Salvation Army - Christmas Kettles
Speaker, Ken Kimberly was introduced by Dierdre.
Ken told of a 1910 telegram reduced to one word, “Others”. That is the Salvation Army theme. The kettle campaign started in 1891 to feed 1000 people. It grew in one year to 1400 people. It started in Canada in 1903 in Toronto. There are 22 kettles in our area now. It satisfies many needs as a source of income for the Salvation Army the whole year. Many of the kettle attendants are considered by many to be unemployable but Salvation Army employs them, trains them and gives them letters of recommendation. Among other things they exhibit punctuality and responsibility. So far this year 3 of these so called “unemployables” have been employed. It is hoped to raise $160000 this year. Among the programs that are run is a Seniors Drop in including a $2 lunch and fellowship with speakers. Salvation Army also runs a food bank that is not associated with the Federation of Food Banks. They also have Save On gift cards the same as Rotary. They give toys to 220 children though it is difficult to find a place for this and the adult distributions. They no longer own thrift stores but do give out vouchers for it. They also assist with prescriptions, diapers, school supplies and transportation. All of the above are things done for “Others”.
A collection was taken and matched to provide $1000 to the Salvation Army