ImageMaxine Larmour and Jesse spoke about the Youth Collective.  Youth in White Rock/South Surrey are getting into trouble because they are bored.  Alexandra Neighbourhood House is trying to solve this problem in part by having a meeting place and activities.  They have found a place near the Whaleing Wall but need a lot of money on a long term basis for rent and operating costs.  These ladies and some of the youth have made presentations to several groups and have been well received


ImageThe South Surrey/White Rock Youth Collective


Youth Collective Mission Statement:

Working together to create a fun, accepting environment where all teens can connect with others.

Youth Collective Vision Statement:

The South Surrey/White Rock Youth Space will be an accepting, safe and sober space for youth to have fun, escape their worries and express themselves in a positive way.

The South Surrey/White Rock (SS/WR) Youth Collective are a diverse group of volunteer youth, aged 13 to 21 years, from all the high schools in South Surrey/White Rock who are working hard to plan and establish a safe space for youth in the South Surrey/White Rock area.

The South Surrey/White Rock Youth Collective are supported in their goals by Alexandra Neighbourhood House staff and members of the South Surrey, White Rock Child and Youth Committee.

The goal of the Youth Space Pilot Project is to open a youth space pilot project in the uptown area of South Surrey/White Rock in January 2015. The Youth Collective envision the SS/WR Youth Space to be a safe, welcoming and friendly place for all youth to create a real future for themselves. This is a space that is led by youth for youth; is a place to connect; gain life skills; to inspire and be inspired; to help youth discover their passions; develop leadership skills; gain employment skills; get help for personal problems; plan events and activities; and connect with community.

To date the Youth Collective have presented their case to local government, various business and community groups, identified best practices in other youth spaces and promoted the project through various events including a pop-up youth space at Surrey Steps Up and Alex Fest.

The Youth Collective have recently identified a potential space, and need the following support:

  • Financial support for a pilot project
  • Sharing business expertise & skills

ImageThis is a unique opportunity for community and business to invest in the wellbeing and success of the youth in our community.

Contact Info:

Youth Collective Email: