August 31 Meeting
Scribe Aug. 31 by Peter Herz
Today is our last meeting of summer and it is raining for the first time in a long time. We have 15 or 16 people present, which is good for us. Guests include Lindagene Coyle and Speaker, John Edwards, who are both members of the district membership committee. Pat called the meeting to order. O’Canada was led well by Don Boyce and Stuart Wilson gave the invocation. Geoff was the 16th arrival – late as usual.
Rick Singh led a discussion of our next social. A proposal to have a wine tasting and possible dinner was put off to October. A restaurant dinner is proposed for September. Sheila’s Bistro and the Darby were suggested. A decision will be announced next week.
Lindagene thanked the club for participating in the golf fun. Geoff will produce a cheque today.
Shred-a thon is September 17th. Posters were handed out to those who did not get them last week.
Pat talked about why Rotarians do what they do. We do it because we want to. We want to because we want to improve lives. Rotary was started in Chicago by 3 people for fellowship but that was not enough so first projects were a comfort station and a horse for a Dr. to make house calls – both improving lives.
People can put their profiles on “Rotary Networking Plus” which has been improved so if you tried and had problems before – try, try again.
Speaker, John Edwards, was introduced by Deirdre.
John was a candidate for Mayor of Surrey in the last election. His topic was membership. His membership committee has co chairs in Canada and the U.S. Rotary lost 10% of its members in the last few years though N. America was better than average. Rotary is a global brand and very big but things only happen locally. Reasons for joining and staying are similar – with 60% of people saying that impact on the community and or new friendships are their reasons. Our customers are our members and they need to be treated well. They want local impact, friends and contacts, vocations and to meet leaders.
Clubs need to plan for new members, everyone needs to know everyone’s first name, we must be realistic in recruiting (some people will join for self interest and will leave if their pet project is promised but not met. The purpose of regular meetings is to get to know each other and to plan local and international projects. While 100% retention is the goal it probably will not be met but it is improved if we have fun. Every member has a role in attracting new and retaining members. Reasons for leaving and remedies are: Orientation – watch for quiet people, induction – make it special and personal, Friendship – is the number 1 reason for staying, Involvement – get and keep new people involved, knowledge – teach and keep new people informed.
Some resources are the R.I. web site, the Peace Arch Journal and the District web site and executives. The 12 letters outlined in these sources are not used by this club.
There is no magic bullet.
A questionnaire was handed out.