September 14 Meeting
Scribe Sep 14, 2016
O’Canada started on the count of 3 – not very well.
Bob Gray was not present so Pat Hahn gave an invocation about sports teams and Rotary.
There was minimal introduction of guests as the only guest was the speaker who would be introduced later.
Renee showed us that our club was written up in the PADS annual booklet with publicity given to planned fund raisers.
NEXT MEETING is a social dinner at Sheila’s Bistro next Wednesday EVENING (6 pm). Sheila’s is behind Wallmart, south of 24th.
Cliff Annibel was introduced by Pat. Cliff is a long time member of Semiahmoo Rotary. He started his talk with a joke about exercise for older people. He also told us about Alexander Fleming. He passed out pens and a Chamber of Commerce booklet. He told us that Jeff and Rick are board members of the Chamber. The Chamber has the same problem of retention of members as other organizations including Rotary. Cliff blamed it on people going home in the evening and staying there. One of the Chamber projects of interest to us is a list of planned events in the area. See Also on page 8 of booklet handed out.
There was discussion of the BIA (Business Improvement Association) of White Rock. It receives $300,000 of taxpayer funds which some people think is excessive. Recently an executive director resigned after 26 months which is longer than the 18 months average.
There is a shortage of hotel rooms in south Surrey. A new hotel could be a 5 Rotary Club project. New Westminster did it.
The Rotary Field House was reviewed. There are 16 members of the society and 16 shares. It is the only P3 in Surrey. We will get a key and the alarm code.
SATURDAY is the shred it event at the Ocean Park Safeway parking lot. Be there – 10am to 2 pm.