — Gambling is widely embraced as exceptional entertainment for adults.

Crown Corp - in Canada — gaming has to be managed by government at the provincial level.

BCLC owns all assests that could potentially be tampered with - machines, dice, etc.

Agreements with 20 service providers such as Great Canadian Gaming Corp and Gateway.

2017/20178 - BCLC delivered $1.4 Billion in net income to Province of BC.  Health care, education, community groups.

Elements Casino Surrey - BCLC get to decide what the players want - 321 jobs created

Revenue to Surrey

$4.12 million 2017/28

Are we licensed to get grants?  Rick said yes.  Province of BC allocates grants (140 million). - Surrey, 282 organizations received funding.  $7.7 million went to support those organizations in human and social services sector.  Surrey food bank and Surrey Crime Prevention Association.

We should look into this again - can be difficult to qualify — find out how other Rotary clubs have been approved.

Player Health

Most gamble in a responsible way — strategic priority has 4 pillars.

1.    Positive play - reduce risk of gambling disorders in future such as pre-commitment.  Honesty with friends and family - where they are and what they are doing

2.   Informed decision making - understand the risks they are taking - Gaming Sense - make it stand out!  Responsible gambling program throughout North America.

3.   Reduced Harms from BCLC Products - modified products and environments

4.   Effective Referral to Treatment and Support - key element of Game Sense - Game Sense Advisors (GSA) for every property planned

Slot machines set to pay out 92% over the lifetime of the slot machine.

Jeff thanked Jerry for his presentation.



Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:30

Minutes of Nov 7 Meeting
Members Present:
Pat Hahn
Brian and Deirdre O'Ruairc
Jerry and Roberta Zdril
Joanne Taylor
Don Boyce
Peter Herz
Al Benson
Emery Dosdall
Garry McIntosh
Ritu Khanna 
Ritu Khanna, Executive Director South Surrey& White Rock Chamber of Commerce
Meeting called to order at 7:15.  O Canada led by Don, Deidre provided invocation.
Pat collected happy and sad dollars.
Rotary minute - Jerry read the 4 way test as reminder of club's and members commitments.
- Don talked about Foundation month and indicated that a cheque presentation will be made in November.
- Ready Steady Go fundraiser is progressing.  Ticket sales need to improve. Members will be delivering posters.  
NOTE:  Please work on acquiring silent auction items.
- Christmas Social at Renee's common room Dec 12 will start at 6:30 and will cost $30 per person.  PLEASE ADVISE RENEE ON YOUR ATTENDANCE.
-  A Christmas donation fund was discussed.  Will contact Carlos at Salvation Army
Speaker - Ritu Khanna was introduced by Deirdre.
- Ritu started her career in nonprofit sector
- Represents White Rock and South Surrey
- Spoke about rapid growth in the area
- Provided information and brochures on upcoming Chamber events.
- Wants to work with Rotary to develop project of shared interest.
Deirdre thanked Ritu
- April 27th will be a Rotary work day for the 5 clubs.  Jerry volunteered to work on the committee to develop a project.
- Passport to Fun event is being planned for February.  Roberta will participate in planning for the event.
- No plans to have an event at the racetrack.
- Polar bear swim on Jan 1 will occur this year. Al is on the committee. Plan to have more hot dog vendors this year.
District and Global Grants:
- District Grant has stage 1 approval with additional information to be provided by Dec 1.  - Global Grant continues to progress with new details having been requested.
Jerry, Deirdre, Brian and Chip to work on these grants.
Meeting location:
- Ricky's has been confirmed until the end of December
- While additional locations will be considered, it was suggested that the club confirm Ricky's after December in the event that another location cannot be found.
- White Spot and Centennial Rink room were suggested as potential locations.
Reminder again to work on acquiring silent auction items.
Jeff to apply for gaming license for Ready Steady Go.
Request to see if there are other fund raising ideas to replace 50/50 draw.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Next weeks speaker is 
Lilliana Kang, BC Lottery
Minutes of October 31 2018 Business Meeting


Don Boyce - Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Renee Nicholson
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille

Call to Order and Welcome

Don called the meeting to order at 7:15, led the singing of the national anthem and Peter offered the invocation.

Reminded everyone that Ritu Khanna, Executive Director, South Surrey and White Rock Chamber of Commerce will be the guest speaker on November 7.  Encouraged everyone to bring guests.

Don made opening comments.  Women not part of Rotary until 1980s or so.  1989 Don was part of a new club forming that would accept women in their club.  Don helped to establish the Haney Club, later joined the Semiahmoo Club and then South Surrey.  He had originally been slated to serve as the President for the Haney Club, and chose to set that aside since he would be in Europe for 2 months during the important stage in its development.  As a result, Don has yet to serve as a club President.  Goal in Rotary has been 100% meetings and make up meetings if out of town.  Some of his best experiences in Rotary were his makeup meetings, especially in other countries.

Rotary Minute
Deidre referred to the War and Remembrance article in the Rotarian encouraged us to read it fully.

Irish Consulate General is now at Canada Place.  This is a first ever appointment here, and Deidre shared that the wife of the Consul General is a cousin of Deidre’s.

Rotary Foundation Month

Reminded to contribute to the Rotary Foundation - some are close to a Paul Harris award.  Go to Canadian Foundation website to make contribution. 

 Sgt. at Arms
Pat took happy dollars, and expressed how pleased he was that Renee was able to attend meeting.


District Foundation Dinner
Reminder of Dinner on Nov 3 in Bellingham.  Our club will be asked for an auction item worth about $100.

Meeting from 10-3 prior to the dinner.  Not sure anyone from our club will be attending.

Rotary Leadership Institute
Reminder - Nov 21 Port Moody

Christmas Party Reminder
December 12 at Renee’s social room!

Renee confirmed that the caterer will need to remove all plates and serving dishes that evening because social room is booked for the next day.  Renee shared that the caterer she uses for other events is able to meet this requirement.

Moved by Deidre and Seconded by Pat that :
“Renee approach her caterer to see if she is available to cater the Christmas Party.”

 Motion Passed. 
Renee will let Rick know — he had agreed to look into securing a caterer if need be.  Need at least 20 folks.  BYOB as last week.

 Ready - Steady – Go – November 24

·         Renee – Poster Seniors centres and condo area

·         Renee an Pat brought gifts for auction

·         Everyone was encouraged to go out and secure ticket sales and bring in silent auction items.

·         Deidre said it is time to start sending out posters.

·         Deidre suggests we start the flyer blitz at the end of October.

·         Ad for Ready Steady Go in Peace Arch News to go out November 9.  If we are sold out - don’t have to go with the ad.  Deidre confirmed that the ad brought in some sales.

Beer Garden Fundraiser
Pat provided an update on his meeting with Alex Nixon, BIA, Peace Arch and White Rock Rotary Clubs. 

Dick Stott from White Rock Club speak to both clubs about their experience.  It was suggested that we could  schedule a meeting for a Monday noon time and have Dick present.  Pat will work with Jerry to confirm meeting.

Don adjourned the meeting at 8:30 am.

Minutes of Business and Executive Meeting October 24 2018



Jeff Richards - Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Don Boyce
Scott Phemister
Joanne Taylor
Rhonda Latreille

***PLEASE NOTE -- Ritu Khanna, Executive Director South Surrey& White Rock Chamber of Commerce will be speaking at our November 7 meeting.***

Call to Order and Welcome

Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:15, Scott led the singing of the national anthem and Don offered the invocation.

Rotary Minute
Rick provided us with the Rotary Minute, reminding us of World Polio Day, October 24.  Members can donate to the cause and we can tune into global health experts at 3:30 pm pacific standard time. 

Golfing and Rotary International Meeting
Rick confirmed that St. Andrews is setting aside tee times for Rotary members for the dates of June 9-13, 2019 following the Rotary International Meeting.  Rick encouraged interested golfers attending RI to schedule a game!

Rotary Foundation Month
Jeff reminded us to contribute to Foundation - some are close to a Paul Harris award.  Go to Canadian Foundation website to make contribution.  Our club has not yet contributed this year.

Sgt. at Arms
Scott took happy dollars.

Jeff shared that he ordered Rhonda a name tag so she could be in compliance 😉


District Foundation Dinner
Reminder of Dinner on Nov 3 in Bellingham.  Our club will be asked for an auction item worth about $100.

Meeting from 10-3 prior to the dinner.

Rotary Leadership Institute
Reminder - Nov 21 Port Moody

Christmas Party Reminder
December 12 at Renee’s social room!

Ready - Steady – Go – November 24

·         Joanne brought a lovely gift basket donated by OrangeTheory Fitness

·         Everyone was encouraged to go out and secure ticket sales and bring in silent auction items.

·         Deidre said it is time to start sending out posters.

·         Deidre suggests we start the flyer blitz at the end of October.

·         Ad for Ready Steady Go in Peace Arch News to go out November 9.  If we are sold out - don’t have to go with the ad.  Deidre confirmed that the ad brought in some sales.

 Social for November 21
It was suggested that we go to the Imperial Chinese Restaurant even if they don’t yet have their liquor license.  Jeff to see if they could put a menu together for us for about $20-$25 per head.

 Meeting Location
Group had a discussion with Sandy, new manager at Ricky’s about how best to streamline process.

Beer Garden Fundraiser
Pat provided an update on his meeting with Alex Nixon, BIA, Peace Arch and White Rock Rotary Clubs. 
Beer Gardens attached to the concerts scheduled in July and August — 2 at East Beach - 2 at West Beach and 2 at 5 Corners. 

White Rock Club did 2 at 5 corners (lots of work to learn the ropes) and want to continue to operate 2 beer gardens at 5 corners.  Alex confirmed that the BIA has no appetite for beer garden at west beach location because of local establishments.  That leaves an opportunity for 2 beer gardens at East Beach. 

Pat suggested that we work jointly with Peace Arch Club.  White Rock folks offered to help us understand the ropes, requirements and details – such as onsite volunteers, security, rent chairs and fencing, cash registers, etc.....   Pat reported that White Rock grossed $10,000 and net $7,000.  WR will share their process binder with us — Pat feels this is manageable.  Concern is resources and upfront costs.  Jeff suggests a 2-drink minimum to get into chairs.  We won’t have a view of the stage — just beer and music.  Need some kind of food...  Need to set up a joint working committee. 

Jeff asked the group to indicate if they were in favour in principle? 
Everyone showed interest to continue to pursue. 


- $35,000 in bank. Jeff will be sending out invoices for first half of this year.

Membership Meeting
Pat reported that only 16 or so attended.  Go to the district site to see the members per club.  This site also shows average age and gender. 

Talked about retention - make sure membership are active and involved in projects and have someone follow up if someone is absent for a while.  It is important to ensure everyone feels connected and check if you don’t see one for a while. 

People join for fellowship and service.  Purpose and reason for coming!

Cambodia Orphanage
Deidre reported that Rotary Club Cambodia sent all their info in — baby steps to get back on track. 

Rick confirmed that he will have the lineup established before he is away, and will reach out to the Learning Centre for un update.

We agreed to have speaker provide presentation at the beginning of the meeting so that the presentation is not interrupted with breakfast being served.

 Save-On Cards
The membership was remarkable in ensuring all the cards were sold to hand back the project stewardship to Don! 
Thank you, South Surrey Rotary Club!

Don shared some info about their wonderful vacation – Started with the Alaskan Cruise, and stopped at a port in Russia, sailed down to the South of Japan and went to Tokyo - 2nd cruise ended up in Singapore.  He left us wanting to hear more!

Rick away until Nov 7.

Jeff away for next 2 weeks.

Scott gone for a month - back end of November.


Jeff adjourned the meeting at 8:30

Minutes of October 10 2018 Business Meeting

Jeff Richards - Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Deidre O’Ruairc
Brian O’Ruairc
Scott Phemister
Rhonda Latreille

Guest — Balbir Thind

Call to Order and Welcome
Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:15, Scott led the singing of the national anthem, and Deidre provided the invocation.

Pat introduced Balbir Thind as our guest from Semiahmoo Club and commented on her robust contribution to Rotary.

Sgt. at Arms — Scott took penalty donations for lack of name tag and rotary pins.

The Rotary Minute was given by Peter Herz where he shared information about the club in Whistler, BC.  Whistler supports a small regular population of about 12,000 population — with 2 clubs.  Young membership.


Jeff asked everyone to arrive no later than 7 am so that the breakfast order can be placed before the meeting starts.

Christmas Party planned for Wednesday, December 12 at Renee’s social room. 

Membership Event reminder for Wednesday, October 17 at Rotary Field House.

Social will be held on Tuesday, October 16 because of membership meeting on Wednesday.  Rick asked everyone to bring $10 to contribute toward pizza.

Ready - Steady - Go

Pat has tickets ready and distributed to members.  Encouraged members to start selling now.

Scott printed flyers and distributed to group.  It was suggested by Deidre that the flyer blitz should go public closer to the end of October.

Scott has PDF of flyer and will send to membership. 

Rhonda reminded members to start to hand in items for silent auction.


World Polio Day — October 24
It was suggested that we show a video on business meeting about this amazing project.

Rhonda let everyone know about her article regarding Rotary’s impact on eradicating polio and that Joanne was looking to submit it to Peace Arch News for publication closer to October 24.

Deidre will post info on facebook and asks us to share it.

 District Foundation Dinner — Nov 3 — Bellingham, WA
Quite a formal event. 
Our club will be asked for an auction item — about $100 value. Remind us on the 24th.

Foundation Seminar — Nov 3 – 10 am – 3 pm
Good for folks preparing grants, as well as incoming president.   

Rotary Leadership Institute - Nov 21 Port Moody  

Orphanage - Cambodia
Deidre provided an update. 

Chip has put in a substantial number of hours to get a club on board and orphanage on board.

Rotary International now require 3 estimates of all work orders.  This is often not remotely possible in these countries.  Will try a couple more options — very cumbersome and difficult process.

Jerry applied for a District grant — less money but easier.

Talking Stick
In lieu of a regular guest speaker, Jeff suggested the talking stick, commenting that we haven’t done this for a while.  Pick a topic and individuals holding the stick have the floor.

Future Meetings At Ricky’s
It was recommended that we order as we come in and get a coffee pot for the room.  

Agreed that we would follow up and ask the Ricky staff what they suggest to make the breakfast experience even more streamlined and also offer some of our ideas.  Members commented that it was a good experience at this meeting — ordered and finished eating by 8 am.

Guest — Balbir Thind
Jeff confirmed that there are to be no political presentations at Rotary meeting.

Respecting that policy, members simply asked Balbir to explain how the municipal voting system is structured in White Rock.  Balbir explained that in White Rock are the White Rock Coalition and Democracy Direct and some independents.  Citizens can vote for Individuals versus slates.  Although the delegates can campaign as slates, they are not compelled to vote together. 

Next all candidates meeting is this Friday, October 15, 6pm -8pm White Rock Community Centre

 Save On Cards
On behalf of Don Boyce, Rhonda encouraged members to purchase these cards and expressed appreciation for the outstanding support.



Jeff adjourned the meeting at 8:30.

Minutes of October 3 2018 Business Meeting


Rick Singh- Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Jeff Richards
Chip Bowness
Rhonda Latreille

Guest – Desiree Dupris

Call to Order and Welcome

Rick called the meeting to order at 7:15 am, Desiree led national anthem, and Peter gave invocation.

Rick introduced Desiree Dupris.

Rotary Membership Evening Event
Re-confirmed for the evening of Oct 17, 2018 at the Rotary Field House.

Pat encouraged attendance.

Rick shared that Rob to speak at our club as well in November

Ready Steady Go - Nov 24
Rhonda reminded the members to provide her with 2 items each for the silent auction, and will send out a separate reminder email next week. 

The donations should be a minimum of $50 each.

The tickets will be ready for distribution and sale at the October 10 meeting, as per our original schedule.

Social on Oct 16
3 Dog Brewery - last opportunity at current location before they have to move.

Rick will arrange for pizza.

Rotary Club Meeting Location
This was our last meeting at the Pacific Inn – the Pacific Inn officially closes today to start renovations.

Next meeting at Ricky’s - Rick agreed to work with their folks to see how we might streamline arrangements.

Christmas Party
Wednesday, Dec 12 at Renee’s Social Room in her complex.

Pacific Assistive Dogs (PADS) Graduation
Pat and Renee attended on our club’s behalf.

We funded a trauma dog for Sohpie’s Place in support of traumatized kids.

Pat shared that this was successful and remarkable project for the club.


Guest Speaker and Presentation
Rick introduced Desiree Dupris - Ruben’s Shoes

Founded 2013 by Kelly Strongitharm.

Kelly sponsored Ruben through World Vision since 2005, and when she and her mother travelled to the Dominican Republic in 2012, they made arrangements to meet Ruben in person met Ruben.

Kelly was moved by the fact that in many developing countries, shoes are a luxury and children are not allowed to attend school without shoes. Ruben was one such child.  Kelly and her mom took Ruben to a store to buy some shoes so he could attend school, and she was inspired to organize others to help address this need.

Returning back to Canada, Kelly started to mobilize children from a number of schools to collect shoes and donate to the Dominican Republic.

Her close friend, Desiree, joined in the vision and both recently sold their insurance book and are now dedicating themselves full-time to the vision.

Within 6 months - 12,000 shoes were shipped to the Dominican Republic.

Got involved with local elementary schools - it is our kids here helping other kids in other countries.

Ship 1 container with 10,000 pairs of shoes every year.  Containers go to the Dominican Republic, Sierra Leone , New Guiana and Zimbabwe. They have shipped 60,000 pairs of shoes to date.

Desiree now works full-time as the charity fundraiser, and they operate out of Port Moody with an affiliate in Germany.

They believe that education is key to breaking cycle of poverty.  Desiree shared that 62 million kids throughout the world are not in school.

They have expanded their vision to also include building schools!

Their initiatives now include:




Hot Lunch


School Supplies


Their school program started with 24 students, and now serve over 150 students.

135 children are sponsored - from 4-12 classrooms

They created a kitchen that serves 150 hot meals a day – ‘Noni’s Kitchen’ Michael Buble family legacy - built kitchen.

Ed program working.  They report a 20% improvement in literacy.  Their grade 3 students performed  #1 in Math and Spanish for whole country.

400% growth in their ed sponsorship program.

Employ 16 teachers and staff/cooks.

Fundraising projects:

  • Elementary school currently, and they need to build a secondary school
  • Acquired land and fundraising $150,000 — $250,000 to build secondary school.
  • Can also sponsor a student  -- is only $50/month.
  • Build a classroom in their secondary school for $5,000 - classroom named in donors honour.

Plan to eventually expand into other countries

Can now issue tax receipts - registered charity.

Chip shared some of the funding criteria for Rotary and made suggestions about how to position a proposal correctly. 

Pat also suggested Rotary collaborators and other charities for joint projects. (Shine the Light organization in Dominican Republic)

Pat and Rick also offered to help with contacts and connections.

Rick thanked Desiree and adjourned meeting at 8:30 am.

Minutes of September 26, 2018 Business - Executive Meeting
Scott Phemister - Chairperson
Pat Hahn
Peter Herz
Joanne Taylor
Jeff Richards
Rhonda Latreille
Call to Order and Welcome
Scott called the meeting to order at 7:20am, led the singing of the national anthem, and provided the invocation.
The Rotary Minute was given by Peter Herz where he shared information about the Sunshine Coast Rotary Club installing herring curtains to be hung from docks to protect the eggs from the danger of creosote treated pilings.  Full impact and results not in yet.
PADS Graduation – Sunday, September 30 will be the graduation ceremony for the Pacific Assistance Dogs training.  The event will be held at the Michael J Fox theatre, and Pat asked for interest to attend if he is not able to.  Renee will be attending as well. Given limited space, it was suggested no more than 2 members attend from our club.
Treasures report - Jeff paying District Dues.  Nothing has changed since the last financial projections.  We are currently up to date on all dues, and a new invoice will be distributed to club members for the period of July 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018. 
Membership Report - no report provided.
Events - Ready Steady Go!!
Scott running more posters - Pat has tickets printed and will be distributed meeting of Oct 10.
Rhonda reminded folks about silent auction - 2 per person minimum.
Rhonda to send out a separate and dedicated reminder email to everyone as well.
Orphanage Grant - still in process.  Moving along – nothing new to report. 
Sources September 15 Event – Believe no one from our club participated in the Rotary tent.  Members commented on the especially horrible weather, and suspect this interfered with general attendance and support.
Roots of empathy - $1500 request to cover the costs for an instructor.  We would have to fund raise a special event to support this, and there are currently no funds available that are not already ear-marked.  Consider this for the list from funds raised from Ready-Steady-Go event in November, and members agreed to defer for next executive.  It was also suggested that we might want to allocate funds from an extra Shred a thon to fund this request.  Pat agreed to send a note to acknowledge receipt of their funding request and let them know this is still under consideration. 
Membership Seminar October 17 - Rotary Field House – please note that this is a correction from the date we listed in a previous edition of the minutes.
BIA partnership - Beer Gardens as a fund raiser.  White Rock Rotary Club has held one already.  It was suggested that we need to first connect with the other clubs to consider a coordinated approach and to then connect with Alex to indicate our interest in pursuing this with the BIA.   Pat agreed to follow up on this.
Sip and Savour – It would have to be sometime next year.  Need to clarify if this will be a potential 5 club event or Semiahmoo on its own.  Jeff to check out Semiahmoo’s intention.  It was also suggested that we might want to consider a separate Wine event or Octoberfest event or another Fools Night Out.  We agreed to move this discussion forward to the spring.   
Christmas Party - Confirm with Rick his conversation with Renee about available dates for consideration.
Rotary Leadership – The next event is in the US in October.  Pat commented that participating in these leadership seminars is highly recommended, and more events are coming in the near future and likely closer to home.
Foundation Month - Don Boyce is overseeing this on our behalf.   Given the fact that Don is way right now, Jeff agreed to send out a dedicated email to everyone about the dinner and donations toward the Foundation, encouraging members to contribute -- especially since we are getting a grant from this Foundation.  Meeting and presentation and dinner will be in November.  We will work with Rick to arrange a speaker.  November 3 is the Foundation dinner in Bellingham.
Sgt. of Arms - Pat collected happy/sad dollars, as well penalties for not wearing a name tag. 
Misc –
Joanne away for next 2 weeks.
Scott away for a week and then away again the end of Oct – end of November.  
Adjournment – Scott adjourned Business-Executive meeting at 8:20 am.
Minutes of September 12, 2018 Business Meeting
Pat Hahn — Past President and Chairperson
Peter Herz
Rick Singh
Joanne Taylor
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille
Guest:  Douglas Dunn 

Meeting Call to Order and Welcome
Pat called the meeting to order at 7:20 am and led the singing of the National anthem, ‘O Canada.’
Rick provided the invocation.
Pat introduced and welcomed Douglas Dunn from SOS Children’s Village, BC
Rotary Minute:  No Rotary Minute was shared this meeting.
Events – Sources 40th Anniversary – September 15.
Rotary 5 Club tent can still use volunteer help with meet and greet, set up and take down.  Anyone able to assist is asked to let Pat know.
Events – Rotary Leadership Institute Dates
An email was distributed to the membership about Leadership events.  Pat shared that these series of sessions are designed to deepen understanding of Rotary and resources.  Part 1 is offered in Chilliwack on Sept 22 and another session will be held in Everett in October.  Cost is reimbursed by club.
Events -- Membership Seminar October 18th
Rob Prosch will be holding a Membership Seminar scheduled for the evening of October 18.  Pat will provide more details as the arrangements are confirmed. 
Rick to follow up with Rob to also see if he is available to speak at a regular business meeting as well.
Events -- Christmas Party
Pat shared that Renee graciously volunteered her clubhouse again this year for the Christmas Party. 
Rick offered to call Renee to explore potential dates.
Events – Polar Bear Swim
Alan agreed to continue to be involved with this on our behalf.
Events – Club Social September 19
Rick confirmed the Chaba Thai restaurant for the September social.  The address is 5723 – 176th St.  – Unit #1 Cloverdale – across from the Legion.  Rick reminded us that you can BYOB and there is no corkage fee.  Please confirm to Rick if you will be attending so Rick can provide the anticipated numbers to the restaurant.
Funding Request -- Roots of Empathy
Following their presentation at the July 11, 2018 Business Meeting, the Roots of Empathy representatives submitted a donation request to fund instructors for their program.
This request will be forwarded to the Executive for review.
Fund Raising – Beer Gardens at TD Concerts
Rick suggested that we seriously pursue details about partnering with the BIA to host the beer gardens at their concerts.  It was agreed that this could be a great way to raise funds and will be discussed further at the next Executive.
Fund Raising – Sources Breakfast in March
Peter has represented our club at these planning meetings in the past.  Pat acknowledged that Peter would like to pass the torch and encouraged him to find someone who would work with him to learn the ropes with an eye to take over this task.
Fund Raising – Save-On Food Cards
Rhonda encouraged members to purchase the cards from her while Don is away.  Pat reviewed the program, confirming that 17 cents on every dollar goes to Sources, while the card recipient enjoys the full card value at any Save-On store.
Fund Raising – Sip and Savour Event
Pat shared that Jeff Wong use to coordinate this event.  Pat noted that without Swirl’s lead role in this, would this be an event that the Rotary 5 clubs might want to pursue?  He will share any further discussions with us.
Pat encouraged our members to support the Rotaract Club Meetings held on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm at the Rotary Field House.
Next Meetings:
**There will be NO Executive Meeting on September 19. **
It was agreed that we instead combine the Executive and Business Meeting on September 26. 
Guest Speaker – Douglas Dunn
Pat introduced Douglas Dunn from SOS Children’s Village.
Douglas is a professional fund raiser and entrepreneur with a long and extensive history with Rotary.  As a young Rotarian, he flew to South Africa to find hosts for the exchange program and noted that his international Rotary experience changed his life.
SOS is an international program offering an alternative model to our traditional foster care.  They believe that every child should belong to a family and grow with love, respect and security.
Douglas shared that SOS operates from 4 key principles:
  1.  Heart of the home is a mom or dad who is trained to be a professional caregiver.
  2. Seek to keep siblings together.
  3. Offer a safe and secure home within the same community through a village structure.
  4. Make a life-time commitment for each child.
Douglas provided a number of examples of how the traditional foster care system is bursting at its seams and failing children.He then described how their model of care is a more effective approach, operating as the world’s largest child development agency that is non-political.They have 498,000 kids under their guardianship.
He believes that the key to their success rests with their professionally trained care-givers, and their life-time commitment to each child.
SOS has been nominated 13 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Canada currently shows that 8/1000 children are in foster care, and the average in developed countries is 1/1000.
Delegated agency status to obtain guardianship
Want to show infrastructure program that returns 200% ROI
Investment in 10 years to redesign the Canadian foster care system bring the number of children in care in Canada down to 1/1000.
Asking for;
1)  Talk to others about SOS!
2)  Think about foster kids and give them a chance to succeed — call SOS for help.
3)  Always need funds - gift cards are great.  Kids on street ask for grocery cards - many are couch surfing and need food.
Douglas closed with a couple of touching success stories, illustrating how a life-time commitment of professional caregivers helps to create successful and productive citizens.
Pat thanked Douglas for his poignant presentation.
Pat adjourned the meeting at 8:45 am.        
Minutes of September 5, 2018 Business Meeting


Jerry Zdril – President and Chairperson
Don Boyce
Peter Herz
Roberta Zdril
Chip Bowness
Jeff Richards
Pat Hahn
Rick Singh
Scott Phemister
Rhonda Latreille

Guest - Bonnie Sutherland
Guest - Alex Nixon


Meeting Call to Order and Welcome:

Jerry opened the meeting at 7:15 am and Scott led the singing of “O Canada.”

Peter provided the innovation.

Jerry introduced 2 guests - Alex Nixon, BIA, and Bonnie Sutherland from North Delta Rotary Club. 

Rotary Minute:

Rick shared information about the 6th Annual World Polio Day Event held on October 24 in Philadelphia, PA.  This event honours the birthday of Dr. Jonas Salk and celebrates his leadership in helping to develop the first vaccine to eliminate polio.  In 2007, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation joined with Rotary International, WHO, CDC, and UNICEF in support of the Global Polio Elimination Initiative (GPEI).   Because of this bold action and immunization over the many years, the number of kids diagnosed with polio has plummeted from 360,000 to just 14 reported cases this year worldwide. 

Operational Fund Raising:

            50/50 Draw

The District Governor, Linda Murray, notified all Rotary Clubs in the District about the need to cease involvement in any ‘chase the Ace’ progressive 50/50 draws.  According to the BC Gaming Commission, these draws are considered to be an unlicensed raffle. Our club will suspend our use of these draws as a fund-raising initiative.

            Happy Dollars

Pat cheerfully collected Happy Dollars from the members.

Projects – Ready - Steady - Go - November 24:

Pat announced that the correct name for Legion Club #240 is the Crescent Beach Legion – NOT the Ocean Park Legion. 

Jerry printed 350 posters for Deidre’s distribution upon her return from Ireland.  Rhonda has these posters right now.  Scott and Pat agreed to get the remainder posters printed. - Need them beginning of October. 

Tickets for the event are $40 each.

Rhonda reminded everyone to start to collect and submit to her 2 items each for the silent auction.  
Don was recognized and thanked for providing the first items for the auction.

Events -- Rotary International Convention:

Hamburg Germany - June 1-5. 

Jerry reviewed information contained in the distributed email about the RI Convention for 2019.  Register before December 15, 2018 to receive $395 early bird rate. 
Rick let everyone know that there is a Rotary Golf Event at St. Andrews June 9 for those who are interested.

Events -- Sources 40th Celebration:

Jerry sent out an email - no response from our club to date to assist with the Rotary tent. Interested volunteers need to let Jerry know by Monday of their desire to participate.

Projects -- Request for Monitors. 

Bonnie Sutherland from North Delta Rotary provided information about the African Ruggedized Education System (ARED).  The ARES is an online server that connects via wifi to tablets, laptops, computers and smartphones.  Rugged and can handle challenges of power surges, heat, dust, and shocks.  This provides a massive amount of information to schools – especially schools throughout rural Kenya.  Content includes over 30,000 videos, Ted Talks, Kahn Academy, textbooks, Kenyan and British Syllabus etc. 

Container is being loaded for Africa, and prior to September 15, they need donated monitors, keyboards, and mice. 

Jerry offered to coordinate our club collection up to Monday, Sept. 10, and Chip offered to help as well, especially after Jerry and Roberta leave after Sept. 10.

Events -- Ride for Rotary - India

Jerry shared information about the Ride for Rotary - Motorcycle Ride held January 13 – 27, 2019 -- starting in Mumbai and concluding in Mangaluru, India.  Email distributed to all members.


Jeff reported that the Imperial Gardens still does not have a liquor license for our next social scheduled for Sept. 19.  Rick suggested we wait until they obtain their liquor license and instead go to the Chaba Thai restaurant in Cloverdale — Rick to confirm a reservation for Sept. 19 and will get back to us.  We can byob and there is no corkage fee.  Restaurant is located by 176 and 56th. 

Guest Speaker:  Alex Nixon, White Rock BIA

Jerry introduced Alex who assumed the position of Executive director in June of this year.

Business Improvement Association (BIA) facilitates events and programs and supports local businesses so they can thrive.  BIA also works to develop community awareness and spirit. 

Alex talked about how the events are received well by the public and serve to promote and support local business.  TD concerts on the pier are good examples of events that serve the community and local businesses. 

In addition to the concerts, BIA is involved in the Taste of White Rock, Vitality Expo, street banners and lighting as well as advocating on behalf of businesses to the city.  They also serve to advocate/communicate/facilitate by hosting All Candidates meetings for upcoming elections.

Alex also commented that they run successful social media campaigns when they host events – the businesses are supported and promoted.

When Alex asked for feedback and suggestions, Rick brought up the issue of the lack of parking that is not exclusive to the waterfront.  Local businesses downtown also struggle with limited parking for customers and clients. 

Jerry suggested that BIA use influence for multi-level parking downtown area. 

Other issues - development of South Surrey - taking people away from local White Rock merchants.  Transportation - construction road on Johnston road.  Issues around red tape around patios and awnings and rent - not unique to White Rock.

Because the TD concerts are so successful, looking to add more concerts at the 5 corners, east beach, and west beach.  These are scheduled for Thursday evening to stimulate activity for businesses/restaurants. 

Alex shared that the public want more beer gardens. 
Jerry asked if BIA would consider partnering with Rotary for beer gardens.  Space for beer gardens available at 5 corners and east and perhaps west beach as well.

Jerry confirmed that he would follow up with Alex about pursuing this potential fund-raising partnership.

Scott shared that Rotary use to be involved in a chili cook off with the BIA - local restaurants prepared their best chili recipes and the public would taste and vote.  Scott remarked that these were fun, even though they didn’t make a lot of money. 

Alex stated that he loves the idea of even more events - would like to see something happening every week-end.

Chip told Alex about the interest from the arts community in establishing an arts corridor and suggested this might be a good project for the BIA to work on with the Semiahmoo Arts Association.  Alex agreed to review with Greg Smith.

Jerry thanked Alex - donated hot lunches in Sources on his behalf.

Don away till mid October.

Rhonda agreed to take over the Save-On cards on Don’s behalf.

Jeff away for 10 days..


Jerry adjourned at 8:30.

Minutes of August 29 2018 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril – President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn – Sgt. of Arms
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Peter Herz
Don Boyce
Jeff Richards
Alan Benson
Rhonda Latreille
Greg Smith – Guest Speaker
Meeting Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry opened the meeting at 7:15 am and Don led the singing of “O Canada.”

Pat provided the invocation.

Rotary Minute
A Rotary Minute was not prepared for this meeting. 

Jerry shared that some clubs review the 4 Way Test at each meeting, and suggested that we add this to our regular agenda.  Jerry offered to start the practice at this meeting. 

Alan let us know that the 4 Way Test was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert Taylor when he was asked to turn around a failing business. 

Chip confirmed that people join for connection, fellowship, and goodwill, and stay for those reasons as well.  Fellowship was listed as the #1 reason for joining, with service being #2.  Fellowship is needed for good service.

Operational Budget Fundraising
Jerry started the 50/50 draw for this meeting.  Our guest speaker, Greg Smith won the 50/50 draw and donated his proceeds back to the pot.  Pat solicited contributions for Happy Dollars.

Rotary International Convention
Prior to the meeting, Jerry distributed an email promoting the 110th Rotary International Convention scheduled for June 1-5, 2-19 in Hamburg, Germany.  A registration link was included in the email.

13th Annual West Africa Project Fair
Jerry reminded us of the email he distributed the day before announcing the Polio Immunization exercise that will be part of the West Africa Project Fair scheduled for October 2-11, 2018 in Cotonou, Benin, West Africa.

Sources Fair – September 15, 2018
Anyone interested in volunteering at the Sources Fair will need to let Jerry know and he’ll pass the names on to Sources.  Volunteers are needed in 1-1.5 hour blocks to assist with handing out brochures and talking about the benefits and vision of Rotary.

Sources Ad – Revisit
Don asked if we could revisit our decision to not purchase an Ad in the Peace Arch page in celebration of Sources 40th Anniversary.

In terms of process, Peter reviewed that the members had originally decided to support the ad during a regular Business Meeting, and then the Exec voted to not go forward. 

This Exec decision was then brought back to the general Business Meeting and the group voted to not go forward.

Jeff reminded us that we have no funding in our operational budget for this ad, but could make a direct contribution to Sources through our Project Funds budget.

Fund Raiser – Ready – Steady – Go
Roberta provided group with the following update and opened the discussion to the floor:
  • Booking confirmed with Legion.
  • Kitchen will be made available to us for a specified period of time.
  • Roberta will send the updated Poster to everyone for comment prior to forwarding to Scott for printing.
  • Breaks for the band have been established.
  • Jerry reminded us of our commitment for each of us to submit 2 items for the silent auction.
  • ONLY dollars our club receives will be through ticket sales and silent auction – we will receive no dollars from food and drink sales.
  • Jeff agreed to look into license for 50/50 raffle.
  • Tickets will be ready soon and each member will receive an initial set of 10 tickets to sell.  Rhonda will track auction contributions and ticket sales.
  • Rick suggested that we consider a wine board and Canuck tickets through a live auction.
  • Greg Smith suggested that the silent auction be closed earlier and that the higher end items might best be handled through a live auction at the end rather than as part of the silent auction.
  • Jeff brought to our attention a potential competitive event hosted by the Semiahmoo Club on November 9, promoting the ‘Eagle Eyes’ band.

Grant Application – Rotary International
Chip updated the members regarding the revised and re-submitted application to Rotary International for the Cambodia Project.  Still awaiting a response.

Social – September 18, 2018
It was agreed that we would hold the September 18 Social at the new Chinese Restaurant that now holds a liquor license.

Jeff agreed to contact the Restaurant to consider a pre-set menu for the event.

Guest Speaker – Greg Smith, Semiahmoo Arts Association
Pat introduced our guest speaker, Greg Smith from the Semiahmoo Arts Association and recognized the outstanding and long-term contribution Greg and his wife Marlena have made to the arts community in White Rock.

Greg thanked Rotary for support for the Media Lab and remarked on how Semiahmoo Arts is growing and thriving.  They now have full-time staff and their budget has tripled over the past 4 years.

Greg shared 3 main messages:
  1.  Local arts and supporters are tribal – hardly aware of each other with little coordination, lacking a consolidated powerful voice.
  2. Arts environment is vibrant.  Impressive array of established and new artists.  Good educational support and young students showing promise for the future.  Media Lab is important, offering tools for cell phone moving making and use of editing equipment.
  3. Promotion is frozen with not enough opportunity for artists to have their works displayed and for them to shine.  This is particularly true for sculptures, requiring more space for display.
Greg commented that they are in need for strong outside leadership and suggested that this could be an area where our Rotary Club could contribute.

Jeff recommended that given our desire to identify new areas of involvement and service, the local art community might be a good fit for our group to consider.
Rhonda agreed to contact Barbara Nelson, Executive Director of the Semiahmoo Arts Association to start an exploratory conversation about where they are at, their vision, gaps, and areas where we could potentially provide leadership and support.  Rhonda will bring the details of this conversation back to our members.
Pat thanked Greg for his service to the arts and his presentation.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:37 am
August 22 2018 Business Meeting
August 22, 2018 Business Meeting
Jerry Zdril – President and Chairperson
Roberta Zdril
Pat Hahn – Sgt. of Arms
Rick Singh
Chip Bowness
Peter Herz
Don Boyce
Jeff Richards
Scott Phemister
Rhonda Latreille
Meeting Call to Order and Welcome
Jerry opened the meeting at 7:14 am and Scott lead the singing of “O Canada.”
Roberta provided the invocation.
Rotary Minute
A Rotary Minute was not assigned this week and Pat instead provided an update about the success and fun of the Golfun event.
50/50 Draw
In his role of Sgt. of Arms, Pat explained how the 50/50 draw works, and started a fresh run.
Business from Executive Meeting
Funding Request - Rotaract
We were asked to contribute to help cover the costs of the airfare to Chicago.  Not sure we initially agreed to do this, and suspect that our general offer to support and help out the Rotaract Club may have been misconstrued.  We agreed to cover the requested amount retroactively and let them know we need a more formal process for documenting and approving requests.
Chip suggested that we ask the member who attended the conference in Chicago to attend one of our meetings to update us on the event.  We would be pleased to ask the Rotaract member to attend with an executive representative if that would help them to feel more comfortable.
Jerry let us know that they are almost ready for their Charter Event, and he will pass on the invitation.

Funding Request – Lashibi School
We received a funding request to contribute toward the construction of a school. This request did not meet with our criteria to not simply write a cheque and to instead be involved with project where we have some engagement and participation.
It was agreed that we would respond with a nice letter declining the request, letting them know of our existing commitments.
Funding Request – Sources 40th Year
Sources is celebrating their 40th year anniversary and contacted us to see if we want to participate in a celebratory page in the Peace Arch by purchasing a small add.
We don’t have an advertising budget for this and do not want to use our 1 free advertising for this request.
It was decided that we would forego our participation in this Ad celebration and Pat recommended that we give any support directly to Sources rather than through the purchase of an Ad.
New Funding Request – Sources 40th Anniversary Fair
Sources is holding a Community Celebration and asked if the 5 Clubs would like to put up a tent.  The event will be held on Sept. 15 from 8 am - 5 pm.  Jerry will get more information about requirements and any potential costs.
Honourary Members
Jeff confirmed that the status of Honourary Member is left to the discretion of the Board.   
During the Executive Meeting, it was agreed that we would update the list and remove those members who have not participated in the club for the past year.  The following names would be deleted from the list of Honourary Members:
Catherine Ferguson
Gerry St. Germain
Ken Kimberly.
Where a club member has a current relationship with an identified Honourary member, the club member will reach out to the Honourary member to see if they are interested in re-engaging with the club.  Pat and Jeff agreed to contact Catherine.  It was suggested that we might want to consider a standard letter, and Pat recommended a personal approach instead of a letter to always encourage their participation.
Projects – President’s Meeting
Jerry shared how some of the clubs are finding it difficult to fund raise, and it was suggested at the President’s meeting that we consider a large group event to raise more substantial amounts of funds to be shared between the clubs. 
The Langley Ribfest was held up as an idea/example and it was recognized that these events require a large number of volunteers.
Peter warned against 5 club events that could lead to a potential amalgamation of the clubs. 
Rick suggested that we pursue our own individual club fund raising events, and that we reserve multi-club events for shared projects. 
Potential Fund-Raising Projects
Jerry brought our attention to the Semiahmoo 1st nations land and band shell on Marine Drive.  We could potentially explore a crab fest or beer fest at that venue.  Chip suggested that we start a dialogue and relationship with the Semiahmoo 1st nations band so that they can get to know each other and feel more comfortable about the potential for mutual projects.
Ready – Steady – Go – November 24
Roberta provided us with a robust update.
There was some concern that an event scheduled with the same band for the day before may compete with our event.
Simon (promoter) explained that the band is booked the day before for ‘Everything Liverpool.’  This is through the radio station that sent them to Liverpool.  This event is only $15 and is scheduled on November 23 from 7:30-10:30. 
Roberta believes this will not be competitive to our event.
Our Ready – Steady – Go Event details:
We will be holding a silent auction and Roberta shared that the Legion does not want us hold a 50/50 draw.  Jeff offered that this was likely due to their concern with a gaming license and we already qualify for a license, so this may not be an issue.
We asked that every member contribute 2 items to the silent auction and that the minimum value per item be set at $50.00.
Rhonda agreed to manage the silent auction items and track the ticket distribution and sales.
Pat agreed to get the tickets by September 26 and Roberta will update the poster this week.  Pat and Scott will ensure the posters get printed.
We agreed to raise the price from $35 per person to $40 per person.
Roberta suggested a poster blitz no later than October 22.
Future Meetings
All future meetings to be held at the Pacific Inn until further notice.
Jerry and Roberta will be away from September 12 – November 7 and the list below confirms persons chairing meetings in Jerry’s absence:
September 12:  Pat
September 19: Rick – Social
September 26: Scott
October 3: Rick
October 10: Jeff
October 17: Rick – Social
October 24: Jeff
October 31: Don
November 7: Don
Don reminded members of the Save-On Gift Card promotion.  He has lots of cards available for purchase!
Jeff announced that the 50/50 draw brought in $42 today with $26.50 for the club.  At this rate, we would earn $1,800 per year with the draw.
Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:37
August 8 2018 Minutes -- Business Meeting
Business Meeting - Aug. 8, 2018

Thanks to Peter Herz for serving as the scribe for this meeting.
There were lots of visitors and not too many members.  Speaker and new Governor was Linda Murray who also brought her husband, Rotarian Bill Murray.  Also visiting was Don from North Carolina, Concord Sunrise club.  Don has a daughter in White Rock.
President, Jerry Zdril and wife, Roberta, were back from Uganda.
O’Canada was led by Rick Singh and the invocation was given by Don Boyce.
Don from N. Carolina passed around a bucket for loose change which is a tradition in the Eastern U.S.A . started  in 1994.
Jerry gave the Rotary minute quoting from Rotary international President stating that Rotary has strength beyond that of individuals, that Rotary works to create a better world, and that we need to look at everything that we do.
THERE WILL BE NO REGULAR MEETING next week.  There will be a cold pot luck at Zdrills apartment in the evening and an executive meeting in the morning at the usual place.  The executive will consider buying an advertisement to congratulate Sources on 40 years, and advertise our club at the same time.  At the social there will be a raffle of a cork screw and a bottle of wine.  Rick will bring ribs.  As mentioned by e mail, the Langley Rotary Club is looking for help in its first Rib Fest.  Port Moody Rotary Club has had a Rib Fest for the last several years and looks after volunteers very well.  Semiahmoo Rotary Club is planning a rib fest for next year.
The new Rotaract Club is to be officially started on Sunday Aug. 12 from 2 – 6 pm.  Preregistration is required.  Rotaract members have been invited to our club meetings.
Emery Dosdall introduced Linda Murray.
Linda is from Los Angeles but moved to Washington State.  She had worked in Human Resources but she and Bill started Evergreen Security employing 15 people.  She held several other positions and is a member of the Mukilteo Club.  She led an exchange to India.
Linda said we are her first visit and she also just signed her first grant rquest which was ours.  She stated that the district has goals of change and continuity which are not contradictory.  Every club should have a 5 year plan which comes out of a visioning process which the district will help on.  She sees retention as key to growth.  Her plan is for a growth of 64 members, an average of 1 per club.  Membership seminars are available through Rob Frost who has spoken to our club.  She said a club should never say NO to a new project proposal.  Our club should be THE service club in the area.  We must all show pride in our club.  Our club is one of only 8 in the district that is 100% EREY.  There are many young professionals some of whom a Rotaracters but only 4% join Rotary.  She announced that RLI which was Rotary Leadership Institute will now be Rotary Learning Institute. 

The Peace Arch Journal has a new editor, James Munro, who has big shoes to fill.
The next District Conference will have a Caribbean theme.  There will be no black tie clothes and there will be a prize for the best presentation about a project – not a best project.  She closed by saying have fun and answered questions.
July 25 2018 Business Meeting
Meeting Call to Order and Welcome
Pat chaired the meeting on Jerry’s behalf, opened the meeting and led the singing of “O Canada.”
Deidre provided the invocation, expressing special gratitude for Rick’s recovery.
Pat welcomed our guest speaker, Bill Jones, and thanked Jeff and Marjorie for hosting the outstanding club barbeque.
  1. Sip and Savor not going ahead this year.
  2. Beatles Night scheduled for November.
  3. Shred a thon was a great success and looking to add another one in the spring
Pat encouraged us to think of additional Fund Raisers
Financial Report – Jeff
Jeff stated that we currently have approximately $34,000 in the bank, with $1,000 of this total available for the club operating budget.
The club has an operating requirement of $8,000 per year.  Projections show that this is currently underfunded, and Jeff remarked that if we do not continue with the Breakfast autopay system (which contributes to this budget,) we will need to replace between $3,000-$3,200 per year.
Without the breakfast autopay and additional funds, we anticipate a club operating shortfall of approximately $200 per member.
Discussion points:
  • Shift RYLA and YAIL from operating budget to project budgets (address approximately $1,000).
  • Add Sergeant of Arms collections at member socials as well.
  • Breakfast autopay provides budget predictability, while a self-pay system allows for greater flexibility for those who prefer a light or no breakfast, as well as those who are not able to attend each meeting.  Self-pay may be preferred for attracting new members, while auto-pay may help to encourage meeting attendance.  Discussion also explored separate meeting fees, and potential for 2-tiered auto-pay options.  Knowing that we are looking at ways to meet the $200 per person shortfall, it was suggested that an immediate additional membership fee increase of $200 per person in one step would be experienced as too extreme and was not recommended.
Motion:  It was moved by Jeff and seconded by Rick that:  “For the next 6 months, we test a new approach whereby we self-pay our breakfasts, apply a $100 per person regular membership fee increase and supplement the shortfall with special events and Sergeant of Arms at club socials to raise additional funds.”
Motion Carried.
Jeff added that this new approach would take effect July 1, 2018.  Since we are billed in 6-month intervals, Jeff would apply an additional $50 to the membership fee for the period of July 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018, with the 2nd $50 additional fee applied in the following 6-month interval.
New Membership Fee Rates:
Motion:  It was moved by Jeff and seconded by Deidre that: “The Regular Active Member fee be increased from $250 per year to $350 per year.  The Family Membership would include the new $350 per year for one active member and the additional family member would pay $200 per year for a total combined Family Membership annual fee of $550.”
Motion Carried.
Outstanding Membership Fee Issues:
It agreed that the club would defer discussion to a future meeting regarding the considerations of Corporate Membership Fees and the potential waiving or application of Initiation Fees for Honorary Members shifting to Family Membership.  Jeff encouraged everyone to google Rotary Corporate Membership fees to gain some awareness of the variety of options currently employed by other clubs.
Deidre thanked Jeff for all of his hard work on helping us to explore issues and options in meeting our operational budget requirements.
Jeff reminded everyone to self-pay for their breakfast on the way out.
Rotary Minute
There was no Rotary Minute at this meeting.
Future Meetings
All future meetings to be held at the Pacific Inn until further notice.
August 1 – NO MEETING – Long Week-end
August 8 – Regular Meeting – Pacific Inn – New District Governor, Linda Murray, to attend.
Projects – Save-On Gift Cards
Don reminded members of the Save-On Gift Card promotion.  He has lots of cards available for purchase!
Guest Presentation:  Bill Jones Tour of Portugal
Peter introduced the guest speaker, Bill Jones, Past Rotarian.
Bill shared a pictorial review of he and his wife, Joan’s month-long travels throughout Portugal this April.  He started with a brief history of milestone events from the Roman influence, the Moors, Henry the Navigator, the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, all the way to the shift to democracy in 1974.  This set a wonderful foundation for his present-day tour of Portugal.  The tour started at the northern city of Porto and continued inland to the Douro Valley.  From there, the review took us to Coimbra, Nazare, Evora, Algarve and ended in Lisbon.  Bill provided something for everyone, from vineyards to terraced orchards, Roman ruins, beaches, museums, and art galleries, to Portugal’s own ‘Stonehenge.’  By the end of the presentation, we were all ready to book our flights.
Rhonda thanked Bill for his informative and engaging presentation.
Pat adjourned the meeting.
July 11 2018 Minutes
Meeting Call to Order and Welcome
Scott led the singing of “O Canada” and Don provided the invocation.
Jerry welcomed our guests/speakers, Sarah Dunham and Christina Shephard from Roots of Empathy.
Membership Categories:
Deidre reminded members that clubs can now consider offering new categories of membership and it appears that no there are no additional by-law requirements to introduce new options.  Deidre emailed everyone the new categories and their respective fees earlier this week, (individual and family memberships as well as corporate 1-2-person memberships) and both Deidre and Jeff asked everyone to review the options and let Jeff know before the end of the week. 
Meeting Venue and Food

Individual bills versus automatic payment: 
Membership have been weighing-in regarding the option of paying a standard fee each month for breakfast or paying their own individual bills at each meeting.  Jeff reminded the membership that should we move to individual bills, that the membership fee would have to be increased to cover the guest breakfast costs.  It was agreed that this would be explored further at the executive meeting, and the executive would bring a recommendation back to the regular business meeting.

Further discussion regarding concern with Ricky’s being able to meet our timing requirements for breakfast service.  We can stay at the Pacific Inn a little longer than originally indicated, and we will use this time to also consider other options.
Rotary Minute
Rick provided the Rotary Minute and quoted from the new RI President’s comments about the need to ‘Be the Inspiration’ and remove barriers.
Golf Event is scheduled for August 17 at Linden, Wa.  $125 US.  Looks like we have a foursome! Register on the District Website.

This month’s club social will be held on July 18.  First considered the new Imperial Garden at Semiahmoo Mall but they do not yet have a liquor license.  It was suggested that we schedule the Imperial Garden once their liquor license is approved. Rick recommended a Thai restaurant in Cloverdale that allows you to BYOB without a corkage fee, and he will get back to us with details. 
Future Meetings
July 18 - Executive Meeting – Rickys – Pat to Chair
July 25 – Regular Meeting with Guest Speaker – Pacific Inn
August 1 – NO MEETING – Long Week-end
August 8 – Regular Meeting – Pacific Inn – New District Governor, Linda Murray, to attend.
Project Update
Orphanage – Battambang
Deidre reported that the Global and District Grant requests have been submitted.  She gave special thanks to Chip for his work on this as well.  We should hear from the District grant by the end of August, with final determinations around November-December this year.
Sgt of Arms
Membership had lots of happy dollars (and a sad dollar) to donate to Scott’s effective canvasing.
Members Update
Jerry and Roberta will be volunteering in Africa – leaving July 12 and returning August 3.  They will also be away again for 8 weeks in September/October.
Deidre and Brian are planning to in Ireland from the end of July for an anticipated couple of months.
Scott will away for a month – leaving the following week. 
Guest Presentation – Roots of Empathy
Jerry introduced the guest speakers, Sarah Dunham and Christina Shepherd from Roots of Empathy.
Founded by Mary Gordon, a kindergarten teacher, this program’s main objective is to stop inter-generational cycles of violence by teaching/demonstrating to young children what empathy looks like.  Trained instructors bring babies into the classroom and encourage the children to observe and start to identify what the baby is feeling and communicating.  They report that research confirmed that this increases empathy and pro-social skills in children while decreasing aggression.
Sarah and Christina are asking for a donation of $1,200 (to be matched by a private donor) to cover the costs of training one instructor.
July 11 Correction
No meetings have taken place since June 13. 
A club social was held on June 27 at Watt's Cooking on Marine Drive.

NOTE: July 11 meeting will be held at the Ricky's starting at 7:15 AM.  It will be a business meeting.

Sorry about the confusion

June 6 Meeting
Scribe's notes
Scott led singing of "O Canada" and Roberta provided the invocation. The meeting was held at "Ricky's" and a review of this location will be made at the next meeting.  As well, additional information from the "Roadhouse" has been obtained.
Jerry and Roberta discussed their day spent at RYLA on May 26.  A very good day that proved the worth of the RYLA experience in leadership.  The new Rotaract club being formed had 5 new members as a result of RYLA.  A request for $100 to support the Rotaract club was received and will be discussed at the June 13 meeting.
SOS Children's Village has requested a $2,000 donation from our club.  After some discussion, Chip volunteered to attend the June 13 open house at SOS and report back to the club with his findings.  The club reinforced the criteria of not simply "writing cheques" in deciding on organizations and projects to support.
Chip, Brian and Deirdre continue to work on the MOU for the Battambang orphanage Global Grant.  It is important to have the application for the Global Grant submitted before July 1st. 
Reminder to members to provide their continuing donations to the Rotary Foundation.
Sergeant at Arms, Scott, fined members and collected Happy/Sad dollars.
Next meeting, June 13,  is a combined Executive and members meeting at the Pacific Inn
May 30 Meeting
May 30 Meeting Notes
Scott led singing of "O Canada" and Peter provided the invocation.
Jerry explained that he will lead the next 3 meetings, including May 30 since he will be away in July.  Pat will chair meetings then.
Announcements included:
1.  Linda Murray, the District Governor for next year, has scheduled her visit for August 8.  
2.  Jerry contacted Roadhouse Grill for possible meeting site after Pacific Inn closes.  Members expressed concern about the starting time and temperature of the room in the winter.  Sharon at the Roadhouse will be contacted by Jerry about the concerns raised.
3.  It was decided to schedule our June 6 meeting at Ricky's on KIng George Blvd.  Jeff confirmed that Ricky's will be available for that date.   
     June 6 meeting will be at Ricky's 
4.  Scott indicated that the "Shred It " fundraiser is on track.  He will arrive at 6 AM to set up the parking lot.  Needs club members to be available at 8:30 to set up tables and other items.  He stated that coffee, muffins and pizza were paid for by Renee last year. He will contact Ocean Park Pizza to see if they will donate the pizza.  Please continue to promote the event.
Discussion the moved to the determination of fundraising events to support our projects.  The following fundraising goals were suggested:
1. Orphanage $5,000;      2. Hospice in Thailand $5,000;      3. Learning Center $2,500;       4. Sources Food Bank $300;      5. Salvation Army $500
for a total of $13,300
Fundraising activities were then discussed and the preliminary list includes:
1. Beatles nite - Deirdre has booked the band and Legion for November 24.  Suggestions were made to investigate the Star of the Sea hall which would allow for club to capture the revenues from the sale of bar items.  Deirdre will investigate.
2. Shred It - possibility of holding this event twice a year will be investigated.  As well, Rick suggested that we may be able to collaborate with Staples and establish an arrangement where revenues earned from their shredding over one month would be donated to our club.  Further discussion is needed.
3.  Sip and Savor event has been scheduled for October 27. 
4,  Couch Potato - was briefly discussed and will need more discussion and investigation.
The club will continue to consider the above items at the next meeting.
Lastly, the club should consider funding other community organizations and needs.  A needs analysis was suggested, and will be expanded upon at the June 6 meeting.
May 23 Installation 
Installation Dinner for Incoming President
A  cocktail reception was followed by  O’Canada, Invocation by Carlos and Introduction of guests which included spouses in attendance, Emery Dosdall and LindaGene Coyle.
After dinner Pat spoke about his two terms as President. 
Presented the Rotarian of the Year to Deirdre.
Pat and LindaGene introduced Renee as the newest Honorary Rotarian.
District Governor, LindaGene,  was introduced by Emery and she officially installed the 2018/2019 Executive.
Closing Remarks from Jerry recognized the strength of the club is a result of active, talented and committed members.  We are involved in both community and international projects. 
Jerry asked all members to reflect on what brought them into Rotary and to commit to bringing new ideas to the club.
It was a marvelous night and thanks again to all that we do for Rotary.
May 16 Meeting
Club social at 3 Dogs Brewery in White Rock.  Great time had by all that attended.
Thanks to Rick for organizing the event and pizza.
May 9 Meeting
May 9 Meeting Notes
Chip led singing of "O Canada" and Don provided invocation
Pat read a letter to the club from a student at South Surrey/White Rock Learning Center.   Student is very grateful for our support.
The Shred It event is happening on June 9 (See above poster).  Scott is coordinating with Safeway the setting up of the parking lot.  
Rick is arranging for the June 16th social - it will be held at 3 Dogs Brewing 15214 North Bluff Rd starting a 6 PM.  Each member will pay to Rick $10 towards the pizza that is being ordered.
No meeting on May 23rd. That evening is the installation dinner at Beecher's Place in Crescent Beach.
The balance of the meeting focuses on discussing the goals for the club for next year (2018 - 2019) with regards to projects.  Jerry briefly described his leadership style which is best described as a "Thinker" according to Rotary's categorization.
Started by listing the the following items - discussed and revised by members
Shred It          Beatles nites          Sip N Savor        5 Club Breakfast              Fools Night Out           Couch Potato 
Orphanage in Cambodia       Hospice in Thailand         Sophie's Place/PADS       South Surrey/White Rock learning Center          Sources Food Bank    Bryant Park 
Salvation Army ($500)        Peace Arch Elementary School            WASRAG in Africa             DARE        Polar Bear Swim  Rotaracts
Members stated that it is useful to establish criteria and guidelines for both Community and International projects.    The following items were developed:
1.  Focus on youth
2.  No solicitations or simply cheque writing 
3.  Hands on
4.  Get the Most benefit from the least amount spent
5.  Club initiated
After discussion and revision, members agreed to continue to support:
Orphanage in Cambodia       
Hospice in Thailand 
South Surrey/White Rock learning Center          
Sources Food Bank
Salvation Army ($500)
The next meeting, which will take place on May 30rd, will establish the proposed funding amount for each project. 
Then the club will determine the fundraising activities that will be necessary to provide the funding for the projects.
May 2 Meeting
Scribe May 2 2018
We had a very good turnout today with many visitors.  Additional chairs and tables were required, thanks possibly to Dierdre’s e mail, though the planned speaker had to cancel late due to a family emergency.
O’ Canada was led by guest, Mark Donnely, who of course did it very well.
Innovation was given by Alan Benson.
Guests introduced by Deirdre included Susan McGregor, and the owner of 3 Dog Brewing.  She and Pat both introduced Cliff Anabal and Christina from Whiteclife care home and Pat introduced Gary McIntosh and his wife.
Peter summarized last Saturday’s breakfast which was good in spite of rising costs and thanked those who worked on clean up.  Pat reminded all about the shredding event coming on June 9.  Dierdre has posters.  At explained expected funds raised and beneficiaries community events and the Learning Centre.  Chip summarized the Learning Centre new program and our involvement including equipment donations and volunteer teachers Pat, Herb, Brian and Rick.
Pat summarized some of what Rotary is for visitors.
Brian summarized our two international projects, the orphanage in Cambodia and the Aids hospice in Thailand.  
Pat spoke of the Rotary Foundation from which we still hope to get a grant.
Speaker in place of Cathy Jesson was Rhonda Latreille introduced by Deirdre.
Rhonda is the founder of a company on aging.  She gave  talk and slide show.  She told us that life expectancy is rapidly increasing and needs to be considered in cities and rural areas.  There has been a noble beginning but there is more to do.  Businesses must consider people over 50, not just products and/or services.  She asked us to consider how we feel as compared to our chronological age and said on average people feel 15 years younger.  Ageism is too tolerated in our society.  She gave examples of birthday cards and an old KFC commercial.  Age causes high tone deafness, vision loss, mobility problems, chronic problems and cognition problems all of which can be dealt with.
Rhonda was thanked by Jeff.
April 25 Meeting
Scott led the singing of “O Canada” and Rhonda provided the invocation
Pat introduced our quests, Ross Phemister, Ray Paquet, and Meagan Jones.
Peter, the 5 Club Rotary Breakfast on April 28.  Tickets sales are good.  Our club is responsible for cleanup after the event.
The Semiahmoo Club golf tournament is taking place on June 21st. Cost is $400 per person.
Pat reviewed the executive meeting held on April 18th at Ricky’s.
  • Executive declined to provide support to the Rotary club near Humboldt.
  • Executive declined to provide donation to the visiting club from Thailand as requested by Preet Paul during her presentation on April 11
  • The club approved the motion from executive that establishes an amount of $500 that can be spent by members when necessary for non-approved expenses.
  • The club approved the $390 Fee for Family Memberships.
Pat thanked Chip for his work on the White Rock Learning Center (WRLC) project. 
Chip indicated that Rona did not provide any kind of support or donation to the WRLC.  Chip also will propose to Rory at WRLC, our club’s willingness to present a class on basic finances to students at WRLC.
Rhonda reminded members about the Save on Food cards available for purchase.
Jeff has received the check for $2,140 for the clubs share of the Sip and Savor event.
Roberta reviewed the May 23rd dinner.  Cost is $40 per ticket and includes the meal, wine and beer.
Jerry and Scott will prepare the poster for the Shred It fundraiser on June 9.  Scott will prepare the site on the day of the event.  Arrangements for muffins, coffee and pizza are being made.
Jerry introduced Ray and Meagan, our guest speakers.
Ray has been involved with RYLA, YAIL, Rotaract for 30 years. There are over 200,000 Rotaract members worldwide.
Rotaract has a focus on mentorship, mentoring and hands on projects. Dues are very reasonable at $50 per members.
The new club being formed will be successful and needs support from all of the clubs in South Surrey and White Rock areas. 
If members know of anyone that would be interested in Rotaract, contact Jerry and Roberta. They will accompany them to the meetings being held every second Wednesday at Laura’s Coffee Shop.
It was suggested that the WRLC would be a potential source of candidates.
For more information on Rotaract go to
Deirdre thanked Ray and Meagan for their presentation.
April 18 Social
Members enjoyed an excellent meal at Afghan Kitchen.  The owner Hassib has an interesting background, He is willing to share his story with our club and we will invite him to one of our meetings as a guest speaker.
April 11 meeting
Don led the singing of “O Canada” and provided the invocation
Pat spoke about the CD’s he has from his PET’s training that has the speeches from the Keynote presenters. He has them for others to view.
He also reviewed the district assembly that occurred on April 7. It is a valuable opportunity to broaden members understanding of Rotary and its programs.
A reminder about the new Rotaract Club being formed in South Surrey.  Meetings are held every second Wednesday at 6 PM at Laura’s Coffee Shop, next one is April 18.  Ray and Meaghan from the proposed Rotaract club will be attending our April 25 meeting.
Peter mentioned the 5 Club Rotary Breakfast on April 28.  Tickets are available for $15 each.  Our club is responsible for cleanup after the event. A signup sheet was circulated.
The Semiahmoo Club golf tournament is taking place on June 21st. Cost is $400 per person.
Next social is at Afghan Kitchen located at 16120 24th Ave.
Reminder that the next executive meeting will be held on April 18th at 8 AM. The meeting will take place at Ricky’s restaurant on King George Blvd.
Don has the Save on Food cards available for purchase. He requested that another member take on the distribution of the cards for the next 3 weeks. Rhonda agreed to that.
He also suggested that the club investigate how we can support the Humboldt community as it deals with the loss of players from their hockey team.  Suggestions to provide support to youth to play hockey or support a park were offered.  The executive will discuss this at the April 18th meeting.
Jeff cleaned up the storage unit at Rotary House. Will list the items that he obtained for members to review.  Pat purchased 2 tickets to the Wine and Dine event on April 11.
Jeff has obtained a liquor permit for May 23rd.  Members can not bring their own wine to the event. Jeff and Roberta will coordinate the process for the wine and beer.
Pat introduced Preet Pall, the guest speaker.  She spoke about the 15-day Rotary Friendship Exchange to Thailand that she participated in.  The exchange provides for hosting Rotarians from other clubs around the world. She covered the application process, planning sessions and the costs of the program. Participants pay for their airfare, $250 US in cash and any extras in the country that they visit.
The members from Thailand will be in Canada and US April 25 to May 12 of this year.
Members from our club can join planned events if they wish to. Contact Preet Pall at the Coquitilam  club if interested.
Preet also stated that donations of cash or gifts from our club would be appreciated.
Jeff thanked Preet for her presentation.
April 4 Meeting
Alan led the singing of “O Canada” and provided the invocation
Peter provided the Rotary minute.  There are many more clubs that are adding social events to replace the regular meetings.
Pat delivered to our newest member, Rhonda, the corrected and updated new Membership Certificate.
Jerry will send an invitation to Renee to attend the President’s Installation Event on May 23rd and be recognized as an Honorary member.
As well, Stuart Wilson, will be invited to the event and presented with the Paul Harris Fellowship.
There was a discussion on the new Rotaract Club being formed in South Surrey.  Our club has had members attending the meetings that are held every second Wednesday at 6 PM at Laura’s Coffee Shop.  Representatives from the proposed Rotaract club will be attending our April 25 meeting.
Next executive meeting will be held on April 18th at 8 AM. The meeting will take place at Ricky’s restaurant on King George Blvd.
Don has the Save on Food cards available for purchase.
Peter summarized the 5 Club Rotary Breakfast on April 28.  Tickets are available for $15 each. Cheques are payable to White Rock Rotary.  Our club is responsible for cleanup after the event.
The Semiahmoo Club golf tournament is taking place on June 21st. Cost is $400 per person.
The 5050 District budget for 2018/19 will be discussed and voted on at the April 7 assembly taking place at the Surrey campus of KPU.
Chip will investigate an offer to send out 12,500 flyers for $400.
March 28 Meeting
Scribe Mar. 28, 2018
This was a combined business and executive meeting.  There was a small turnout of members.
Guest Emery talked about the district Assembly April 7th.
Pat reminded us that a shredding event is planned for June 9th.  Posters to be ordered.  Dierdre to help but not chair.  Scott to chair.   Further decisions are to be made next week.
Jeff announced that we still have the previously announced $18,000 plus a new donation of $10,000.  A motion was passed to pay Brian the additional $500 that will bring his $1500 to U.S. funds.  Signing officers have been changed.
Chip announced that the Learning Centre Bike Repair program is going ahead.  Some tools have been donated.  The School Board and Canadian Tire have donated.  Italian biycle stands were bought at a much lower cost than budgeted.  They seem quite strong.  Advertising is not allowed on the school property but can go on the school’s web site.
Joanne reported that the monthly article in the Peace Arch News is still alive.  Water and Sanitation will be featured in the next issue.  There will be one or two New Member ads for Carlos and Rhonda.
Deirdre said membership is growing.  There was considerable discussion about honorary members and Paul Harris recognition at the President’s Installation on May 23rd at Beecher Place.  We have enough points to buy 11 Paul Harris memberships.  It was pointed out that we need a policy about Honorary Memberships that may include age and years in Rotary.  Rotary rules about Honorary Memberships are to be printed and included in package given to new Honorary Members. 
Rick is M.C. for the Installation.
Speakers April 11 will be three people who were on the Friendship Exchange to Thailand.  This will be good meeting and guests should be invited.
Next social will be April 18.  The Afghan Kitchen is suggested as the locale.  Pat said that some socials should have a speaker.
The Pink Palace is to be taken over and remodeled including outside paint.  The date for closure is not yet known but we may move, at least temporarily, to Ricky’s (formerly the ABC) on King George Blvd.
The next Executive meeting is April 18th at 8 a.m. at Ricky’s.  There will be social that evening.
March 21 Club Social Pot Luck
Deirdre and Brian hosted our club social as a pot luck.  Great food and socializing.
Thanks to all for attending and especially to Deirdre and Brian.
Happy Birthday to Chip
March 14 Meeting
Scribe Mar 14, 2018
Following the anthem led by Don and invocation by Jeff we had a Rotary minute by Deirdre about membership which included her appeal for old copies of the Rotarian magazine.
There were no guests and no guest speaker.
There will be a District Conference at Kwantlen University, 72 Ave and 122 Street, on April 7. We pay for 3 people (used to be 5)  and so far only 2 are going.
R.I.L.A. is being held on an acreage in Washington State.
Jerry and Roberta attended a meeting of a proposed Rotaract Club which so far has 6 of the required 16 members.  They are an energetic group which expect to have 16 members soon.  They are sponsored by 5 clubs.  They meet every second Wednesday at Laura’s Cafe from 6 to 7 pm. and enjoy having Rotarians present.
There are nominees for all Executive positions for next year, but Jeff will carry on if no on comes forward as treasurer.
An e mail went to most members for surplus tools for the learning centre.  Chip will pick up any at member’s convenience as start date is soon.
There will be a Webinar re Annual Giving on April 4.
Jeff proposed moving to Rickey’s during renovations.  A straw vote was taken recommending the move to the executive.
Social next week will be at Deirdre and Brian’s home. An E mail is to follow.
A unanimous vote to create another Honorary Member will go to the executive.
The Sip and Savour cheque is still outstanding.
Jeff questioned the cheque to reimburse Brian.  $1500 Canadian was approved but expense was in U.S.
Roberta passed out a new phone list but was given an up to date list by Jeff.
Roberta presented several possible President’s installation dates and venues.  May 23 at Beacher Street with a caterer seemed to be chosen.
Deirdre reported that Chip has worked hard on the orphanage project.  Chip reported on the justifiable difficulty of getting funds.  Wayne Wiebe is to be contacted for help.
Roberta replaced Scott as Sergeant and collected from everyone.
March 7 Meeting
Scribe March 7 Meeting
After singing of “O Canada”, Peter gave the invocation.
The  club expressed its thanks to Brian for constructing a new stand for the flagpole – no more flagpole injuries.
Scott delivered comments on Rotaract clubs and membership.  Noted that membership in Rotaract can assist student’s applications to University. 
A new Rotaract is being created in the five clubs area.  Meetings are being held every 2nd Wednesday at Laura’s Coffee Shop.  Jerry and Roberta will attend the March 7 meeting.  Ray Paquet is the contact person for this.
The 5 Club breakfast is being held on April 28 at the Star of Sea community center.  Tickets will be available next week.
District training assembly April 7 from 8 to 2 PM at KPU’s Surrey campus.
Rotary Leadership Training Saturday March 10 in Surrey.
Discussed providing of tax receipts to a US citizen for donations to the orphanage.  Jeff provided clarification on this and will provide Brian with more details.
Sergeant at Arms did his usual sterling job.  Pat’s daughter is getting married March 31, his son is engaged and youngest son has been accepted to Internal Medicine.  Great news.
Peter is celebrating his 80th birthday.  A gathering of family and friends is taking place to recognize. Club sang Happy Birthday
Guest speaker was introduced by Don.  Peter Tam from Haney Club presented information on the referendum on Proportional Representation that is taking place in the future. He talked about:
Jeff thanked Peter for his presentation.
February 28 
Scribe February 28, 2018
Present: Pat, Scott, Peter, Deirdre, Roberta, Rick, Jerry, Chip, Brian, Rhonda, Don, Jeff
Scott led “O Canada” followed by Invocation from Roberta.
Peter reviewed the Rotary Breakfast. He has been the club representative on the committee since its inception. This years breakfast will be held at Star of the Sea centre.
Sip and Savour 2018 will take place on October 27 at White Rock Community Center.  No VIP room.  Sponsorships cost $2000.  Question was raised regarding last years payment of $2,050 from the 2017 event.  Jeff will verify the payment.
Reminder that the Charter night for the new Passport Club is being held on Saturday March 3.  Registration is available on the 5050 website.
March’s article in Peace Arch News requires any input that members can provide.
Pat indicated that Renee has requested time off from duties at the club.  She will continue as a full time member once her health improves.  She is willing and interested in continuing to organize the Shred It events.
Jerry circulated a sign up sheet for individual discussions with him, as incoming president, after each morning meeting.  He wishes to obtain members input on the current status of the club and future directions from each member.  This will provide background for developing club vision, goals and a strategic plan.
Jerry also indicated that information from the PETS session indicated that clubs have flexibility in determining membership categories and the characteristics of these categories.  Jeff will research the process involved with making changes to the clubs bylaws.
Motion to Allow family memberships as prescribed by Rotary International.
Family Memberships: second members can pay Rotary Int’l ($60 USD) and District Dues ($40 USD) and be voting members; able to serve on Executive.
Discussed and approved. 
Motion to reimburse Brian for $1,500 that was paid by him to orphanage in Cambodia in order to support the salary of a key worker at the orphanage.  This worker would be forced to leave if her salary increase could not have been paid.
Motion was approved.
White Rock Learning Centre
Moved to approve $1,500 in funding for the Bike program. Brian will investigate provision of equipment and tools.
Approved the request
Jeff stated that the Club has funds of $18,703 on deposit.  Of that amount, $13,142 has been reserved for the Cambodia orphanage, $4,400 has been allocated for community projects and the balance of $1,100 is available for other purposes.  There is also $584 that will be transferred from an account at RBC to the orphanage account.
Sergeant at Arms
Members were fined for not wearing PINK for antibullying campaign, Pat’s daughter (2nd) has announced her engagement with his other daughter’s marriage March 31.  Deirdre and Brian have their 12th grandchild (Dirty dozen).
February 21 Social
Excellent time at the 3 Dogs Brewery.  19 members and guests attended. 
February 14 New Member
Scribe Feb. 14, 2018
Pat Hahn was back.  He rang the bell about 3 minutes late.  He introduced guests of which there were many, Lindajean Coyle, Emery Dosdall, Leslie Singh, Lynn Bonness, Alf Marchi, Rhonda and Herb Latrelle, and guest speaker Rob Prosch.
Given by Rick Singh who talked about diversity and women in Rotary.  While we have come a long way we have a long way to go.
Pat said there were few.  He thanked Jerry for chairing the last couple of meetings, covered the fun night on Feb. 13, asked Peter to represent our club again on the 5 club breakfast committee with its first meeting Feb 15 and pointed out ticket sales are key.
Rhonda was installed by Lindajene who covered our motto “service above self” and was assisted by Rick Singh who proposed Rhonda for membership and gave a lengthy review of her activities.  Rick met Rhonda 12 years ago.  Lindajean pointed out that at the moment of her installation Rhonda was the newest Rotarian in the whole world.
Rob Prosch came from the Everett Mukilteo club and spent the night at Deirdre and Brian’s home.  He spoke about membership.  He was father of 6 children but is now an empty nester.  He told us that from 2011 – 2017 our district lost 220 members but is now increasing.  Our club goal is a net increase of 3 this Rotary year.  It is the duty of every Rotarian to share Rotary.  We need new people for their desire to give back, energy, knowledge, skill and talents.  Every club needs a legacy that it is known for.  We are not recruiting – we are attracting people who join of their own accord.  We need to wear our pins and have a short elevator speech ready when asked about Rotary or the pin.  People join Rotary for local projects (92%) and gain an appreciation of International Projects later.
We should invite guests to social events at least quarterly.  We should not drop potential members after a refusal but keep inviting them.
Jeff Richards thanked Rob.
February 7 Meeting
Scribe Feb 7, 2018
Jerry Zdril chaired the meeting again and rang the bell almost on time but apologized for being a bit late saying he was hoping for more arrivals.  Even so Jeff was late saying he went first to the learning centre which is where our speaker came from.  He knew he was wrong because there were no cars there.
Scott was welcomed back to lead the national anthem.
Jeff read a rotary minute from the Rotarian magazine.
Jerry repeated announcements:
   President’s peace conference; 
   Rotary Leadership Institute;
   District Training Assembly; 
   5 club event in which former member, Karen, is preparing mixers;
   and new item RILA for 2018.  There are only 60 spaces so nominees should be forwarded soon.
Don passed Save on gift cards to Rick Singh, who got a promise to buy from Scott.
Next Week we will have a speaker on membership and will install our newest member.  Several important guests will be present. PLEASE ATTEND IF POSSIBLE
Our next social will either be at 3 Dog Brewing or the Afghan Restaurant.  E mail to follow.
Dierdre introduced Janice Smith , a teacher at the learning centre, who introduced Rory Brown who is trying to start several “hands on” projects at the learning centre.  There is a cooking program including a community garden, the bike program that we heard of before, and a carving program.  In answer to questions Rory and others said that they need several of each tool and that owning is better than the present practice of borrowing.  It was suggested that our club needs a learning centre project. There may be many tools available in South Surrey as people downsize.  There are a number of similar projects including Restart whose closest centre is in Richmond.
Scott thanked the speaker and asked that the Learning Centre talk to us about specific needs.  He said we all know people that may be able to help.
January 31 Meeting
Nancy Walton
Scribe Jan 31
Jerry Zdril chaired this meeting and will chair the next one in the absence of Pat Hahn.  Jerry characterized this as practice for when he becomes president.  Jerry mentioned guest, Nancy Walton and said she will be further introduced later.
Rotary minute – Jerry talked about the recent article on Jimmy Carter and his comment about low income people who should not be underestimated and should be respected.
Jerry announced :
1. Peace Keeping conference in Vancouver Feb 9.  Two of our members are registered so far. 
2. Rotary Leadership Institute to be held in Surrey Mar. 10.  It will include all 3 levels and the grad level. 
3. District Training Assembly to be held April 7.  Each club is billed for 3 or more attendees. 
4. Changes to global grant forms.  (email to follow) 
5. Passport to Fun to be held Feb 8.  This is a replacement for the 5 club event at the trotting track.  It is expected that there will be more mixing.  Dierdre has tickets.  A volunteer is required to run the bar for one hour (Al Benson volunteered). Rotary banner is to be taken. 
6. A vote will be taken re the Hospital Foundation raising funds for an all access park.  A 5 club fund raiser was suggested as opposed to just writing a cheque. 
7. There will be vote re advertising 5 clubs in a new magazine. 
8. SASSY is again looking for funds.  We have always refused. $1750 is requested this year.
March 3 is the charter night for the new Surrey Passport Club according to Sean Hogan. (e mail to follow).
A student has requested $100 to attend a course in Ottawa in late April.  We generally do not support individuals.
Deirdre reported that some slow progress has been made on getting a Battamberg Rotary Club involved in our orphanage and grant request.
A beer fest in the park may be held on a summer Sunday.  Our club would provide labor.
SPEAKER Rick Singh introduced Nancy Walton, Treasurer at Autism Support Network in BC
Nancy handed out a brochure, talked about Autism, and showed videos.  The cause of Autism is not known but there are new treatments.  Expert help costs $100 - $200 per hour.  Nancy has a 20 year old autistic son, who holds down a job as a dish washer, and a daughter.  She gave an interesting talk and spoke of her own experiences.
Don thanked Nancy for her talk and appreciated the difficulty in raising an Autistic child.
January 24 Meeting
Meeting started at 7:15. Don led the singing of "O Canada" and Al gave the invocation.
Pat opened with a brief overview of the agenda. Members approved the  commencement of the Executive Meeting.
Members approved a motion to allow all members to provide their input and vote at the meeting.
President's report:
1. There was a proposal to have a presentation on "proportional representation in BC" from an outside group.  Members voted in favor of inviting the group to a future meeting.
2. A discussion on our club participating in advertising in a new publication "What's On - White Rock".  Pros and cons were discussed.  A motion to "Not support the advertising in the publication" was deferred to a future meeting.  Pat will investigate this at the 5 Club Presidents meeting and report back.
3.  Discussion on Global Grant.  Pat and Jerry attended the seminar.  Deirdre updated the Cambodian Orphanage status.  Communications with the Rotary club in Cambodia continues.  Jeff indicated that there are sufficient funds ($13,000) to provide for the clubs contribution to the Grant.  
Publicity report:
Joanne continues to work with Peace Arch News.
Deirdre suggested the members drop the monthly "Rotary Canada" newsletter to Dr's offices.  Stickers to attach to the front of the publication will be provided.
No report
We will likely need to move temporarily to a new location for our meetings while the Pacific Inn is being renovated.
On Feb 8 there is a 5 club social "Passport to Fun" being held at the Rotary Fieldhouse starting at 6 PM. Tickets are $25 each.
Pat described the Rotary's Avenues of Service.
Sophie's Place continues to work with PADS to have a dog placement.
Urban Impact update.  Pat will work with Renee to define the nature of the relationship between our Club and Urban Impact with regards to the funds raised at the ShredIt event. 
Members agreed that the incoming president (Jerry) will provide a listing of items that have been agreed on in 2017/18 by the executive.  These items will be carried over to the new year 2018/19 as necessary.
There was a discussion on the Container programme located at Riverview.  A follow up will be provided.
The incoming president will be sending out an email to all members asking for them to indicate their interest in executive positions for the upcoming year.
Don reminded members of Save On card program.
January 10 Meeting
Meeting commenced at 7:15 AM.  Scott led the singing of "O Canada".  Peter gave the invocation for the day.
Pat reported on the following:
1. Gave Rotary pins to Jerry as President Elect and to Scott as Sergeant at Arms.  Congratulations to both of them
2. Also gave a special Rotary pin to Scott in recognition of his support of the Rotary Foundation.  Congratulations Scott.
3. Thanked all of the members who set up and were involved with making the Christmas Party a success.
4. The Rotary Grant seminar is taking place Jan 20th at the Rotary fieldhouse from 9 AM to 2 PM.  Pat and Jerry are registered - other members are invited to attend. Both district and global grants will be discussed at this seminar.
5.  A 5 club mixer will be held on February 8 at the Rotary fieldhouse from 6:30 to 10 PM.  Cost is $25 per person, with a cash bar.  Deirdre has tickets if you are interested in attending.
Alan, Deirdre and Chip reported on the Polar Bear Swim.  4,000 people watched over 500 swimmers go into the water.  Brian and Chip went in along with members of Brian's family.
Scott was the Sergeant at Arms and collected from all in attendance.
Next weeks meeting, January 17, will be our social.  Booking at Cosmos restaurant 14871 Marine Drive will be made.  Members will be notified by email with details.
Executive meeting for January 17 is rescheduled - date to be confirmed.
Jerry presented to members details on his recent trip to Ethiopia.  
Welcome back 
Welcome back to all members.  Hope your holiday season was a happy one.
Welcome  back to a new year of Rotary events, socials, community and international activities.
NOTE:  We are now meeting in the room off the lounge (back left corner of Pacific Inn main floor).  
Also, we meet at 7:00 AM with meeting to commence sharp at 7:15.