President Deirdre's update for November 19, 2014
President Deirdre welcomed Incoming District Governor Bill Robson, Assistant District Governor Linda Coyle and Rotary International Liaison Dean Rohrs. Peter introduced Guest Sandy Kaplin.
President Deirdre reminded all of the Bowling Social this Friday evening at Sandcastle Lanes, the Leadership Forum on Saturday and the XMAS Social planned for December 12.
Stuart gave a brief report on latest developments with the Cambodia Orphanage and the request for funding for further education. To date two children have been selected for support by individual Rotarian's from the Club. The kitchen renovation plans have now been received and are being let to local contractors for final estimates and construction details. The club has approved previously the use of the funds raised from last year's Fools Night Out to support these kitchen renovations.
Scott led the Club in the singing of Happy Birthday to Stuart for his recent birthday and also extracted a large cheque from Stuart for deposit to the Rotary Foundation.